Слайд 2Edinburgh castle
the most popular among Scottish castles

Слайд 3Stounhendzh
It consists of a ring and horseshoe facilities

Слайд 4London to eyes
The project of spouses arhitektorov Devida Marksa and Julia

Слайд 5Chatsworth House in Derbyshire
one of the most magnificent "home-treasuries"

Слайд 6Gayd-park
(anhl. Hyde Park) – park area of 1.4 km² in center

Londona. From the west beside him Kensinhtonskie sady. Traditsiyni place of political rallies and festivals
Слайд 7Silverstone
Avtodrom It is the most famous British track host Grand Prix UK

in the class of Formula 1
Слайд 8The culture of the United Kingdom is rich and diverse. On it

is influenced by many factors: the insular nature of the state, the country's history as one of the leaders of Western democracy and a significant military and political player, as well as the fact that the country was formed as a result of the union of four separate states, each of which maintained its own traditions, habits and symbols. Thanks to the British Empire British cultural influence, in turn, can be traced in language, culture and legal systems of many of the countries of the former colonies, including Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.