Welcome to school

Слайд 2

Welcome to our school website

Secondary School №16
Derbent, Daghestan
About us
School life
English classes
Contact us.

Welcome to our school website Secondary School №16 Derbent, Daghestan About us
Hello! My name is Fatima. I am a fifth form pupil of School №16. I invite you to visit our new school website. The address of school website is – www. Derbent school № 16.ru. Here you can find information about our school, our teachers, pupils, our English classes, school holidays and events. You can see a lot of interesting photos. I hope you will be glad to visit us.

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About us.

This is our school. It was built many years ago.

About us. This is our school. It was built many years ago.
It is old, but cosy and nice. Our school is two storeyed building. There are a lot of light classrooms here. We have a nice schoolyard with a lot of trees and a playground.

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About us.

Here you can see our head teacher, teachers, our

About us. Teachers. Students. Here you can see our head teacher, teachers,
pupils and their parents.

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About us.
These are the pupils of our class with

About us. Teachers. Students. These are the pupils of our class with
our teacher during the holiday about autumn.

Слайд 6

School life.

We learn different subjects at school. My favorite subject is

School life. We learn different subjects at school. My favorite subject is
English. I enjoy reading stories and learning poems in English.

School rules.
After school activities.

Слайд 7

SCHOOL LIFE. This is our timetable.

SCHOOL LIFE. This is our timetable.

Слайд 8

School life.
School rules for students.

Enjoy learning English!
Learn hard!
Don’t fight with

School life. School rules for students. Enjoy learning English! Learn hard! Don’t
your classmates.
Make your teacher happy.
Be polite, active and creative.
Always do your homework.
Don’t write on the desks.
School rules for teachers.

Make your students happy.
Give only good marks.
Do not give any homework.
Be kind and friendly.

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After school activities.

School life in photos.

After school activities. School life in photos.

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School life in photos.

School life in photos.

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School life in photos.
These are the photos of our last school bell.

School life in photos. These are the photos of our last school bell.

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English classes.
Our English lessons and parties.

English classes. Our English lessons and parties.

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English classes.
Our English lessons and parties.

English classes. Our English lessons and parties.

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The author of this project:
Fatima Manafova (5th form)

103, Lenin Street,
Derbent, Daghestan.

CONTACT US. The author of this project: Fatima Manafova (5th form) Address:
Имя файла: Welcome-to-school.pptx
Количество просмотров: 95
Количество скачиваний: 0