Слайд 2

Who is a Christian Worker?

Somebody who has received Jesus Christ into his/her

Who is a Christian Worker? Somebody who has received Jesus Christ into
life and has been called and set apart by God to serve in His vineyard.
A person who has been commissioned and sent out by God Himself to do His work John 15:16, Luke 10:1.
Hence, primarily, the worker is working for the Almighty God Himself.
The purpose of this workers’ training is to equip you with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding you need to function effectively as a worker in God’s vineyard

Слайд 3

The Main duties of a Worker

2 Tim. 4:2

Jesus and the

The Main duties of a Worker Evangelism 2 Tim. 4:2 Jesus and
Woman at the Well Jn. 4:5-42

Слайд 4

The Main duties of a Worker

Praying and interceding
1 Tim. 2:1

The Main duties of a Worker Praying and interceding 1 Tim. 2:1

Слайд 5

The Main duties of a Worker

3. Giving Lk. 6:38
…your all to God

The Main duties of a Worker 3. Giving Lk. 6:38 Time Skills

Слайд 6

Hence, all your activities as a worker will be centred on evangelism,

Hence, all your activities as a worker will be centred on evangelism,
praying and giving.
The ultimate goal is the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
Any activity that does not establish God’s kingdom on earth can be labeled as a waste of time.
The Bible describes God’s kingdom as “righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17).

Слайд 7

Qualifications of the Christian Worker in the RCCG

He/she must be:
born again John

Qualifications of the Christian Worker in the RCCG He/she must be: born
have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit Acts. 1:8
have been water baptized by immersion Matt. 28:19-20

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Other Essential Qualifications

He/she must be
given to prayer and fasting regularly

Other Essential Qualifications He/she must be given to prayer and fasting regularly
given to the study of the Word of God
Joshua 1:8
an active soul winner Mk. 16:15
trustworthy and of a good conduct Lk. 12:42-43
available to do the work of God and not be a “ghost worker” Lk. 12:45-46
faithful and committed tithe payer Mal. 3:8-10

Слайд 9

Other Essential Qualifications

humble and willing to submit
to the leadership and doctrines

Other Essential Qualifications humble and willing to submit to the leadership and

of the Church. Heb. 13:17
able to work without
supervision and not
given to eye-service Mt. 25:19-21
willing to attend services in
church e.g mid-week services,
vigils, house fellowship etc. Heb. 10:25
Above all, he/she must embrace
holiness as a way of life Heb. 12:14

Слайд 10

Things to Note about Being a Christian Worker:

1 You will be rewarded by

Things to Note about Being a Christian Worker: 1 You will be
the Lord for your service Col. 3:24, Mt. 25:21
2. Your service should not be based on eye-service because
your reward comes from the Lord and not from man.
Col. 3:23-24 Eph. 6:5-8
3. Your service to God must be sacrificial and selfless. You
must also recognize the fact that Christian service
is not always a bed of roses and is not always convenient
Matt. 10:37-39
4. Your service must be rendered without divided allegiance
because only those that are faithful to the end would be rewarded.
Matt. 6:24, 2 Cor. 6:14-18

Слайд 11

Things to Note about Being a Christian Worker:

Working for God is an

Things to Note about Being a Christian Worker: Working for God is
of your love for Him and is a way of
showing your gratitude to Him for all
the things that He has done for you.
John 21:15
6. You must learn to operate under authority. Rebellion is not tolerated in God’s service and it is usually severely punished. Matt. 8:8-9, 1 Sam. 15:23

Jesus and the woman who was forgiven much – Lk. 7:47

Слайд 12

What are some of the rewards of Christian service?

Eternal life and heavenly

What are some of the rewards of Christian service? Eternal life and
reward Mt. 25:34-36,
John 14:2-3
Long life here on earth Psalm 91:16, Exodus 23:26
Favour with God and with men Acts 2:47,
Luke 2:52
Divine Presence at all times Psalm 91:15
Divine Protection from evil Psalm 91:14
Divine Provision and prosperity Deut. 28:5,8
Divine Empowerment to do great works Mark 16:17-18
Divine Health i.e. freedom from sickness and disease Exodus 23:25
All-round fruitfulness Exodus 23:26
Divine Promotion to higher levels of service Luke 12:42-44
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