Information and communication technologies (lecture 6)

Слайд 2

Data - information obtained by measurement, observation, logical or arithmetic operations and

Data - information obtained by measurement, observation, logical or arithmetic operations and
presented in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and (automated) processing.

Данные (data) – сведения, полученные путем измерения, наблюдения, логических или арифметических операций и представленные в форме, пригодной для постоянного хранения, передачи и (автоматизированной) обработки

Слайд 3

Data analysis is one of the main areas in ICT.

Data analysis

Data analysis is one of the main areas in ICT. . Data
covers different methods in various fields of science, economics and other human activities/

Анализ данных это одна из основных областей в ИКТ. Анализ данных это исследование, прогнозирование, фильтрации, преобразования и моделирование данных с целью извлечения полезной информации и принятия решений. Анализ данных охватывает разные методы в различных областях науки, экономики и в других деятельности человека.

Слайд 4

There are two forms of data analysis − Classification and Prediction:

Classification is

There are two forms of data analysis − Classification and Prediction: Classification
an analysis that constructs categories and classifications from data;
Prediction is an analysis that predicts continuous functions.

For example, we can build a classification model based on the data received to classify bank loan applications as safe or risky. Based on this data, a forecasting model is built to predict the dollar spending of potential customers on computer equipment based on their income and occupation.

Based on the classification and Prediction of data, we can build data analysis models.

Например, мы можем построить модель классификации на основе полученных данных, чтобы классифицировать заявки на получение банковских кредитов как безопасные или рискованные. На основе этих данных строится модель прогнозирования для прогнозирования долларовых расходов потенциальных клиентов на компьютерное оборудование на основе их доходов и занятий.

Слайд 5

Classification, Prediction of data is used in the information system for Creating

Classification, Prediction of data is used in the information system for Creating
databases and database objects for automated data processing and analysis.

Слайд 6

Database management systems (DMS)

Database is stored on a computer and processed

Database management systems (DMS) Database is stored on a computer and processed
by special programs - DMS

Слайд 7

MS Access - a database management system

Database tabular
form - relational database


MS Access - a database management system Database tabular form - relational
Access is a relational database

Columns - fields Rows - records

Слайд 8

Field - the main elements of the database structure

Record constitutes information

Field - the main elements of the database structure Record constitutes information
Field contains.

Types of data depend on the properties of the field.

We define by the property field which information can be stored and what can not be

Слайд 9

The name
of field

The type
of field

The most important property of

The name of field The type of field The most important property
any field is the length of the field. The field length is determined in the symbols or bytes.
1 symbol = 2 bytes.

Fields have
three properties

Слайд 10

Types of fields MS Access

Types of fields MS Access

Слайд 11

Types of fields MS Access

Types of fields MS Access

Слайд 12

Types of fields MS Access

Types of fields MS Access

Слайд 13

Types of fields MS Access

Types of fields MS Access

Слайд 14


If we have to repeatedly enter some data, we can

KEY FIELD КЛЮЧЕВОЕ ПОЛЕ If we have to repeatedly enter some data,
create a database in several related tables. To establish communication between tables using a key field.

It helps to records from one table to find records
clearly in another table.
It can only be a unique field.
 It is a field whose data cannot be repeated.


If you create
a database
about students
key field can be
for instance passport
or student ID

Слайд 15

All data of one database is stored in
a single file


All data of one database is stored in a single file The
file extension- Mdb.

This file contains the database objects

Database management system Microsoft Access

Слайд 16

Tables are the basic objects of the database.
They contain all

Tables are the basic objects of the database. They contain all the
the data.
Queries are special structures are intended for data processing: browse, search, select the data using queries
Form is an object which we can use to enter new data into the database. And also we can use the form to view the data existing in the database.
Report is an object database, which we can use to analyze the data and print data in a specific format.
Macros are database objects that are used to group frequently performed operation in the database. We can assign a macro operation buttons or keys on the keyboard.
Modules are software routines written in Visual Basic

MS Access main objects

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