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Evolution of Banking in the UK
Evolution of Banking in the UK
Evolution of Banking in the UK The Grand History of Credit in the UK All companies in the financial sector are affected when changes take place. Although we are a short term lender, we present to you a concise overview of the evolution of banking in the UK. People have always saved or hoarded assets like jewels and cash. Banking began with merchants who deposited money into the ancient temples for safekeeping. In fact, the first real banks were started by the Romans, and one of the most famous old banking systems was founded by the Medici family in Venice in the fourteenth century. This was the largest bank of its time, and enabled the family to become one of the wealthiest in Europe. Banking then developed as a way to pay for goods and services in an efficient way all over the world. Evolution of Banking in the UK Short History of the Banking System in the UK In England, banknotes were introduced in 1661. The currency was quickly followed by the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694. This was the first of the central banks and is still the banker for the English government. The BOE was originally privately owned but was nationalised in 1946 and eventually became an independent organisation in 1998. The BOE issues all banknotes for England and Wales and it is responsible for regulating bank notes issued by Scottish and Northern Irish banks. As the forerunner to the modern banking system of the UK, the BOE manages monetary policy and has its headquarters in the City of London. Known sometimes as the ‘Old Lady of Threadneedle Street’ the bank has become a watchword for reliability and solvency. The phrase ‘safe as the Bank of England’ is still often quoted to describe solid and safe investments.
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Dependence on technology
Dependence on technology
Мнение автора + As far as I am concerned, people have become overly dependent on technology in many spheres, from how we communicate, to how we relax, learn, and even receive the news. There are several facts which prove my opinion. To begin with, a taxi driver uses a GPS app to drive, he or she cannot do the job without this achievement of technological progress. Moreover, there is mental dependence on technology. It is believed by many scientists that a person gets used to a mobile phone and without adequate usage of it, he or she feels anger and anxiety. As far as I’m concerned не решает задачу linking word (обычно для устной речи ) he or she cannot do the job without this achievement of technological progress какую именно профессию нет точности По организации лучше начинать с аргументов (от общего к частному) а потом доказывать фактами there is mental dependence on technology – один аргумент в первом случае – в этой работе вы начинали подчёркивать в профессии Мнение оппонента - Despite all of this, others have an objection to this statement. They assume that a human organism has a certain feature; it can adapt to any conditions. For instance, there are cases when people have survived after an aircraft, living in tough conditions – without electricity and fresh water. Первое предложение нарушает логику и организацию Тема surviving and adaptation to any condition нет связи с проблемой из условия как это обуславливает зависимость от технологий?
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