Academician Korolyov

Слайд 2

Academician Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov was the famous Soviet scientist and designer

Academician Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov was the famous Soviet scientist and designer of
of spacerocket systems. He was born on the 30 of December 1906 in Zhitomir in the family of a teacher.

Слайд 3

From 1927 he worked in the aircraft (авиация) industry. In 1930,

From 1927 he worked in the aircraft (авиация) industry. In 1930, without
without leaving his job, he graduated from Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School and finished a flying school in Zhitomir in the same year.

Слайд 4

After a meeting with Tsiolkovky and studying his ideas, Korolyov became

After a meeting with Tsiolkovky and studying his ideas, Korolyov became a
a rocket enthusiast. He was one of the founders of modern space-rocket engineering.

K. E. Tsiolkovky

Слайд 5

In 1933, when the Group for Jet Propulsion (Группа изучения реактивного

In 1933, when the Group for Jet Propulsion (Группа изучения реактивного движения)
движения) was organized, and the first experimental rockets were made and tested, Korolyov took
part in its work.

Слайд 6

In 1957 the first Earth satellites in the world were put

In 1957 the first Earth satellites in the world were put into
into orbit with the help of the systems he had designed and the far side of the Moon was photographed.

Слайд 7

The spaceships, in which man first flew into space and from

The spaceships, in which man first flew into space and from which
which he walked out into space, were made under his guidance.

A. Leonov

Y. A Gagarin

Слайд 8

Korolyov trained many scientists and engineers who are now leading the

Korolyov trained many scientists and engineers who are now leading the work
work in research institutes and design offices which specialize in sphere of space-rocket engineering.

Слайд 9

He died on the 14 of January of 1966 and he was

He died on the 14 of January of 1966 and he was buried on Red Square.
buried on Red Square.
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