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CAE Speaking
CAE Speaking
Name the elements of clothing in the pictures, then complete the idioms with them. Don't get your ………. in a twist ! It's not the end of the world. Some people are able to give a speech off the ….... You can create a marketing campaign on a ……... budget. Beattie managed to ……... Atkins in a hallway. This booklet restricts itself to facts without ……... collar shoestring cuff frills knickers Work in pairs: ask and answer Would you like to be a fashion model? What types of clothes are provocative in your country? How do you feel about having to adhere to a dress-code? What would you wear to meet royalty or the President of your country? What item of clothing would you never wear? Ever since I was a child I liked reading glossy magazines and finding out what’s in fashion. I must admit I’ve worn some excruciatingly uncomfortable shoes in the past. I’d hate the idea of becoming a fashion victim. Business attire needs to project a professional image, and clothing that reveals too much cleavage (for women), or your back, your chest or your midriff is not appropriate, even in a casual business setting. For women, see-through fabrics should be avoided, and skirts should not be too tight or too short, though nobody wants to look frumpy. (old-fashioned and boring). I would definitely wear a well-tailored, chic and formal suit. OR My best bet would be a floor-length gown, shimmery fabrics and ornate details. And I would also elevate my look with elegant jewelry, fabulous shoes and a great hairstyle.
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