- 3. I. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GROUPING WORDS Two basic principles of grouping words: to classify words proceeding
- 4. SEMANTIC CLASSES (CATEGORIES): Synonyms; Antonyms; Lexical & terminological sets; Lexico-semantic groups; Semantic fields;
- 5. II. SYNONYMY Synonymy - the kind of semantic relations that implies the coincidence in the essential
- 6. 2.1. SYNONYMS Synonyms - words belonging to one part of speech, close in meaning and interchangeable
- 7. The degree of semantic proximity is estimated in terms of aspect of meaning: the denotational; the
- 8. The difference in connotation: famous - ‘known widely, having fame’ and notorious ‘widely known because of
- 9. 2.2.CLASSIFICATION OF SYNONYMS Stylistic synonymy implies no interchangeability in context because the underlying situations are different,
- 10. Ideographic synonymy presents a still lower degree of semantic proximity and is observed when the connotational
- 11. Ideographic-stylistic synonymy is characterized by the lowest degree of semantic proximity. e.g. ask – inquire, expect
- 12. SYNONYMIC DOMINANT - a dominant element, which is the most general term potentially containing the specific
- 13. 2.3. EUPHEMISM - is substitution of words of mild or vague connotations for expressions rough, unpleasant.
- 14. III. ANTONYMY 3.1. ANTONYMS Antonyms – a class of words grouped together on the basis of
- 15. SEMANTICALLY ANTONYMS ARE CLASSIFIED INTO Contradictories represent the type of semantic relations that exist between pairs
- 16. Contraries (gradable antonyms) are antonyms that can be arranged into a series according to the increasing
- 17. Incompatibles - antonyms which are characterized by the relations of exclusion: morning - afternoon, evening -
- 18. INTERCHANGEABILITY OF ANTOMYMS Polysemy may be analysed through synonymy: handsome can be singled out by means
- 19. 4.1. LEXICAL AND TERMINOLOGICAL SETS Lexical sets are words denoting things correlated on extralinguistic groups form:
- 20. 4.2. LEXICO-SEMANTIC GROUPS Lexico-semantic group unites words describing sides of one and the same general notion
- 21. Lexico-semantic groups of words The word saleswoman may be analysed into the semantic components ‘human’, ‘female’,
- 22. Different meanings of polysemantic words make it possible to refer the same word to different lexico-semantic
- 23. The verb ‘take’ in combination with any member of the lexical group denoting means of transportation
- 24. 4.3. SEMANTIC FIELDS A semantic field - is a large group of words of different parts
- 25. Semantic Fields: of colours: blue, red, yellow, black, etc. of kinship terms: mother, father, brother, cousin,
- 26. The word ‘captain’ cannot be properly understood until we know the semantic field in which this
- 27. Kinship terms in Russian and in English the meaning of the English term mother-in-law is different
- 28. Semantic field of ‘space’: nouns: expanse, extent, surface, etc.; verbs: extend, spread, span, etc.; Adjectives: spacious,
- 29. The correlation between the semantic classes may be graphically presented by means of concentric circles (diagram).
- 30. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Classification of vocabulary into thematic groups is based on common contextual associations. Contextual
- 31. The main criterion underlying semantic classification of vocabulary items on the paradigmatic axis is the type
- 32. The criterion of common concept serves to classify words into semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups. Semantic
- 33. Synonymy and antonymy are correlative and sometimes overlapping notions. Synonymous relationship of the denotational meaning is
- 34. It is suggested that the term synonyms should be used to describe words different in sound-form
- 35. The term antоnуms is to be applied to words different in sound-form characterised by different types
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