Antarctica is the fifth largest continent

Слайд 2

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Задание- сделайте конспект на основе информации в презентации, запишите в тетради с переводом

Слайд 3

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent. It is located over the south

Antarctica is the fifth largest continent. It is located over the south
pole. The total surface area is about 14.2 million sq km.

In summer its approximately twice the size of Australia. In winter Antarctica doubles in size.

Слайд 4

Why is Antarctica so cold ?

1. Sun raises fall on Antarctica at

Why is Antarctica so cold ? 1. Sun raises fall on Antarctica
a very small angle, this means little sunlight reaches it.

Слайд 5

2. Antarctica is the highest continent with an average elevation above sea

2. Antarctica is the highest continent with an average elevation above sea level of 2,300m
level of 2,300m

Слайд 6

3. Antarctica has a large landmass.

3. Antarctica has a large landmass.

Слайд 7

Antarctica can be classified as a dessert, because it gets only about

Antarctica can be classified as a dessert, because it gets only about
50mm of fallout, less than the Sahara!

Слайд 8

Antarctica is the coldest and the windiest continent.
The lowest temperature recorded on

Antarctica is the coldest and the windiest continent. The lowest temperature recorded
earth is -82,2 c and the fastest wind was 320km/hr.

Слайд 10

Large icebergs are formed at the coasts and glaciers clave off into

Large icebergs are formed at the coasts and glaciers clave off into the sea.
the sea.

Слайд 11

There are at least two active volcanoes in Antarctica.

There are at least two active volcanoes in Antarctica.

Слайд 12

What kind of plants and animals are there in antarctica?

Vegetation is limited

What kind of plants and animals are there in antarctica? Vegetation is
to about 350 species of mostly lichens mosses and algae. Some algae prefer to live in the rock rather than on it.

Слайд 13

The surrounding ocean is filled with marine life, especially krill.
Six species of

The surrounding ocean is filled with marine life, especially krill. Six species
seals and twelve species of birds live and breed in the Arctic.
Имя файла: Antarctica-is-the-fifth-largest-continent.pptx
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