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What is Authority?
Authority is the right or power to enforce obedience.

Introduction What is Authority? Authority is the right or power to enforce
is also means to take charge of or to be in control of. Mk 1: 27, Matt. 8:8-9, Mt. 7:29
The word authority is gotten from a Greek word Exousia which could also be translated as jurisdiction, liberty, right or strength.

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Who has Authority?

God, and anyone to whom God has given authority Ps.

Who has Authority? God, and anyone to whom God has given authority
62:11, Rm. 13:1-2 i.e. God is the ultimate source of all power and authority Col. 1:16-17.
Therefore, respecting godly authority means respecting God Himself.
Examples of those to whom God has given authority include parents, leaders, elders, rulers, bosses, government officials, church leaders etc.

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There is a hierarchical structure in heaven: We have God the Father,

There is a hierarchical structure in heaven: We have God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, followed by The Four Living Beings, Twenty-Four Elders, the Arch Angels, The Cherubim and Seraphim and then the ordinary Angels.
As it is in heaven so also it is here on earth 1 Cor. 15:41. In the Redeemed Christian Church of God, we have hierarchy for the sake of orderliness.

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How should you respond to Godly Authority? Heb. 13:17

The Bible says that

How should you respond to Godly Authority? Heb. 13:17 The Bible says
we are to submit to godly authority.
To submit means to yield control to another.
Rebellion against godly authority is not tolerated in God’s army and is likened to the sin of witchcraft 1 Sam. 15:23.
Jesus is an excellent example of submission Phil 2:5-11

Слайд 6

What is the primary cause of rebellion and a rebellious and contentious spirit?

What is the primary cause of rebellion and a rebellious and contentious
Prov. 13:10

The Bible says that pride is the primary cause of rebellion and contentiousness.
As Christians, we are expected to be of a humble spirit and to submit to godly authority 1 Pet. 5:5.
Rebellion against godly authority is rebellion against God Himself because He is the source of authority.

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Can authority be abused? Jer. 12:10

Yes, and as a worker, as you

Can authority be abused? Jer. 12:10 Yes, and as a worker, as
progress through the hierarchy of the RCCG, you should be mindful of how you use your God-given authority.

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Examples of those who used their God-given authority wrongly and the

Examples of those who used their God-given authority wrongly and the consequences include:
consequences include:

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You should only use the authority that God gives you to do

You should only use the authority that God gives you to do
what God wants you to do.
Matt. 4:3-4 shows that the enemy can try to tempt us to use our God-given authority wrongfully.
Like Jesus did, we too can avoid falling prey of the temptation to abuse God-given authority by staying humble in heart and obedient to God’s Word.

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How should you respond to an erring superior?

In a situation where a

How should you respond to an erring superior? In a situation where
superior is perhaps out of order and errant, the Bible forbids you from rebuking or talking rudely to such a leader 1 Tim. 5:1, Jude 9.
Rather, you should pray for him/her, asking that God would open his/her eyes of understanding and have mercy on such a leader, even if such a leader mistreats you Matt. 5:38-39.
You could also take the case of the leader to a higher authority.
This action should be done out of love for the leader and could also help you seen things from a different perspective.

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Some other consequences of disobeying godly authority include the following:
There could be a

Some other consequences of disobeying godly authority include the following: There could
loss of God-given authority 1 Sam 15:23
Demonic affliction could follow 1 Sam. 16:14
Distress Jonah 1: 3-4, 10-12
Sickness and disease could result e.g. Gehazi 2 Kings 5:15-27
Curses could set in Gen 49:3-4
Defeat Joshua 7:1,5
Death 1 Samuel 3:12-13,4:18
Because of the law of harvest, such a person will also be rebelled against in the future Gal. 6:7
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