- 2. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 3. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 4. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 5. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 6. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 7. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 8. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 9. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 10. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 11. Lifespan 50 80 70 60 Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds
- 12. $50 000 $5 000 $500 Income Ось продолжительности жизни показывает ожидаемую продолжительность жизни в годах. Sources:
- 13. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 14. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 15. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 16. $50 000 $5 000 Lifespan 80 $500 70 60 50 Income Sources: After 1950: UN World
- 17. $50 000 $5 000 Lifespan Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds
- 18. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 19. Sources: After 1950: UN World Pop. Prosp. 2012. Before 1950: hundreds of sources combined by Gapminder.
- 21. Составил: Илья Кашницкий, 2018 (ikashnitsky.github.io); Данные: Российской базы данных по рождаемости и смертности 2016
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