Star Wars lite presentation


Слайд 2

I. Movies, Story & World

I. Movies, Story & World

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George Lucas - Early Life

June 12, 1962 - miraculously survived a car

George Lucas - Early Life June 12, 1962 - miraculously survived a
race accident
Lucas's father owned a stationery store,[10] and had wanted George to work for him when he turned 18. Lucas had been planning to go to art school, and declared upon leaving home that he would be a millionaire by the age of 30.
Self-described as a Methodist Buddhist.
After graduation, tried joining the United States Air Force - was turned down because of his numerous speeding tickets.
American Graffiti
Work with friend Spielberg on Indiana Johns

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George Lucas - Film Career Season I (1973-1983)

1977 - Star Wars Episode

George Lucas - Film Career Season I (1973-1983) 1977 - Star Wars
IV: A New Hope
1980 - Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back
1983 - Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
unofficially canceled the sequels.
Money: Lucasfilm has earned hundreds of millions of dollars from licensed games, toys, and collectibles created for the franchise.
Helped Akira Kurosawa with «Kagemusha».
Owned Pixar for 7 years before Steve Jobs.
Skywalker Sound, LucasArts (games), Industrial Light & Magic (VFX), THX Ltd (equipment for filming)

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George Lucas - Film Career Season II (1994-2005)

1999 - Star Wars Episode

George Lucas - Film Career Season II (1994-2005) 1999 - Star Wars
I: Phantom Menace
2002 - Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
2005 - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Motivation: art, money and CGI
Notice: episode names of trilogies are mirrored
1997 - special edition of Episodes IV-VI («Han shot first»)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoons
Indiana Johns 4
With the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, Lucas is currently Disney's second-largest single shareholder after the estate of Steve Jobs.

Слайд 6

@vastava, Github -, GitHub - -> PDF detailed timeline

@vastava, Github -, GitHub - -> PDF detailed timeline

Слайд 11

Jidaigeki & Western

Jidaigeki (時代劇, lit. «period drama») genre gave name to «Jedi»

Jidaigeki & Western Jidaigeki (時代劇, lit. «period drama») genre gave name to
«4’11» club - Takeda Sōkaku (jujutsu) & Gozo Shioda (aikido)
Katana, kimono, Vader’s helmet
Episode IV is 30% «The Hidden Fortress» by Akira Kurosawa
Westerns made in Europe
Clint Eastwood
Sergio Leone
«A Fistful of Dollars» (1964) etc.

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Sword & Sorcery, Arthurian Cycle

Arthurian legend: Luke and Arthur both are orphans,

Sword & Sorcery, Arthurian Cycle Arthurian legend: Luke and Arthur both are
who become heroes in the early adulthood; both have notable mentors etc.
Sword & Sorcery - compared to Tolkien’s LoTR:

Слайд 13

Space Opera & WW2 Dogfights Movies
Space Opera:
Edmond Hamilton - 1st to think

Space Opera & WW2 Dogfights Movies Space Opera: Edmond Hamilton - 1st
of lightsabre
Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon (TV, comics)
Dune (Frank Herbert, 1965)
WW2 Dogfights Movies:
Millenium Falcon - Boeing B-29 bomber
Attack on 1st Death Star echoes kamikaze attacks on US Navy
WW2 Dogfight movies: «Battle of Britain», «The Dam Busters», «633 Squadron»

Слайд 15


Пропп, Владимир Яковлевич - «Морфология сказки»
Клушанцев, Павел Владимирович - режиссёр и создатель

СССР Пропп, Владимир Яковлевич - «Морфология сказки» Клушанцев, Павел Владимирович - режиссёр
спецэффектов (в т/ч/ придумал астероиды из картошки)
Дворянин, не был репрессирован из-за своей незаменимости
Создал жанр документальной фантастики
«Дорога к звёздам»
«Планет бурь» - летающий автомобиль
«Марс» - собака, Chewbacca (также: пёс Лукаса в машине)
1988, Москва, Лукас: «Клушанцев — крёстный отец „Звёздных войн“».
Влияние: Лукас, Кубрик («2001 год: Космическая одиссея», Роберт Скотак (Терминатор 2, Титаник)
«Туманность Андромеды» 1967, Дар Ветер и дедушка R2D2 (реж. Евгений Шерстобитов)

Слайд 16

Other Countries

Nazi Germany
Flag of the empire, insignia, uniform
Totalitarian elements of design
One of

Other Countries Nazi Germany Flag of the empire, insignia, uniform Totalitarian elements
‘inspirations’ for the Empire
Part of Vader’s helmet - Stahlhelm

Knighthood, Obi Wan
Cowboys, Han Solo
Jidaigeki, Yoda

Whom did Senate ask for help?
Position of Supreme Chancellor
Votum of Unconfidence
Republic turn into Empire
Emergency powers, Military tribune

Слайд 18

II. Philosophy and psychology

II. Philosophy and psychology

Слайд 19

Hero’s Journey - Joseph Campbell

«God is a metaphor for a mystery» (God-Building

Hero’s Journey - Joseph Campbell Atheist/Non-theist/Hindu/Buddhist «God is a metaphor for a
to the max)
«Follow your bliss» motto, derived from Hindu Upanishads
professor of literature
«The Hero with a Thousand Faces» - Hero’s Journey concept
Conquering fears - «The cave that you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek»

Слайд 20

Cognitive Behavioural Theory

Behavioral bias: Luke, Han Solo, Obi Wan
Expectancy theory: “Do or

Cognitive Behavioural Theory Mentoring Behavioral bias: Luke, Han Solo, Obi Wan Expectancy
do not... there is no try.” — Yoda
Theory of planned behavior: “Never tell me the odds.” — Han Solo
Fight-or-flight instinct: “Feel, don't think. Trust your instincts.” – Qui-Gon Jinn
Anxiety issues: “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” — Yoda

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The Dark

Dark triad of Psychiatry:
Light triad of personality traits:
Faith in humanity

The Dark Dark triad of Psychiatry: Machiavellianism Narcissism Psychopathy Light triad of
the light triad is uncorrelated with bravery or assertiveness.

Слайд 22

The Flow

«Счастливые часов не наблюдают»
Csikszentmihályi's 2004 TED talk: Flow state = all

The Flow «Счастливые часов не наблюдают» Csikszentmihályi's 2004 TED talk: Flow state
attention (~110 bits/sec) allocated
Experienced most likely in high-challenge, high-skills situations
Lightsaber duels
Force powers
Driving (speeders, flying cars, pod racing)
Super-precise movements (long jumps etc.)

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self-control, fortitude, reason, ascetic exercise, calm
«Virtue consists in a will that is

Stoicism self-control, fortitude, reason, ascetic exercise, calm «Virtue consists in a will
in agreement with Nature.» - focus
The four cardinal virtues:
In some cases, stoics considered suicide was a good option

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Stoicism in the Saga

Focus on the present (Luke, Anakin)
Fear of Death (Anakin,

Stoicism in the Saga Focus on the present (Luke, Anakin) Fear of
Meditation - Jedi meaning vs Marcus Aurelius meaning
Three tenets of the Jedi Order:
The Force
Jedi Code, a mantra: «Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force.»

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Léon Gautier's Ten Commandments of chivalry, set out in the work La

Chivalry Léon Gautier's Ten Commandments of chivalry, set out in the work
Chevalerie (1891), are:
Believe all that the Church teaches
Defend the Church
Defend the weak
Love the country
No recoil before thine enemy.
War against the infidel
Perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God
Never lie
Be generous
Be the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.

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Eight virtues of Bushidō (as defined by Nitobe Inazō, 1900):
Heroic Courage
Benevolence, Compassion

Bushido Eight virtues of Bushidō (as defined by Nitobe Inazō, 1900): Righteousness
and Loyalty

Слайд 27


do you experience flow state regularly?
do you think star wars present a

Q&A psychology do you experience flow state regularly? do you think star
good role model?
What do you like more of such genre - Star Wars or Narnia or Harry Potter or Tolkien? Do they differ?
Does machine man Vader have something in common with modern man’s psyche?
Anakin: borderline personality disorder?
How do you conquer your biggest fears? How did you do that before you became Orthodox?
What lead Anakin to become a monster?
Nature of good and evil in Saga vs Orthodox Christianity?
Free will and determinism in Saga vs Orthodox Christianity?
Nature of the Force?
Feminism in Saga?

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III. Religion

III. Religion

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George Lucas: The Force embodies «a concept of religion based on the

Lucas George Lucas: The Force embodies «a concept of religion based on
premise that there is a God and there is good and evil.»
George Lucas: «I was raised Methodist. Now let’s say I’m spiritual. It’s Marin County [California, a very liberal area]. We’re all Buddhists up here.»
George Lucas: «All the religions are true, they just see a different part of the elephant.»
Afraid of creating a basis for religion in original trilogy, Lucas introduced the ~scientific ~basis of midichlorians in the prequels.
Campbell’s works serve as a pathway for comfortable agnosticism / faith in one’s heart / God-Building

Слайд 30

Modern Syncretism: New-Age

Syncretism - synthesizing religion from several sources.
New-Age cult/movement:
Occultism, Pantheism, Hinduism,

Modern Syncretism: New-Age Syncretism - synthesizing religion from several sources. New-Age cult/movement:
Pacifism, Eclectism
Spirituality: yoga, meditations, vegans
«Alternative medicine», Feminism, Environmental activism
Spiritual marketplace, soviet God-building monetized

Слайд 31

Christianity in Star Wars

Star Wars is the story of fall and redemption

Christianity in Star Wars Christianity Star Wars is the story of fall
in the desert - compare: Desert Fathers
Yoda in cartoons: «Old sins cast long shadows»
Jedi robes
Darth Maul
Virgin birth and the prophecy of the Chosen One
Parallel’s with King David
One employee of LucasFilms invented interpretation of Jedi as «Jesus disciple»

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Other religions in Star Wars

Zen Buddhism (probably, Alan Watts’s edition)
Neglect towards flesh

Other religions in Star Wars Zen Buddhism (probably, Alan Watts’s edition) Yoda
(«crude matter»), scripture
"Pain, suffering, these are the paths to the darkside»
Force is non-theistic
«Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden»
«Only Sith deal in absolutes»
Moral Dualism - Good and Evil are equally powerful, yin-yang
Gnosticism: disregard of the flesh, dualism God-demiurg
Zoroastrism [maybe] - dualism, also

Слайд 33

Fictional Jedi Oath & Tenets

No belongings other then what can be carried

Fictional Jedi Oath & Tenets No belongings other then what can be
on oneself
No marriage
No insubordination
No revenge
No killing an unarmed opponent
No breaking the law
Lifelong public service

Слайд 34

IMO: the Dividing Line

IMO: the Dividing Line

Слайд 35


Is there a point in fighting for civilization for Christian? It’s doomed

Q&A Is there a point in fighting for civilization for Christian? It’s
after all.
Moral dualism - good and evil are equally powerful in saga?
Only sith deal in absolutes?
What comprises the fall to the dark side?
How is the concept of the force linked to eastern religions? Is it similar or different from magic & witchcraft? Superpowers?
What’s wrong with «Pain, suffering, these are the paths to the darkside»?
Does Jedi/Sith clothing in Saga symbolize something?
What is attachment? Is it a sin - to not be able to let go of a loved one?

Слайд 36

Jedi Way [Telegram Channel Ad]

Motivation: deficit of heroism and triumph of consumerism

Jedi Way [Telegram Channel Ad] Motivation: deficit of heroism and triumph of
in the modern world
Focus: personal growth, Jedi as a role model
Basis - Orthodox Christianity
Researches - Bible, the Fathers, philosophy, psychology
Agreed with my confessor and several faithful people who’s opinion I trust
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