Hours Calterm

Слайд 2

Connect to ECM, Open Module

Connect to ECM, Open Module

Слайд 3

Browse the configuration file for ECM involves on the process

Browse the configuration file for ECM involves on the process

Слайд 6

You must unlock the ECM : in the menu
Commands/Request changeLock

ECM Lock

You must unlock the ECM : in the menu Commands/Request changeLock ECM Lock

Слайд 7

Next step, Menu:
Commands/Toggle security Key

Next step, Menu: Commands/Toggle security Key

Слайд 8

ECM Unlock

ECM Unlock

Слайд 9

Press F1 to add parameters
Add :

Press F1 to add parameters Add : Engine_Run_Time

Слайд 10

Double click in the value cell
Type desired value in SECONDS
Click enter.

Double click in the value cell Type desired value in SECONDS Click enter.

Слайд 11

The new value is underlined in yellow color.

The new value is underlined in yellow color.

Слайд 12

You must save the new parameter:
Commands/Save Changes

You must save the new parameter: Commands/Save Changes

Слайд 13

Confirmation changes have been saved

Now you must re-lock the ECM through menu:

Confirmation changes have been saved Now you must re-lock the ECM through menu: Commands/toggle Security Key

Commands/toggle Security Key

Слайд 14

ECM re-Lock

Now you must key-off the ECM power supply 30 seconds
Reconnect ECM

ECM re-Lock Now you must key-off the ECM power supply 30 seconds
power supply to be sure parameter has been changed
Имя файла: Hours-Calterm.pptx
Количество просмотров: 47
Количество скачиваний: 0