Game Teacher

Слайд 2





Playing computer

Collecting coins



Hobbies Collecting stamps Collecting dolls Reading Playing computer games Collecting coins Cinema Theatre

Слайд 3

Film Programme Comedy Detective film Black - and- white film Interval Video

Film Programme Comedy Detective film Black - and- white film Interval Video
Musical Historical film Colour film

фильм программа комедия детектив черно-белый фильм интервал видео музыкальный фильм исторический фильм цветной фильм

Слайд 4

Game "Teacher"

- What is the English for...?

- The English for

Game "Teacher" - What is the English for...? - The English for

Слайд 5

Game "Correspondent"

1. Are you a cinema - goer ?

2. What

Game "Correspondent" 1. Are you a cinema - goer ? 2. What
films do you like to see: comedies, musicals, historical or detective films ?

3. Do you watch videos at home ?

4. What film did you watch last time ?

Слайд 6

a feature film художественный фильм

a cartoon мультфильм

a documentary film документальный

a feature film художественный фильм a cartoon мультфильм a documentary film документальный

besides кроме того

to be full of smth быть полным чего-то

through сквозь, через

to care - питать интерес

Слайд 7

Make up your own sentences.

Make up your own sentences.
Имя файла: Game-Teacher.pptx
Количество просмотров: 51
Количество скачиваний: 0