Слайд 2Plan of the presentation:
The relevance
The map of Jambyl district Jualy region
Main tasks

results of the work.
Слайд 3The relevance
Developing natural resources , the society uses the land as a

basic of territorial for it’s development. The main place in the system effective and rational use belongs land management.
Слайд 4The map of Jambyl district
Jualy region

Слайд 5Objectives
Development of scientific suggestions for improvement ecological – economic assessment of agricultural

Organization of rational use agricultural land.
The role of land management in organization of rational use agricultural land.
Слайд 6Main tasks
The study of the condition agricultural lands
Analysis of main problem in

agricultural land.
Prioritization in the assessment of land.
Improving information provizion in land assessment work.
Слайд 7Expected results of the work
Will produce effective ecological – economic assessment of

agricultural production.