Слайд 2Dennis Schneider was written in the Guinness Book as an owner of

the biggest collection of baseballs with signatures. There are more than 4600 pieces. They cost more than 3 mln $
Слайд 3Adam Lee created the biggest statue of balloons. He used about 3000

pieces to make his spider
Слайд 4Chinese men (Chan Kesay and Chin Songhau) spent about 2 hours in

the snow
Слайд 5An Australian dog Ebbie Why made a record by swimming on the

surfboard for about 60 meters
Слайд 6Michael Jenkins, who likes sour drinks a lot, drank a liter of

lemon juice in 2 min and 3 seconds
Слайд 7The Croatians made the biggest smile from 768 people in Zagreb