- 2. 1. Word-Structure and Morphemes Morphe – ‘form’ + -eme. The Greek suffix – eme has been
- 3. MORPHEMES Morphemes cannot be segmented into smaller units without losing their constitutive essence (two-facetedness) – association
- 4. SEGMENTATION OF WORDS INTO MORPHEMES Boiler = boil- + er; Driller = drill- + er ;
- 5. SEGMENTATION OF WORDS INTO MORPHEMES flower-pot = flower- + -pot; shoe-lace = shoe- + -lace; Like
- 6. Word-cluster please pleasing pleasure pleasant [pli:z] [pli:z] [pleʒ] [plez] All the representations of the given morpheme
- 7. The root-morphemes in the word-clusters Duke [dju:k], ducal ['dju:kl], duchess [‘d˄tʃiƨ], duchy [‘d˄tʃi] or Poor [puə]
- 8. 2.1. Semantic Classification of Morphemes Root-morphemes (radicals) - the lexical nucleus of words, which has an
- 9. Non-root morphemes Non-root morphemes include inflectional morphemes (inflections) and affixational morphemes (affixes). Inflections carry only grammatical
- 10. 2.2. Structural Classification of Morphemes A free morpheme - one that coincides with the stem or
- 11. All unique roots and pseudo-roots are-bound morphemes. Such are the root-morphemes theor- in theory, theoretical, etc.,
- 12. Semi-bound (semi-free) morphemes -morphemes that can function in a morphemic sequence both as an affix and
- 13. The relationship between the two classifications of morphemes
- 14. Word-structure on the morphemic level: 1st Group - Combining forms are morphemes borrowed namely from Greek
- 15. The 2nd Group embraces morphemes occupying a kind of intermediate position, morphemes that are changing their
- 16. 3. TYPES OF MEANING IN MORPHEMES In morphemes can be singled out different types of meaning
- 17. 3.1. LEXICAL MEANING Root-morphemes have an individual lexical meaning shared by no other morphemes in the
- 18. Morphemes may be also analyzed into denotational and connotational components: The connotational component of meaning may
- 19. The affixational morphemes with the same denotational meaning sometimes differ only in connotation: the morphemes –ly,
- 20. Stylistic reference may be found in morphemes of different types: the affixational morphemes – -ine (chlorine),
- 21. 3.2. DIFFERENTIAL MEANING Differential meaning is the semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from
- 22. 3.2. DISTRIBUTIONAL MEANING Distributional meaning is the meaning of the order and arrangement of morphemes making
- 23. 3.4. PART-OF-SPEECH MEANING Part-of-speech meaning is the indicative of the part of speech to which a
- 24. 4. MORPHEMIC TYPES OF WORDS According to the number of morphemes words are classified into monomorphic
- 25. Polymorphic words according to the number of root-morphemes are classified into: Monoradical words (having one-root morpheme)
- 26. Polyradical words (having words consisting of two or more roots) fall into two subtypes: polyradical words
- 27. 5. TYPES OF WORD-SEGMENTABILITY Word-segmentability is the division of words into morphemes. Three types of morphemic
- 28. 5.1. COMPLETE SEGMENTABILITY Complete segmentability is characteristic of words, the morphemic structure of which is transparent
- 29. The morphemes making up words of complete segmentability are called morpheme proper or full morphemes The
- 30. 5.2. CONDITIONAL SEGMENTSBILITY Conditional segmentability characterizes words whose segmentation into the constituent morphemes is doubtful for
- 31. Neither [ri-], [di-] nor [-tain], [si:v] possess any lexical or part-of-speech meaning of their own. They
- 32. The morphemes making up words of conditional segmentability do not rise to the status of full
- 33. 5.3. DEFECTIVE SEGMENTABILITY Defective segmentability is the property of words whose component morphemes seldom or never
- 34. In the word hamlet деревушка the morpheme -let has the meaning of diminutiveness. This morpheme occurs
- 35. comparison with words Locket медальон, lionet, cellaret погребец, etc. leads one to the isolation of the
- 36. The isolation of the morpheme -et leaves in the word pocket the sound-cluster [роk] that does
- 37. The morphemic analysis of words like cranberry, gooseberry, strawberry shows that they also possess defective morphemic
- 38. on the level of morphemic analysis the linguist has to operate with two types of elementary
- 39. 7. PROCEDURE OF MORPHEMIC ANALYSIS The procedure of segmenting words into the constituent morphemes is known
- 40. At each stage these two components are referred to as the Immediate constituents (ICs). Each IC
- 41. The noun friendliness is first segmented into the ICs: friendly- (recurring in the adjectives friendly and
- 42. The procedure of segmenting a word into its Ultimate Constituent morphemes
- 43. 8. PRINCIPLES OF WORD-SEGMENTATION According to the affix principle the segmentation of the word into its
- 44. According to the root principle the identification of the root-morpheme agree- in the words agreeable, agreement,
- 45. Summary and Conclusions: There are two levels of approach to the study of word-structure: the level
- 46. Summary and Conclusions: Three types of morphemic segmentability of words are distinguished in linguistic literature: complete,
- 47. Summary and Conclusions: Semantically morphemes fall into root-morphemes and affixational morphemes (prefixes and suffixes); structurally into
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