Слайд 3Browse the configuration file for ECM involves on the process

Слайд 6You must unlock the ECM : in the menu
Commands/Request changeLock
ECM Lock

Слайд 7Next step, Menu:
Commands/Toggle security Key

Слайд 9Press F1 to add parameters
Add :

Слайд 10Double click in the value cell
Type desired value in SECONDS
Click enter.

Слайд 11The new value is underlined in yellow color.

Слайд 12You must save the new parameter:
Commands/Save Changes

Слайд 13Confirmation changes have been saved
Now you must re-lock the ECM through menu:

Commands/toggle Security Key
Слайд 14ECM re-Lock
Now you must key-off the ECM power supply 30 seconds
Reconnect ECM

power supply to be sure parameter has been changed