Whathappens if you catch the coronavirus

Слайд 2

Your task for today is reading.
Please read, write down unknown words

Your task for today is reading. Please read, write down unknown words
and word combinations with translation.

Слайд 3

Some people, particularly most children,

hardly feel ill at all when they get

Some people, particularly most children, hardly feel ill at all when they
the coronavirus. But they still have coronavirus germs in their body that they could give to someone else by mistake.


I feel f¡ne, Mum!

I’m better now

for ant¡bod¡es!

The body has an amazing weapon against viruses called antibodies. Tiny cells in your blood make antibodies to fight each different virus invader. The antibodies catch the viruses, then the blood cells swallow them up and destroy them and then the person gets better.

When they get the coronavirus, lots of people get coughs and a high temperature. Some people also have a headache or aches all over their body.

People are usually ill for a few days. But bodies are amazing things. When a new germ, like the coronavirus, gets into someone’s body, their body knows that the germ shouldn’t be there and starts killing it.
I feel really awful!

That means there are more different antibodies inside you right now than there are people in the world!


Each of us has more than 10 billion different kinds of antibody inside us.

Слайд 4

Grammar time
Употребление some/any/no
Употребление many/much/a lot of

Grammar time Вспоминаем Исчисляемые/неисчисляемые Употребление some/any/no Употребление many/much/a lot of

Слайд 5

Домашнее задание (на оценку): Пройти по ссылке и выполнить задание

Домашнее задание (на оценку): Пройти по ссылке и выполнить задание https://edu.skysmart.ru/student/mobokevini
Имя файла: Whathappens-if-you-catch-the-coronavirus.pptx
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