Determination of optical properties of pentacoordinated silicon complexes using DFT method

Слайд 2


Aims and objectives of the study

Aim - To define the optical

Relevance Aims and objectives of the study Aim - To define the
properties of pentacoordinated silicon complexes using DFT method.
Objectives - To conduct quantum chemical calculation using DFT method; to investigate of the optical properties of the complex Si(pincer)2 ; to determine the charge dependence of the Si complex(ttpy)2 from its electrochromic response; to compare the obtained results with known experimental data, which were got by American scientists.

In recent years, there has been a steady interest in the development of new materials for organic electronic devices. Accordingly, the study of electron transfer processes in organic molecules and coordination complexes with organic ligands meets the modern needs of microelectronics development in Kazakhstan.

Слайд 3

Theoretical significance

Practical significance

The research uses a method DFT that allows to get

Theoretical significance Practical significance The research uses a method DFT that allows
more reliable data.

The results of the research show that silicon pentacoordination complexes represent a promising new class of metallochelates for organic electronic devices in Kazakhstan. That means, they can be used as candidates for transporting charge and/or electroluminescent materials in organic electronic devices.

Слайд 4

The object and subject of the study

Chemical structure of the pentacoordinate complex

The object and subject of the study Chemical structure of the pentacoordinate

Chemical structure of the pentacoordinate complex Si[(pincer)2]0

Object - Pentacoordinated silicon complexes.
Subject - A study of optical properties and quantum-chemical calculations of silicon pentacoordinated complexes with ligands by the DFT method.

Слайд 6

Optimised structure of Si(pincer)2 molecule by the B3LYP method

Theoretical modelling of the

Optimised structure of Si(pincer)2 molecule by the B3LYP method Theoretical modelling of
Si(pincer)2 structure has been performed using a functional and basis set based on a combination of the Hartree-Fock method and density functional theory using the Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr exchange-correlation potential.

Слайд 7

Electron absorption spectrum graph for [Si(pincer)2]0 structure

TD-DFT calculations reproduce the observed electron

Electron absorption spectrum graph for [Si(pincer)2]0 structure TD-DFT calculations reproduce the observed electron spectrum

Слайд 8

Molecular orbitals involved in intensive transitions of the [Si(pincer)2]0 structure

HOMO - Highest

Molecular orbitals involved in intensive transitions of the [Si(pincer)2]0 structure HOMO -
occupied MO
LUMO – Lower unoccupied MO

Слайд 9

Finite fully optimised structures Si[(ttpy)2]+n

Finite fully optimised structures Si[(ttpy)2]+n

Слайд 10

Electronic absorption spectra of the complex [Si(ttpy)2]+n :
blue line, n =

Electronic absorption spectra of the complex [Si(ttpy)2]+n : blue line, n =
4 ;
red line, n = 2 ;
green line, n = 0

Слайд 11

Molecular orbitals involved in intensive transitions of the [Si(ttpy)2]+4 structure

Molecular orbitals involved in intensive transitions of the [Si(ttpy)2]+4 structure

Слайд 12

Molecular orbitals involved in intense transitions of the [Si(ttpy)2]+2 structure

Molecular orbitals involved in intense transitions of the [Si(ttpy)2]+2 structure

Слайд 13

Molecular orbitals involved in intensive transitions of the [Si(ttpy)2]0 structure

Molecular orbitals involved in intensive transitions of the [Si(ttpy)2]0 structure

Слайд 14

The spectra of the [Si(ttpy)2]+n states are electrochemically generated
at -0.245 V

The spectra of the [Si(ttpy)2]+n states are electrochemically generated at -0.245 V
(blue line, n = 4),
-0.520 V (red line, n = 3),
-0.945 V (grey line, n = 2),
-1.370 V (yellow line, n = 1),
and -1.695 V (green line, n = 0)

Слайд 15

Quantum-chemical calculation of the structural parameters of [Si(pincer)2]0 ; [Si(ttpy)2]+4 ;

Quantum-chemical calculation of the structural parameters of [Si(pincer)2]0 ; [Si(ttpy)2]+4 ; [Si(ttpy)2]
[Si(ttpy)2] +2 ; [Si(ttpy)2] 0 complexes has been performed by the DFT method and their electro-optical properties have been studied. The results obtained were compared with known experimental data.
Manipulation with the charge substituents of the Si(ttpy)2 complex can provide the desired electro-optical properties of the material. It is shown how the change in the charge of the complex with ttpy ligand affects the electronic absorption spectrum.
The probabilities of electronic transitions and the nature of the molecular orbitals involved in them are determined. From the visualized MOs we can say that all of them have the nature of π-orbitals and are localized on pyridine ligands.


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