Слайд 2Plants of the olygotrophic swamps

Слайд 4Khrugloe swamp in the Arkhangelsk region
It’s surface is covered with Sphagnum moss!

Слайд 51. Lack of nutrition
Olygotrophic swamps are water reservoirs which are poor with

organic matter, actually with nitrogen compounds.
Слайд 6Due to such severe conditions, plants of swamps, or OXYLOPHYTES, have some

special characteristics.
Here are some of them.
Слайд 7For example, plants of Ericaceae family –
Например, растения семейства Вересковых -

Слайд 8- Andromeda polifolia,
- Подбел многолистный,

Слайд 9- Chamaedaphne calyculata, …
…Мирт болотный,…

Слайд 10….have some special cells, which produce fellem.
…имеют специальные клетки, производящие пробку.

Слайд 11Stem of Chamaedaphne (Мирт болотный), and FELLOGENE cells

Слайд 12These cells, or FELLOGENE cells, also are A BORDER between a stem

and some outer tissues, which are to be separated from the stem.
Эти клетки, или клетки ФЕЛЛОГЕНА, также находятся на ГРАНИЦЕ стебля и других тканей коры, которые затем отваливаются от стебля.
Слайд 13So the parts of tissues located ABOVE the FELLOGENE separate from the

stem. It leads to decrease in nutrition losses during growing season.
Слайд 142. Low temperature
These swamps are regions with relatively low-temperatured soil.
Олиготрофные болота

– зоны со сравнительно низкой температурой почвы.
Слайд 15It influences badly on roots, because absorption of water is complicated.
Это плохо

влияет на корни, т.к. всасывание воды [при низких температурах] затруднено.
Слайд 16On the other side, the sun rays reach plants very fast, which

makes all the aerial runners warmer.
Слайд 17As a result, subterranean organs of OXYLOPHYTES are subjected to cold, but

aerial ones are overheated.
Слайд 18But leaves of Chamaedaphne (мирт) also have double layers of photosynthetic tissue

to accumulate more sun rays.
Слайд 19Due to this fact, the leaves of Andromeda
(подбел многолистный) are placed

at an angle to the horizon.
Слайд 20It contributes to decrease influence of solar rays.

Слайд 213. Water excess
Finally, the soil of olygotrophic swamps is very MOISTENED,

so athmosphere OXYGEN can not penetrate through it.
Слайд 22According to this, roots do not get enough oxygen for respiration.

Слайд 23And OXYLOPHYTES have some adaptations for breath:
They possess special tissue termed

AERENCHIMA. It contains cells and plenty of air cameras!
Слайд 25Aerochima in
Menyanthes trifoliata rhizome
(вахта трехлистная)

Слайд 26Aerochima of Eriophorum (пушица):

Слайд 27There are much more ecological factors, which influence on the OXYLOPHYTES; these

factors caused evolutionary adaptations in plants.
Слайд 28So the plants of olygotrofic swamps are adapted to high and low

temperatures, lack of nutrients and oxygen.