Слайд 2

What is QHSE, HES, HSE?

What is QHSE, HES, HSE?

Слайд 3

Зачем нам QHSE ?

Зачем нам QHSE ?

Слайд 4


Policy and standards / Политики и стандарты компании
Personnel training /

Agenda PPE / СИЗ Policy and standards / Политики и стандарты компании
Обучение персонала
Event reporting , Investigation / Отчеты о происшествиях и расследования
Risk Indentification reports / STOP cards/BBS cards / Определение риска, СТОП карты
Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA - Анализ и контроль риска

Слайд 5

Bad PPE examples

Bad PPE examples

Слайд 6


Hard hat
Safety glasses
HI gloves
R/A badge
Ear Protection

PPE / СИЗ Mandatory: Hard hat Coverall Safety glasses HI gloves Optional

Слайд 7

Policy and standards

A policy is a statement of principles to guide decisions

Policy and standards A policy is a statement of principles to guide
and actions.
Standard - mandatory action or rule designed to support and conform to a policy.
Procedure - who does what, when they do it, and under what criteria.
Guideline - General statements, recommendations, or administrative instructions

Слайд 8

Example Policy and Standard (Examples)

•Sexual Harassment Policy
•Employment Practices Policy
•Business Ethics Policy
•Confidentiality Policy

Example Policy and Standard (Examples) Policies •Sexual Harassment Policy •Employment Practices Policy
of Interest Policy

Mecanical lifting

Слайд 9

Personnel training

First Aid
Fire fighting

Personnel training First Aid Fire fighting HUET/BOSIET H2S

Слайд 10

Event reporting / Investigation

HSE Event (accident)
An undesired event which results in:
Harm to

Event reporting / Investigation HSE Event (accident) An undesired event which results
people (fatality, occupational injury/illness)
Damage to vehicles, assets, facilities
Damage to the environment
SQ Non-conformance
An undesired event which results in:
Non productive time (NPT)
Loss of revenue
Failure in process delivery
Failure of product
Damage to reputation and potential loss of future work

All QHSE events and associated RWPs (remedial work plan) must be reviewed before closure by the appropriate line management as set in the following responsibility matrices.

Слайд 11

Risk Indentification reports / STOP cards/BBS cards

What is RIR / STOP card

Risk Indentification reports / STOP cards/BBS cards What is RIR / STOP
Who writes it ?
Why do we need them ?

Слайд 12

HAZARD and RISK / Опасность и Риск

A hazard is any source of

HAZARD and RISK / Опасность и Риск A hazard is any source
potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.
Basically, a hazard is the potential for harm or an adverse effect (for example, to people as health effects, to organizations as property or equipment losses, or to the environment).
Example : Wet floor (can cause Slips, falls), Electricity ( can cause Shock, electrocution)

A risk is the chance of something happening that will have a negative effect. The level of risk reflects:
the likelihood of the unwanted event
the potential consequences of the unwanted event.

Слайд 17

Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA


Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA +

Слайд 18

Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA

How do we reduce

Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA How do we

What are the hazards ? What could go wrong ?

How do we limit effect ? How do we regain control ?

Is there a better way ? Can Hazard be eliminated ? Can exposure be reduced ?

How likely is it to cause an accident ?
How serious can it be ?

Слайд 19

Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA

Example : Driving

Hazard analys and Risc control / JHA / JSA Example : Driving
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