Venture capitalists and angel investors


Слайд 2

Venture capitalists and angel investors - здесь и далее

Venture capitalists and angel investors - здесь и далее

Слайд 3

Vocabulary to be used -1

Investment – to invest - an investor
A start-up

Vocabulary to be used -1 Investment – to invest - an investor
is a small business that has just been started
A venture capital firm – венчурная фирма
A venture - a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty - предприятие – совместное предприятие - joint venture
To provide capital to
An equity stake – доля в акционерном капитале
To fund - финансировать – to subsidize, to sponsor,
to finance

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Vocabulary to be used -2

An equity market – stock market - An equity market is

Vocabulary to be used -2 An equity market – stock market -
a market in which shares of companies are issued and traded – фондовый рынок
A share – акция – (to issue a share, a partnership share, a profit share), on shares - на паях
a shareholder – акционер
To risk investing in a company
To earn a return on the investment – возврат инвестиций
To experience a high rate of failure
A new and unproven company

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Vocabulary to use -3

To pool money from – to collect money \

Vocabulary to use -3 To pool money from – to collect money
to aggregate capital from many investors «сбрасываться»
A money pool - денежный пул 
limited partnership – товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью

Money pool -money, collected together for shared use by several people or organizations

Слайд 6

Who is a venture capitalist?

Who is a venture capitalist?

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Some facts about venture capitalists

may fail, because the companies they give money

Some facts about venture capitalists may fail, because the companies they give
to, are unstable

can work on their own, but usually for a venture capital firm

form limited partnerships (LP) where the partners invest in the VC fund

form limited partnerships (LP) where the partners invest in the VC fund.

form limited partnerships (LP) where the partners invest in the VC fund.

form limited partnerships (LP) where the partners invest in the VC fund.

form limited partnerships (LP) where the partners invest in the VC fund.

Слайд 8

To the history of venture capitalism

started in the early to mid-1900s in

To the history of venture capitalism 1 started in the early to
the USA
Rockefellers or Vanderbilts were the 1st to fund startups or provide capital for growth
the National Venture Capital Association was founded in the early 1970s

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Companies that used venture capital (received funding – got money )

Twitter, Skype

Companies that used venture capital (received funding – got money ) Twitter,

Ring, Facebook
Groupon, Sportify
Dropbox, Bitcoin

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To be an investor
To provide capital – to invest money

KEY TAKEAWAYS To be an investor To provide capital – to invest
show high growth potential
In exchange for equity stake
A startup
To seek (look for) a return
To experience high rates of failure
To be involved with new companies
To acquire (gain, get) power in the company
In exchange for the funding

Jim Breyer, Facebook (FB) investor, Peter Fenton,
an investor in Twitter (TWTR).

Слайд 11

And who are Angel investors?
Angel investors (private investors, seed investors or angel

And who are Angel investors? Angel investors (private investors, seed investors or
funders) are individuals that invest in startups.
Seed –семя, в переносном смысле seed investment (seed money, funding)– Посевное финансирование
Seed investment is investing funds and providing support to projects and businesses that are in their very early stages

Слайд 12

Some vocabulary to look at

Entrepreneur – предприниматель (someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity)
One-time investment

Some vocabulary to look at Entrepreneur – предприниматель (someone who starts their
– единовременная инвестиция
To get off the ground – буквально «оторваться о земли» - to start (the business
An ongoing injection – «постоянное вливание» - constant flow of money
To carry (the company) through an early stage – «провести… через» - to help the company at the starting (initial) stage

Слайд 13

So, what the angel investors do – they …

Invest their own money

So, what the angel investors do – they … Invest their own

exchange money for ownership equity in the company

Are already successful entrepreneurs

are often found among family and friends

provide a one-time investment

or an ongoing injection

Слайд 14

Origins of Angel Investors
To come from – to originate from, to develop

Origins of Angel Investors To come from – to originate from, to
from, to derive from
To support – to assist, to aid
To complete – to accomplish, execute
a study – a research, a survey, an investigation

the Broadway theater!!!!

the University of New Hampshire's William Wetzel, founder of the Center for Venture Research

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Sources of Funding

Angel investors use their own money
venture capitalists use pooled money

Sources of Funding Angel investors use their own money venture capitalists use
from other investors.

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An angel investor is usually an individual who funds startups

KEY TAKEAWAYS An angel investor is usually an individual who funds startups
at the early stages
often use their own money
Angel investing is a popular source of funding for many startups
The support that angel investors provide fosters (ensures, helps to develop) innovation
These types of investments are risky
Represent 10% of the angel investor's portfolio

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What if you want to get money from them…

Be prepared before you

What if you want to get money from them… Be prepared before
try to get money
Have your pitch ready
Keep track of your investor pipeline
Pick the right amount of money

Слайд 18

Some remarks on vocabulary

A pitch – a presentation of one’s business concept

Some remarks on vocabulary A pitch – a presentation of one’s business
To keep track of - to continue to be informed or know about someone or something
An investor pipeline – инвестиционный портфель (a list of investor’s targets)
To have a sound understanding of your business' needs
Sound (adj.) – good, safe, able to be trusted – (reliable, sensible) – sound advice, decision, judgment, principle

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Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention
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