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Свободно распространяемое программное обеспечение как механизм повышения эффективности информатизации профобразования
Свободно распространяемое программное обеспечение как механизм повышения эффективности информатизации профобразования
СПО для СПО Свободное программное обеспечение — широкий спектр программных решений, в которых права пользователя («свободы») на неограниченные установку, запуск, а также свободное использование, изучение, распространение и изменение (совершенствование) программ защищены юридически при помощи свободных лицензий. СПО для СПО С точки зрения использования свободного программного обеспечения, учитель, преподаватель свободен от выплаты вознаграждения его авторам, может свободно скачать программу из интернета, может свободно использовать на любом числе компьютеров, может передать коллегам или своим ученикам для использования и, даже более того - может «войти» в код программы и «подрегулировать» его для своих нужд.
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Seven tips for political science blog
Seven tips for political science blog
7 tips for political science blog English only – use English to reach the wider audience as much as possible Be short – don’t use length texts of more than 140 or so words Don’t limit your audience to those of professional community Don’t put all eggs in one basket – post in various outlets and accounts Don’t have much expectations at the initial phases of your project Design your blog for people who has no previous background in your field of study Use various formats beyond textual ones, including video, photo and other graphics This is a presentation on how to create effective political science blog, that is based on my previous experiences for the last one and a half year. I hope it would be helpful for people who want to create their own political science blogs, particularly at the initial phases of the projects in a field. I also hope that these tips would be of use for those who want to prevent the mistakes that are typical for many bloggers who just started their electronic activities. Why political science blog? political science blog is not a political one, because it is not about expressing political views or values political science blog is based on scientific treatment of politics and knowledge of the discipline political science blog is intended primarily not for political scientists, but for a wider audience that’s why, use simple language in your posts, understandable for non-professionals I will describe a difference between political science and political blogs as they are; in fact many people often confuse these genres when discuss politics and the related topics. I will demonstrate however, that political science has much in difference with political blogs when it comes to the aims and purposes. Political science genuinely aims to disseminate knowledge, while political blogs are intended for expressing political views and opinions.
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