A real professional. What does it mean?


Слайд 2

There are more than 50 000 professions in the world . It

There are more than 50 000 professions in the world . It
is very important to decide between the great number of them and choose the best.

Слайд 3

The person becomes the master when he understands
that until the end

The person becomes the master when he understands that until the end
of life he remains to be a beginner.
Robin Collinwood 
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

Слайд 4

In the Dutch families when the child is born and only starts

In the Dutch families when the child is born and only starts
to understand something, mother takes his palms and shows to the child on them 4 lines (they always are on palms).


“М” = “MAN”

“W” = “WORK”

Слайд 5

A man and the work.
The person should work, the man is

A man and the work. The person should work, the man is
born to work, and this great happiness – to follow the vocation.

Слайд 6

In the conditions of hard competition in labor market it is necessary

In the conditions of hard competition in labor market it is necessary
to persuade the employer that you are namely this expert he needs .

Слайд 7

In the conditions of modern society it is necessary to know,

In the conditions of modern society it is necessary to know, what
what qualities the professional has to possess. The choice of profession is a difficult decision in the life of each person. The future of people in many cases depends on the right choice of profession.

To choose a profession correctly means to find the place in life. Choosing a profession, the person chooses also his future.

Слайд 8

“ Work” means…

the intellectual and physical expenses made by people

“ Work” means… the intellectual and physical expenses made by people in
in this process, result of activity.

Слайд 9

“vocation” means…

Degree of the highest compliance of the person and

“vocation” means… Degree of the highest compliance of the person and his profession
his profession

Слайд 10

Specifical area of the application of physical and intellectual activities of the

Specifical area of the application of physical and intellectual activities of the
person within one profession;
For example, a profession – the doctor. Specialty – the stomatologist, the therapist, the oculist, the surgeon. Narrow specialization – the neurosurgeon.

“Specialty ” means…

Слайд 11

“profession” ( lat., : to speak, to declare, to explain)
The profession is

“profession” ( lat., : to speak, to declare, to explain) The profession
the social characteristic of the person indicating his belonging to a certain category of people who are engaged in an identical type of work.


Слайд 12


the person who made a certain occupation to his profession

PROFESSIONAL means… the person who made a certain occupation to his profession
and became the expert.
the expert trained for work in a certain occupation having skills, qualification, and if it necessary the admission to performance of obligations for the specialty.
the qualified person selling results of his work.

Слайд 13

A smatterer = a dilettante
the person who is characterized by lack of

A smatterer = a dilettante the person who is characterized by lack
the demanded standard level of the profession, the level of professional competence and quality of activity which isn't conceding to the level of many professionals.

A amateur
this is the person who is engaged in any type of work not for the sake of earnings, and for own pleasure. It doesn't prevent some fans to reach the level of professional competence and quality of activity which isn't conceding to the level of many professionals.

Слайд 14

What does the professional do and what he doesn't he do?

What does the professional do and what he doesn't he do? What
he can and what he can't?
What are activities of the professional?
How to recognize the professional among other and how to see the professional in oneself?
What qualities the professional possesses?

Слайд 15

3 components of professionalism




3 components of professionalism quickness knowledge experience

Слайд 16

properties of the professional

2. Honesty
3. Initiative
4. Respect
5. Attention to details
6. Punctuality

properties of the professional 1.Optimism 2. Honesty 3. Initiative 4. Respect 5.
8. Power of persistence
10. Purposefulness
11. Love to the work
12. Experience
13. Competence
14. Existence of results

Слайд 17

Qualities of the professional medical doctor (expert)



Qualities of the professional medical doctor (expert) moral esthetic intellectual


Слайд 18

Compassion (empathy),
adherence to principles,

Compassion (empathy), goodwill, keenness, attentiveness, patience, dedication, honesty, diligence, modesty, adherence to
love to people and to the work.

Moral qualities of the professional medical doctor (expert)

Слайд 19

faultless appearance,
lack of addictions and bad habits.

Esthetic qualities

neatness, faultless appearance, lack of addictions and bad habits. Esthetic qualities of
of the professional medical doctor (expert)

Слайд 20

Intelligent qualities of the professional medical doctor (expert)


Intelligent qualities of the professional medical doctor (expert) erudition, observation, initiative, logicality
logicality of thinking,
aspiration to self-improvement

Слайд 21

Proper education of the medical experts;
Ability to empathy;
Personal charm;
Healthy optimism of the

Proper education of the medical experts; Ability to empathy; Personal charm; Healthy
Modesty (don't need self-advertisement);
Truthfulness and honesty;
Ability to recognize the mistakes, defects in the work;
The doctor has to make impression of the healthy person;
Proper appearance of the doctor, manner of his behavior, culture of communication.

«Portrait» of the medical doctor – professional (expert)

Слайд 22

1. Be attentive and scrupulous in everything!
2. Be sociable!
3. Rule of

1. Be attentive and scrupulous in everything! 2. Be sociable! 3. Rule
10 000 hours.
4. Motivate yourself!
5. Don't stop on the reached results!
6. A good dress is a card of invitation!

5 rules for a real expert

Слайд 23

Give special attention to the appearance!
Never be late!
If you don't know

Give special attention to the appearance! Never be late! If you don't
anything – ask about it!
Respect people around!
Don't miss trivial details!
Be aware of all computer innovations!

Advice for the beginners

Слайд 24

The parable about fight between 2 wolves

The parable about fight between 2 wolves

Слайд 25

The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

The secret of success is constancy to purpose. Disraeli

Слайд 26

Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your

Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your
arrow will fly higher than if aimed at an object on a level with yourself.

Слайд 27

We wish you reach the planned results in your activity!

Try to

We wish you reach the planned results in your activity! Try to be real experts!!!
be real experts!!!

Слайд 28

«I am-a future medical expert!»

Humour page☺☺☺

«I am-a future medical expert!» Humour page☺☺☺

Слайд 29

Me in my opinion


Use of special devices

Use of special dress

Unique kind of

Me in my opinion Superhero Use of special devices Use of special

Rescue of people

Use of special mask

Слайд 30

Me in my parents‘ opinion☺

Me in my parents‘ opinion☺

Слайд 31

Me in my patients‘ opinion☺

Me in my patients‘ opinion☺

Слайд 32

Me in opinion of my acquaintances☺

Me in opinion of my acquaintances☺

Слайд 33

What I want to do

What I want to do

Слайд 34

Me in opinion of my group –mates ☺

Me in opinion of my group –mates ☺

Слайд 35

Me in opinion of my teachers

Me in opinion of my teachers

Слайд 36

What I really always do?


What I really always do? I IRON MY doctor's COAT EVERY DAY!!!
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