Installation testing mentoring program for manual QA

Слайд 2

What is installation testing?
Goals of installation testing

What is installation testing? Goals of installation testing Installation Update Uninstallation

Слайд 3

What is installation testing?

What is installation testing?

Слайд 4

Goals of installation testing

This is very important as installation would be the

Goals of installation testing This is very important as installation would be
first user interaction with the end users

Installation testing focuses on what customers will need to do to install and set up the new software successfully

Perform to verify that all necessary components of the application are, indeed, installed.

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Слайд 6

Installation. Desktop

Installer - is a program whose main functions are Installation, Updating

Installation. Desktop Installer - is a program whose main functions are Installation,
and Uninstalling the software.

Слайд 7

Installation. Desktop

The installer has a number of features, among which are the

Installation. Desktop The installer has a number of features, among which are
Deep interaction with the operating system and dependence on it (file system, registry, services and libraries);
Compatibility of both native and third-party libraries, components or drivers, with different platforms;
Design and style of the installation application;
Ease of use: intuitive interface, navigation, messages and tips;
Compatibility of user settings and documents in different versions of the application;

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Installation. Desktop

In most cases, the installer is an application in the form

Installation. Desktop In most cases, the installer is an application in the
of a wizard, which may have specific requirements, recommendations for testing which are discussed below:
Forget about the GUI. Try to describe test cases without being tied to interface elements.
Do not forget to do such a routine type of testing wizards, how to go back and forth through the pages:
Without changing anything, all answers should be saved; changing something on the previous page, the next one should undergo an adequate change or reset of answers.
Make sure that the wizard responds adequately to incorrect answers and does not allow you to move on.
The Cancel (Close) button should always work and on all pages of the wizard.

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Installation. Mobile_production build

Ony for Android 6 and less

Installation. Mobile_production build Ony for Android 6 and less

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Installation. Mobile_development build


Installation. Mobile_development build OR

Слайд 11

Cross-platform testing

of installers, which must be carried out for all three functions

Cross-platform testing of installers, which must be carried out for all three
- installation, updating and removal:
Correctness of the installer's work with various OS versions, Service packs and installed updates.
Checking files, drivers and libraries when installing under different OS.
Checking access rights to files, folders and system records for different operating systems.
Checking permissions set on application files.

Cross-platform testing

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A list of risks that will show the significance of the correct

Installation A list of risks that will show the significance of the
risk of losing user data
risk of operating system crashes
risk that the application does not work or is not installed at all
risk of application malfunctioning

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The correctness of the file list, as well as the absence of

Update/Upgrade The correctness of the file list, as well as the absence
extra files:
Checking the list of files with different installation parameters.
Lack of extra files.
Backward compatibility of generated data
Update when the application is running.
Aborting an update.

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Backward compatibility testing includes the following steps:
After installing the update, all previously

Update/Upgrade Backward compatibility testing includes the following steps: After installing the update,
created objects by the application, such as documents, forms, save (if this is a game) should open and work without errors. This behavior is called backward compatibility. User settings should remain the same, of course, if the updates did not affect their change.
The documents of the same type created in the new version should open correctly in older versions, of course, if the purpose of the update was not to change the file format and structure. If a new format was introduced, then the new version should have the ability to save the document in the old format.
If the updated application is running, the user should receive a warning that the update is not possible when the application is running.

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Removal (Uninstall):
Correct application deletion
Removal from the system registry of libraries and service

Update/Upgrade Removal (Uninstall): Correct application deletion Removal from the system registry of
records installed during the installation process.
Delete physical application files.
Delete / restore previous file associations.
Safety of files created during the work with the application.
Removal when the application is running.
Uninstall with restricted access to the application folder.
Removal by the user without the appropriate rights.

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Имя файла: Installation-testing-mentoring-program-for-manual-QA.pptx
Количество просмотров: 52
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