Zakony_obschenia_angl (2)


Слайд 2

The laws of communication are stable relationships and interrelations between the participants

INTRODUCTION The laws of communication are stable relationships and interrelations between the
of a communicative situation, repeated in different communicative situations.

Слайд 3


The laws of communication (communicative laws) describe what happens between interlocutors in

INTRODUCTION The laws of communication (communicative laws) describe what happens between interlocutors
the process of communication.
Communicative laws are implemented in communication regardless of who is talking about what, for what purpose and in what situation.

Слайд 4

1. The law of mirror reflection

The interlocutors unconsciously imitate each other's style.

1. The law of mirror reflection The interlocutors unconsciously imitate each other's
For example, if a person begins to speak in a whisper, then his partner also goes to a whisper.
This law can be used to neutralize conflict situations.

Слайд 5

2. The law of dependence of the result of communication on the

2. The law of dependence of the result of communication on the
volume of communicative efforts

The more effort the speaker expends, the more effective their communication is.
Short requests and orders are executed with less desire, because they are perceived as impolite and aggressive.

Слайд 6

3. The Law of increasing impatience of listeners

The longer the speaker speaks,

3. The Law of increasing impatience of listeners The longer the speaker
the more inattentive and impatient the listeners show.
Effective communication lasts 10 minutes.

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4. The law of falling intelligence of the audience with an increase

4. The law of falling intelligence of the audience with an increase
in its size

The more people listen to you, the lower the average intelligence of the audience.
In a crowd, a person becomes less critical, more trusting, more emotional, less logical, and more easily influenced by the environment.

Слайд 8

5. The law of communication rhythm
The ratio of speaking and silence in

5. The law of communication rhythm The ratio of speaking and silence
the speech of each person is a constant value.
This means that each person needs a certain time to speak and a certain time to be silent.

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6. The law of speech self-action

The verbal expression of an idea or

6. The law of speech self-action The verbal expression of an idea
emotion forms this idea or emotion in the speaker.
If a person explains something to the other person in their own words, they themselves better understand the essence of what is being told.

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7. The Law of rejection of public criticism

A person rejects public criticism.

7. The Law of rejection of public criticism A person rejects public
person has a high internal self-esteem. We all consider ourselves very smart, knowledgeable and doing the right thing. Therefore, any criticism in the process of communication is perceived by us as a doubt in our competence and ability to make independent decisions.

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7. The law rejection of public criticism

When criticism is made in the

7. The law rejection of public criticism When criticism is made in
presence of other people, it is rejected almost 100% of the time.

Слайд 12

8. The law of attraction of criticism

The more you stand out from

8. The law of attraction of criticism The more you stand out
others, the more you are maligned and the more people criticize your actions.
A. Schopenhauer wrote: "The higher you rise above the crowd, the more attention you attract, the more you will be maligned."

Слайд 13

8. The law of attraction of criticism

But don't be too afraid

8. The law of attraction of criticism But don't be too afraid
of criticism.
If you succeed, the taunts [tɔːnt] (насмешки) will turn into congratulations (поздравления).

Слайд 14

9. The law of information distortion during transmission («the act damaged phone»)


9. The law of information distortion during transmission («the act damaged phone»)
more people transmit this or that information, the more likely it is to be distorted.

Слайд 15

10. Law detailed discussion of the details

People are more willing to focus

10. Law detailed discussion of the details People are more willing to
on discussing minor questions, and are willing to spend more time on this than on discussing important questions.

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10. Law detailed discussion of the details (example /illustration)

American sociologist and author

10. Law detailed discussion of the details (example /illustration) American sociologist and
S. Parkinson cites the example of the act: a discussion of the allocation of multi-million dollar loan for the construction of a nuclear reactor is the control of the company two minutes, and discussion on the issue of approval of the sum of 35 shillings a month for coffee, for meetings of a Committee - an hour and a quarter.

Слайд 17

11. The law of emotional absorption of logic

In a person in an

11. The law of emotional absorption of logic In a person in
emotional state, logic is disabled.
You can't convince a man like that.
You need to calm him down, show consent, and thus reduce his level of arousal.
Only then can we discuss the situation with them.

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12.The Law of trust in simple words

The simpler your thoughts and words,

12.The Law of trust in simple words The simpler your thoughts and
the better you are understood and believed.

Слайд 19

13. The law of speech absorption of emotion

When the speaker talks about

13. The law of speech absorption of emotion When the speaker talks
an emotion, it disappears (compare: cry for someone's life).

Слайд 20

14. The law of primary rejection of a new idea

A new, unusual

14. The law of primary rejection of a new idea A new,
idea is rejected at the first moment.
Conclusion: no idea can be rejected immediately - there may be a rational grain in it.
As the Chinese proverb says, "a barber soaps before shaving."

Слайд 21

15. The law of communicative remarks

If someone starts screaming at us, we

15. The law of communicative remarks If someone starts screaming at us,
always want to tell them: «Stop shouting!».
If he started to speak softly, we want to say:
- Speak up!

Слайд 22

15. The law of communicative remarks

If he begins to command, to order,

15. The law of communicative remarks If he begins to command, to
we say:
- Why do you command here?
Ashamed of the man we're talking about:
- Go ahead, don't be shy!
Bouncer [ˈbaʊnsə] : "What are you bragging about?"

Слайд 23

16. Law of accelerated dissemination of negative information
«Bad news doesn't lie still».

16. Law of accelerated dissemination of negative information «Bad news doesn't lie

Negative information spreads faster than positive information.
People pay more attention to negative facts, and positive factors are taken as the norm.

Слайд 24

17. The law of emotional contagion

Individuals with the same emotional state tend

17. The law of emotional contagion Individuals with the same emotional state
to unite.
Compare: friends in misfortune.
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