Selectors. Lection 22


Слайд 2

Element selection

WebElement cheese = driver.findElement("cheese"));

Element selection WebElement cheese = driver.findElement("cheese"));

Слайд 3

Locating by ID

WebElement elem = driver.findElement("email"));

Locating by ID WebElement elem = driver.findElement("email"));

Слайд 4

Locating by ClassName

WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.className("inputtext"));

Locating by ClassName WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.className("inputtext"));

Слайд 5

Locating by Name

WebElement elem = driver.findElement("userName"));

Locating by Name WebElement elem = driver.findElement("userName"));

Слайд 6

Locating by TagName

WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.tagName("strong"));

Locating by TagName WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.tagName("strong"));

Слайд 7

Locating by Link text

WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.linkText("REGISTER"));

Locating by Link text WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.linkText("REGISTER"));

Слайд 8

Locating by Partial link text

WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("STER"));

Locating by Partial link text WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("STER"));

Слайд 9

Locating by xpath

WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[@src=’/images/hdr_right.gif’]"));

Locating by xpath WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[@src=’/images/hdr_right.gif’]"));

Слайд 10

Locating by cssSelector

WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input.inputtext[tabindex=1]"));

Locating by cssSelector WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input.inputtext[tabindex=1]"));

Слайд 12


Xpath - It is a syntax or language for finding any element

Xpath Xpath - It is a syntax or language for finding any
on the web page using XML path expression. XPath is used to find the location of any element on a webpage using HTML DOM structure

// : Select current node.
Tagname: Tagname of the particular node.
@: Select attribute.
Attribute: Attribute name of the node.
Value: Value of the attribute.

Слайд 14

Types of X-path

1) Absolute XPath
2) Relative XPath. For Relative Xpath the path

Types of X-path 1) Absolute XPath html/body/div[1]/section/div[1]/div/div/div/div[1]/div/div/div/div/div[3]/div[1]/div/h4[1]/b 2) Relative XPath. For Relative
starts from the middle of the HTML DOM structure
Relative xpath: //*[@class='featured-box']//*[text()='Testing']

Слайд 15

1) Basic XPath:

Xpath= //label[@id='message23']
Xpath= //input[@value='RESET']
Xpath= //img[@src='//']

1) Basic XPath: Xpath=//input[@name='uid'] Xpath=//input[@type='text'] Xpath= //label[@id='message23'] Xpath= //input[@value='RESET'] Xpath=//*[@class='barone'] Xpath=//a[@href=''] Xpath= //img[@src='//']

Слайд 16

2) Contains():


2) Contains(): Xpath=//*[contains(@type,'sub')] Xpath=//*[contains(@name,'btn')] Xpath=//*[contains(@id,'message')] Xpath=//*[contains(text(),'here')] Xpath=//*[contains(@href,'')]

Слайд 17

3) Using OR & AND:

Xpath=//*[@type='submit' or @name='btnReset']
Xpath=//input[@type='submit' and @name='btnLogin']

3) Using OR & AND: Xpath=//*[@type='submit' or @name='btnReset'] Xpath=//input[@type='submit' and @name='btnLogin']

Слайд 18

4) Starts-with function:

Id=" message12"
Id=" message345"
Id=" message0873"
Id=" message8769"

4) Starts-with function: Id=" message12" Id=" message345" Id=" message0873" Id=" message8769" Xpath=//label[starts-with(@id,'message')]

Слайд 19

5) Text():


5) Text(): Xpath=//td[text()='UserID']

Слайд 20

6) XPath axes methods:

a) Following - Selects all elements in the document

6) XPath axes methods: a) Following - Selects all elements in the
of the current node
b) Ancestor - selects all ancestors element (grandparent, parent, etc.) of the current node
Xpath=//*[text()='Enterprise Testing']//ancestor::div
c) Child - Selects all children elements of the current node
d) Preceding - Select all nodes that come before the current node
e) Following-sibling - Select the following siblings of the context node
f) Parent - Selects the parent of the current node
g) Self - Selects the current node or 'self' means it indicates the node itself
Xpath =//*[@type='password']//self::input
h) Descendant - Selects the descendants of the current node

Слайд 21



Слайд 23

Css selectors

When we don't have an option to choose Id or Name,

Css selectors When we don't have an option to choose Id or
we should prefer using CSS locators as the best alternative.
CSS has more Advantage than Xpath
CSS is much more faster and simpler than the Xpath.
Looks shorter

Example 1: input[id=email]
Example 2: input[name=email][type=text]
Example 3: input#email
Example 4: input[class=menu4]
Example 5: input.menu4

Слайд 24

Css selector and classes

WebElement ele1 = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".primary-btn"));
WebElement ele2 = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".btn.primary-btn"));
WebElement ele3 = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".submit.primary-btn"));

Слайд 25

Special characters
1. '^' symbol, represents the starting text in a string.
2. '$'

Special characters 1. '^' symbol, represents the starting text in a string.
symbol represents the ending text in a string.
3. '*' symbol represents contains text in a string.

Слайд 29

xpath or css

xpath or css

Слайд 30

table_header_id_and_class: {
css: "table#large-table thead .column-50",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//thead//*[@class='column-50']"
table_header_id_class_and_direct_desc: {

{ table_header_id_and_class: { css: "table#large-table thead .column-50", xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//thead//*[@class='column-50']" }, table_header_id_class_and_direct_desc: {
css: "table#large-table > thead .column-50",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/thead//*[@class='column-50']"
table_header_traversing: {
css: "table#large-table thead tr th:nth-of-type(50)",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//thead//tr//th[50]"
table_header_traversing_and_direct_desc: {
css: "table#large-table > thead > tr > th:nth-of-type(50)",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/thead/tr/th[50]"
table_cell_id_and_class: {
css: "table#large-table tbody .column-50",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//tbody//*[@class='column-50']"
table_cell_id_class_and_direct_desc: {
css: "table#large-table > tbody .column-50",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/tbody//*[@class='column-50']"
table_cell_traversing: {
css: "table#large-table tbody tr td:nth-of-type(50)",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']//tbody//tr//td[50]"
table_cell_traversing_and_direct_desc: {
css: "table#large-table > tbody > tr > td:nth-of-type(50)",
xpath: "//table[@id='large-table']/tbody/tr/td[50]"

Слайд 31

Xpath vs Css

XPath we can traverse both forward and backward
Any set of

Xpath vs Css XPath we can traverse both forward and backward Any
conditions for the nodes in the path
Queries return any number of results, including zero

Xpath engines are different in each browser, hence make them inconsistent
Easy to read and write

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