Classless addressing. Types of IPv4 Addresses


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Prior to 1981, IP addresses used only the first 8 bits to

Introduction Prior to 1981, IP addresses used only the first 8 bits
specify the network portion of the address
In 1981, RFC 791 modified the IPv4 32-bit address to allow for three different classes
Class A addresses used 8 bits for the network portion of the address,
Class B used 16 bits,
Class C used 24 bits.
This format became known as classful IP addressing.
IP address space was depleting rapidly
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) introduced Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
CIDR uses Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) to help conserve address space.
-VLSM is simply subnetting a subnet

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

Classful IP addressing
When the ARPANET was commissioned

Classful and Classless IP Addressing Classful IP addressing When the ARPANET was
in 1969, no one anticipated that the Internet would explode.
1989, ARPANET transformed into what we now call the Internet.
As of January 2007, there are over 433 million hosts on internet
Initiatives to conserve IPv4 address space include:
-VLSM & CIDR notation (1993, RFC 1519)
-Network Address Translation (1994, RFC 1631)
-Private Addressing (1996, RFC 1918)

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

The IPv4 Classful Addressing Structure (RFC 790)

Classful and Classless IP Addressing The IPv4 Classful Addressing Structure (RFC 790)
address has 2 parts:
-The network portion
Found on the left side of an IP address
-The host portion
Found on the right side of an IP address

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

As shown in the figure, class A networks

Classful and Classless IP Addressing As shown in the figure, class A
used the first octet for network assignment, which translated to a classful subnet mask.
Because only 7 bits were left in the first octet (remember, the first bit is always 0), this made 2 to the 7th power or 128 networks.
With 24 bits in the host portion, each class A address had the potential for over 16 million individual host addresses.

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

With 24 bits in the host portion, each

Classful and Classless IP Addressing With 24 bits in the host portion,
class A address had the potential for over 16 million individual host addresses.
What was one organization going to do with 16 million addresses?
Now you can understand the tremendous waste of address space that occurred in the beginning days of the Internet, when companies received class A addresses.
Some companies and governmental organizations still have class A addresses.
General Electric owns,
Apple Computer owns,
U.S. Postal Service owns

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

Class B: RFC 790 specified the first two

Classful and Classless IP Addressing Class B: RFC 790 specified the first
octets as network.
With the first two bits already established as 1 and 0, 14 bits remained in the first two octets for assigning networks, which resulted in 16,384 class B network addresses.
Because each class B network address contained 16 bits in the host portion, it controlled 65,534 addresses. (Remember, 2 addresses were reserved for the network and broadcast addresses.)

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

class C: RFC 790 specified the first three

Classful and Classless IP Addressing class C: RFC 790 specified the first
octets as network.
With the first three bits established as 1 and 1 and 0, 21 bits remained for assigning networks for over 2 million class C networks.
But, each class C network only had 8 bits in the host portion, or 254 possible host addresses.

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Classful and Classless IP Addressing

Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR – RFC 1517)
Requires subnet

Classful and Classless IP Addressing Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR – RFC 1517)
mask to be included in routing update because address class is meaningless
The network portion of the address is determined by the network subnet mask, also known as the network prefix, or prefix length (/8, /19, etc.).
The network address is no longer determined by the class of the address
Blocks of IP addresses could be assigned to a network based on the requirements of the customer, ranging from a few hosts to hundreds or thousands of hosts.
CIDR – use arbitrary prefix length of Network ID
E.g. means that network ID length is 22 bits, i.e. netmask is

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Lecture 7: 9-18-01

Classless Inter-Domain Routing

Do not use classes to determine network ID

Lecture 7: 9-18-01 Classless Inter-Domain Routing Do not use classes to determine
any range of addresses to network
Use common part of address as network number
E.g., addresses 192.4.16 - 192.4.31 have the first 20 bits in common. Thus, we use these 20 bits as the network number
netmask is /20, /xx is valid for almost any xx
Enables more efficient usage of address space (and router tables)

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Lecture 7: 9-18-01

CIDR Example

Network provide is allocated 8 class C chunks,

Lecture 7: 9-18-01 CIDR Example Network provide is allocated 8 class C
Allocation uses 3 bits of class C space
Remaining 21 bits are network number, written as
Replaces 8 class C routing entries with 1 combined entry
Routing protocols carry prefix with destination network address
Longest prefix match for forwarding

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Lecture 7: 9-18-01

CIDR Illustration

Provider is given


Lecture 7: 9-18-01 CIDR Illustration Provider is given Provider

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Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
The general form of CIDR notation is: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd/m
ddd is

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) The general form of CIDR notation is: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd/m
the decimal value for an octet of the address
m is the number of one bits in the mask
Consider the mask needed for a network with 28 bits of prefix:
It has 28-bits of 1s followed by 4-bits of 0s
In dotted decimal, the mask is:

In CIDR notation,
the mask is written:
which specifies
a mask with 28 bits
of prefix and 4 bits
of suffix.

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IPv4 Address Structure Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses

Within each network are three types

IPv4 Address Structure Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses Within each network are
of IP addresses:
Network address
Host addresses
Broadcast address

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IPv4 Address Structure Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses

Types of Addresses in Network

IPv4 Address Structure Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses Types of Addresses in
Address - host portion is all 0s (.00000000)
First Host address - host portion is all 0s and ends with a 1 (.00000001)
Last Host address - host portion is all 1s and ends with a 0 (.11111110)
Broadcast Address - host portion is all 1s (.11111111)

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Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

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Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

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Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

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Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)

Network, Host, and Broadcast Addresses (cont.)
Имя файла: Classless-addressing.-Types-of-IPv4-Addresses.pptx
Количество просмотров: 48
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