Миоэпителиальные клетки в концевом отделе слюнной железы

Слайд 2

Diagram of myoepithelial cells in section and surface views.

Diagram of myoepithelial cells in section and surface views.

Слайд 3

Alveolar Cell from lactating mammary gland.
N, nucleus; TJ, tight junction; GJ,

Alveolar Cell from lactating mammary gland. N, nucleus; TJ, tight junction; GJ,
gap junction;
D, desmosome; SV, secretory vesicle;
FDA, fat-depleted adipocyte; PC,
Plasma Cell; BM, basement membrane;
ME, cross section through process of myoepithelial cell;
RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum.
See text for explanation of secretory pathways I (exocytosis),
II (lipid), III (apical transport), IV (transcytosis) and
V (paracellular pathway).
Имя файла: Миоэпителиальные-клетки-в-концевом-отделе-слюнной-железы.pptx
Количество просмотров: 43
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