Слайд 2
Bioconversion is the conversion of biomass and waste by microorganisms to

produce thermal energy and biofuels. Multi-stage bioconversion takes place in several stages. To perform a multi-stage bioconversion, you need to use mixed cultures of microorganisms or add different strains of microorganisms at different stages of the process.
Слайд 3
Composting is an exothermic process of biological oxidation.
Composting — method of processing

organic waste into soil fertilizer. Organic materials are degraded under the influence of microorganisms and microscopic fungi.
Слайд 4
Сomposting requires:
heat, high humidity, and microorganisms.
It is advisable to use:

compost piles, special boxes and barrels.
It is advisable to add:
sugars, nitrogenous compounds and composting bacterial accelerators.
Слайд 5
Vermicompost - product of processing of organic waste by earthworms (Eisenia

fetida, Eisenia andrei, Dendrobaena Veneta, Lumbricus rubellus etc.). Weed seeds pass through the worm's body and lose their germination. This technology greatly increases the yield of vegetables
Слайд 6Raw materials:
Livestock waste;
Сrop production waste;
Waste of processing of agricultural products;
Woodworking waste;

Peat etc.
Слайд 7Raw materials for compost are divided into "green" and " brown“. B

Green raw materials are rich of nitrogen. And brown raw materials are rich of carbon. Optimal proportion of carbon to nitrogen is 25-30 to 1.
Слайд 8The development of the composting industry includes two main branch:
breeding of new

strains of microorganisms;
use of a variety of life forms (snails, worms etc.)
Слайд 9Сomposting of food waste developing rapidly in some countries. For example, in

2016 in New York 23 thousand tons of waste were collected, such as: orange peels and apple seeds etc. Now their main problem is in densely populated areas, it is difficult to find a place for additional containers.