- 2. YOUR GAME The 1st round
- 3. What country is the largest in the UK? 10 points England
- 4. What are the biggest cities in the UK? Name 5. 10 points London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester,
- 5. 10 points Big Ben
- 6. What memorial can you see in Trafalgar Square in London? 10 points The Statue of admiral
- 7. What is the official residence of the British Queen in London? 10 points Buckingham Palace
- 8. When do the British celebrate St. Valentine’s Day? 10 points 14, February
- 9. Where do parents put Christmas presents for their children? 10 points In stockings or socks
- 10. What are the symbols of Easter? 10 points Eggs, rabbits
- 11. What holidays do British students have? 10 points summer, autumn, winter, spring holidays
- 12. What holidays do the British celebrate with one week interval ? 10 points Christmas, New Year
- 13. “What are the oldest and the most prestigious universities in the UK?” 10 points Oxford, Cambridge
- 14. What river does the capital of the UK stand on? 10 points The Thames
- 15. The people say the monster lives in this famous British lake. 10 points Loch Ness
- 16. How many countries are there in the UK ? 10 points England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
- 17. How many colours are there in the British flag? 10 points
- 18. How many seas is Great Britain washed by? 10 points Two seas
- 19. YOUR GAME The 2nd round
- 20. a pig in a poke: What is the name of the English Queen? 10 points Elisabeth
- 21. What name of a famous person comes to your mind when you look at the map
- 22. Tell us the names of the British group “Beatles” 30 points R. Star, P. McCartney, J.
- 23. What museum did Madame Tussaud create? 40 points The museum of wax figures
- 24. This game can be played either on the table or on the court 10 points Tennis
- 25. It’s a popular English game. It is played with an oval – shaped ball 20 points
- 26. It’s a popular English game. The final competition takes place on London stadium Wembly in May.
- 27. What kind of game is in the English sport centre Wimbledon played? 40 points Tennis
- 28. It’s one of the favourite animal – racing of the British Queen? What animals take place
- 29. the auction question: What is the traditional Scottish men’s clothes? 10 points Kilt
- 30. The traditional English breakfast consists of 4 dishes. What are they? 20 points Bacon and eggs,
- 31. Traditionally Englishmen say: “My home is my …. 30 points castle.”
- 32. How is the English tradition to have tea in the afternoon called? 40 points 5 o’clock
- 33. a pig in a poke: Name 3 symbols of Halloween. 50 points Pumpkins, ghosts, witches
- 34. Who opens the Parliament every year? 30 points The Queen
- 35. What is the name of Maugly’s author? 10 points R. Kipling
- 36. What are the names of two popular gentlemen, the characters of A. C. Doyle’s works? 20
- 37. YOUR GAME The 3rd round
- 38. 1. Что, по английской традиции, привязывают к автомобилю новобрачных? запасную канистру с бензином; пустые консервные банки;
- 39. 3. Какой город в настоящее время является столицей Германии? Лейпциг; Берлин; Бонн; Гамбург. 4. Как рычит
- 40. 6. Кто приносит на Пасху в Германии разноцветные яйца? кенгуру; курица; заяц; черепаха. 7. Поднятый флаг
- 41. 8. По традиции, к чаю в Англии подают... блины с икрой; сэндвич с огурцом; пиццу; ножки
- 42. 10. Символом Уэльса является... чеснок; лук-порей; репчатый лук; петрушка. 11. Общей чертой, объединяющей всех американских президентов,
- 43. 12. Назовите американского президента, который дольше всех находился у власти. Гарри Трумэн; Франклин Рузвельт; Дуайт Эйзенхауэр;
- 44. 13. Halloween - это национальный праздник... Америки; Англии 3. Германии; России. 14. Великобритания - это... остров;
- 45. 15. Любимый вид охоты англичан - охота на.. зайца; лису; медведя; кабана.
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