Презентации, доклады, проекты по английскому языку

Ale time a classic read
Ale time a classic read
READ AND TRANSLATE THE WORDS Adventure [əd`ventʃəʳ] приключение, аттракцион Bush [`buʃ] куст, втулка, кустарник, буш, вкладыш, гильза, обсаживать кустарником Cave[`keıv] пещера, полость, впадина, выдалбливать, обрушивать кровлю Compass [`kʌmpəs] компас, циркуль, буссоль, компасный, полукруглый, замышлять, достигать Discover [dıskʌvəʳ] обнаруживать, находить, раскрывать, узнавать Explorer [ık`splɔ:rər] исследователь, зонд, геологоразведчик Hide [`haıd] прятать(ся); скрывать, скрываться, прятать, прятаться, шкура, укрытие, кожа, тайник Huge [`hju:dʒ] огромный, громадный, гигантский Initials [ı`nıʃəlz[ инициалы Journey [`dʒə:ʳni] путешествие, поездка, рейс, вояж, прогулка, путешествовать, совершать путешествие Nephew [`nefju:] племянник Plot [plɔt]сюжет Raft[`ræft] плот, множество, рафт, паром, масса, уйма, куча, сплавлять, гнать плот, сплавлять лес Rock [rɔk]рок, скала, камень, утес, качаться, качать, укачивать, каменный, горный Write the words in the past tense: Be Begin Find Go Write Hide Get See Come Know НАПИШИ ГЛАГОЛЫ В ПРОШЕДШЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ. (НЕ ЗАБУДЬ О ТАБЛИЦЕ НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ)
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The general usage of articles
The general usage of articles
Explain the use of the articles. 1. I hate writing letters. The job drives me mad. 2. See you later at the University. 3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 4. The moon has risen. 5. A cat will never scratch a baby. 6. He has a watch of his own. 7. A glass of milk a day will save your teeth. 8. I said nothing of the kind. 9. Did Ann get the job she applied for? 10. This is a nice house. Has it got a garden? 11. The door opened, and a woman came in. 12. We watched the fireworks from our window. 13. A day to come seems longer than a year that's gone. (Scottish proverb) 14. Let's meet in the dining hall after lunch. 15. He who looks for a friend without a fault will never find one. (American proverb) Translate into English. 1. Вы закрыли дверь? 2. Солнце находится там с 10 до 15. 3. Хотите чашку кофе? 4. У него есть собственная книга на эту тему. 5. Ребенок должен заниматься спортом. 6. Я сделаю вам бутерброд с колбасой. 7. Вот статья, которой вы интересовались. 8. Словарь, который мне привезли из Лондона, очень хороший. 9. Я хочу купить телевизор. 10. Я должен написать письмо. Дай мне ручку, пожалуйста. 11. Том сел на ближайший к двери стул. 12. Дай мне, пожалуйста, яблоко. 13. Молоко кислое, я, пожалуй, выпью сок. 14. Это действительно проблема. 15. Где карта? Меня просили принести ее. Insert articles where necessary. A ... prom is ... dance that American students have to celebrate school graduation or other school events. ... student can have ... junior prom and ... senior prom. ... prom is ... Big event for ... American student. It is ... big event for ... school too. Usually there is ... committee to organize ... prom. ... committee is responsible for ... decorations and for hiring ... band. ... committee also prepares ... snacks and ... soft drinks (sodas). Each high school has its own tradition of celebrating ... prom. Usually ... students wear very formal outfits for this occasion. ... boys wear tuxedos and ... girls wear ... evening gowns. In many schools before going to ... prom, ... students go to ... nice restaurant for dinner. In some areas they have ... house party after ... prom. В I bought ... new computer yesterday. ... computer has... powerful processor, ... colour monitor and ... English-Russian keyboard. It also has such special features as ... modem, and ... fax. ... modem allows me to go on the Internet and look up things there. It's like having all the libraries in the world in my room. ... Fax feature allows me to send words and images to people over ... telephone line. To get your fax to ... person on the other end he should have ... fax machine or ... Fax feature in his computer. The modem I have is ... 28 800 modem which means that it transmits the information at ... speed of 28 800 kilobytes per second. I am very happy with my computer. I plan to save some money and buy ... Scanner and ... colour printer later on. ... scanner will allow me to transfer ... copy of ... document or ... page from the book directly to my computer without typing it. I will have to buy ... software program to go with ... scanner to perform this task.
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