Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations


Слайд 2


Cells are active participants in their environment, constantly adjusting their structure

Cells Cells are active participants in their environment, constantly adjusting their structure
and function to accommodate changing demands and extracellular stresses.
Cells tend to maintain their intracellular milieu within a fairly narrow range of physiologic parameters; that is, they maintain normal homeostasis.

Слайд 3


As cells encounter physiologic stresses or pathologic stimuli, they can

CELLULAR ADAPTATIONS As cells encounter physiologic stresses or pathologic stimuli, they can
achieving a new steady state
preserving viability and function
The principal adaptive responses are
hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, metaplasia.

Слайд 4


Broadly speaking, such physiologic and pathologic adaptations occur by
Decreasing or

CELLULAR ADAPTATIONS Broadly speaking, such physiologic and pathologic adaptations occur by Decreasing
increasing their size (atrophy and hypertrophy respectively).
By changing the pathway of phenotypic differentiation of cells (metaplasia and dysplasia).
In general, the adaptive responses are reversible on withdrawal of stimulus.

Слайд 5

Cells may adapt to a pathological (disease) stimulus by extending the three

Cells may adapt to a pathological (disease) stimulus by extending the three
normal physiological adaptive responses:

1. Increased cellular activity — increased functional demand on a tissue can be met by increase in cell number (hyperplasia), as well as by increase in cell size (hypertrophy).
2. Decreased cellular activity — cell atrophy.
3. Alteration of cell morphology (degeneration, apoptosis, necrosis).

Слайд 7


Atrophy means reduction of the number and size of cells, tissues and

Atrophy Atrophy means reduction of the number and size of cells, tissues
organs in living organism characterized by decrease or stopping their function.
Atrophy may be
physiologic and pathologic.

Слайд 8

A. Physiologic atrophy. It is a normal process of aging in some

A. Physiologic atrophy. It is a normal process of aging in some

1. Atrophy of lymphoid tissue in lymph nodes, appendix and thymus.
2. Atrophy of gonads after menopause.
3. Atrophy of brain.
4. Atrophy of bones.
It may be obliteration of the umbilical arteries
and arterial duct (Botallow’s) after birth.

Слайд 12

B. Pathologic atrophy may be general and local.

General atrophy is observed in

B. Pathologic atrophy may be general and local. General atrophy is observed
cachexia due to
Oncologic and chronic diseases.
Injury of hypophysis (endocrine cachexia).
Injury of hypothalamus (cerebral cachexia).

Слайд 13

Gross appearance of patients occurs:

Sharp exhaustion.
Adipose tissue is decreased and it has

Gross appearance of patients occurs: Sharp exhaustion. Adipose tissue is decreased and
brown color.
Muscles are atrophied; skin is dry and flabby.
Internal organs are small, brown color and often shrunken.
Osteoporosis takes place.

Слайд 14


Cells become smaller in size but are not dead cells.
Shrinkage in cell

Histologically: Cells become smaller in size but are not dead cells. Shrinkage
size is due to reduction in cell organelles.
Accumulation of lipofuscin around nucleus takes place. Lipofuscin (“wear and tear” pigment) is a golden yellow pigment representing undigested lipid material derived from cellular metabolism.

Слайд 15

Hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size of parenchymal resulting in

Hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size of parenchymal resulting in
enlargement of the organ or tissue, without any change in the number of cells.
Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of parenchymal cells resulting in enlargement of the organ or tissue. Quite often, both hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur together.

Слайд 16

Mechanisms of hypertrophy

The increased size of the cells is due not to

Mechanisms of hypertrophy The increased size of the cells is due not
an increased intake of fluid, called cellular swelling or edema, but to the synthesis of more structural components. It is called true hypotrophy.
False hypertrophy is the increase of the size of organs due to growth of connective tissue, accumulation of the fluid or fatty tissue. It results in atrophy of organ (hydronephrosis, hydrocephalus, obesity of heart).

Слайд 17

True hypertrophy (hyperplasia)
has adaptative and compensative characteristics and may be:



True hypertrophy (hyperplasia) has adaptative and compensative characteristics and may be: physiologic pathologic

Слайд 18

A. Physiologic hypertrophy (hyperplasia).

1. Neurogumoral (hormonal) hypertrophy: hypertrophy of female breast at

A. Physiologic hypertrophy (hyperplasia). 1. Neurogumoral (hormonal) hypertrophy: hypertrophy of female breast
puberty, during pregnancy and lactation, hypertrophy of pregnant uterus, proliferative activity of normal endometrium after a normal menstrual cycle, prostatic hyperplasia in old age.
2. Working hypertrophy of skeletal muscle: hypertrophied muscles in athletes and manual labour.

Слайд 21

B. Pathologic hypertrophy (hyperplasia).

Neurogumoral hypertrophy develops due to impairment of
endocrine functions.

B. Pathologic hypertrophy (hyperplasia). Neurogumoral hypertrophy develops due to impairment of endocrine
Endometrial glandular hyperplasia
following estrogen excess which it occurs by metrorrhagia;
atrophy of testis leads to increase of breast (gynecomastia);
hyperfunction of anterior lobus hypophisis (adenoma) leads to increase skeleton (acromegaly).
Working hypertrophy develops in tissues consisting of
stable undivided cells due to increase of size it one. It may be
often in cardiac muscle at some cardiac diseases, such as:
systemic hypertension, aortic valve disease (stenosis and
insufficiency), mitral insufficiency; hypertrophy of smooth
muscle: cardiac achalasia (in esophagus), pyloric stenosis (in
stomach), and intestinal stricture; hypertrophy of urine bladder in adenoma of prostatic glands.

Слайд 22

3. Compensatory reparative hypertrophy: regeneration of the liver following partial hepatectomy, regeneration

3. Compensatory reparative hypertrophy: regeneration of the liver following partial hepatectomy, regeneration
of epidermis after skin abrasion; hypertrophy of myocardium in postinfarctional cardiosclerosis.
4. Vicarious (substitutional) hypertrophy: following nephrectomy on one side in a young patient there is compensatory hypertrophy as well as hyperplasia of the nephrons of the other kidney.
5. Hypertrophic vegetations develop due to chronic inflammation in mucous membranes (polyps and condilomas); lymphostasis leads to ingrowth of connective tissue, examples of false hypertrophy. In wound healing, there is formation of granulation tissue.

Слайд 24

According to stage of adaptation two types of myocardial hypertrophy have

According to stage of adaptation two types of myocardial hypertrophy have been
been described:
Concentric. In concentric hypertrophy (clinically, no insufficiency) the musculature is clearly enlarged, measuring till 1.8 cm, but chambers of the heart are not dilated.
Eccentric. In eccentric hypertrophy myocardium is enlarged but chambers of the heart are dilated. This leads to hemodynamic disorder with cardiac insufficiency. It is called myogenic dilatation.

Слайд 25

myocardial hypertrophy

myocardial hypertrophy

Слайд 26


Metaplasia is defined as a reversible change of one type to

Metaplasia Metaplasia is defined as a reversible change of one type to
another type of adult epithelial or mesenchymal cells, usually in response to abnormal stimuli, and often reverts back to normal on removal of stimulus.
Metaplasia is broadly divided into 2 types:
Epithelial metaplasia
Mezenhymal metaplasia

Слайд 27

Epithelial metaplasia

This is the more common type. The metaplastic changes may

Epithelial metaplasia This is the more common type. The metaplastic changes may
be patchy or diffuse and usually result in replacement by stronger but less well-specialized epithelium.
Squamous metaplasia: in bronchus in chronic smokers, in gall bladder in chronic cholecystitis with cholelithiasis.
Columnar metaplasia in which there is transformation to columnar in cervical erosion.

Слайд 29

Mezenhymal metaplasia.

Transformation of one adult type of mesenchymal tissue to another.

Mezenhymal metaplasia. Transformation of one adult type of mesenchymal tissue to another.
metaplasia. Osseous metaplasia is formation of bone in fibrous tissue, cartilage or Less often, there myxoid tissue: in arterial wall in old age, in soft tissues in myositis ossificans, in cartilage of larynx and bronchi in elderly people, in scar of chronic inflammation of prolonged duration, in the fibrous stroma of tumor.
Cartilaginous metaplasia. In healing of fractures, cartilaginous metaplasia may occur where there is undue mobility.

Слайд 31


Dysplasia means “disordered cellular development”, often accompanied with metaplasia and hyperplasia, it

Dysplasia Dysplasia means “disordered cellular development”, often accompanied with metaplasia and hyperplasia,
is therefore also referred to as atypical hyperplasia. Epithelial dysplasia is characterized by cellular proliferation and cytological changes, which include:
Hyperplasia of epithelial layers.
Disorderly arrangement of cells from basal layer to the surface layer.
Cellular and nuclear pleomorphism.
Increased nucleocytoplasmic ratios.
Nuclear hyperchromatism.
Increased mitotic activity.
The two most common examples of dysplastic changes are the uterine cervix and respiratory tract.

Слайд 36

If the adaptive capability is exceeded or if the external stress

If the adaptive capability is exceeded or if the external stress is
is inherently harmful,
cell injury develops.
Within certain limits injury is reversible, and cells return to a stable baseline; however, severe or persistent stress results in irreversible injury and death of the affected cells.

Слайд 37


Cell death is a state of irreversible injury. It may

IRREVERSIBLE CELLULAR INJURY: Cell death is a state of irreversible injury. It
occur in the living body as a local change (i. e.
autolysis, necrosis and apoptosis), or result in
end of the life (somatic death).

Слайд 38

Cell death is

One of the most crucial events in the

Cell death is One of the most crucial events in the evolution
evolution of disease in any tissue or organ. It results from diverse causes, including ischemia (lack of blood flow), infections, toxins, and immune reactions. Cell death is also a normal and essential process in embryogenesis, the development of organs, and the maintenance of homeostasis.

Слайд 39

Autolysis (“self-digestion”)

Is disintegration of the cell by its own hydrolytic enzymes

Autolysis (“self-digestion”) Is disintegration of the cell by its own hydrolytic enzymes
liberated from lysosomes. Autolysis can occur in the living body when it is surrounded by inflammatory reaction (vital reaction), or may occur as postmortem change in which there is complete absence of surrounding inflammatory response. Autolysis is rapid in some tissues rich in hydrolytic enzymes such as in the pancreas, and gastric mucosa, intermediate in tissues like the heart, liver and kidney, and slow in fibrous tissue.

Слайд 40


Is celullar death in the living body in the disease. Necrosis is

Necrosis Is celullar death in the living body in the disease. Necrosis
defined as focal death along with degradation of tissue by hydrolytic enzymes liberated by cells. It is invariably accompanied by inflammatory reaction.
Two essential changes bring about irreversible cell injury in necrosis:
cell digestion by lytic enzymes and
denaturation of proteins.

Слайд 41

Nuclear changes. The irreversibly damaged nuclei are characterized by one of the

Nuclear changes. The irreversibly damaged nuclei are characterized by one of the
following three features:

Karyopicnosis - first nucleus shrinks and becomes dense.
Karyorrhexis - rupture of nuclear membrane and fragmentation of the nucleus. Nucleus is decomposed into small granules.
Karyolysis may be developed, when the nucleus dissolves.

Слайд 43

At electron microscopic level

In addition to the above nuclear changes, disorganization and

At electron microscopic level In addition to the above nuclear changes, disorganization
disintegration of the cytoplasmic organelles and severe damage of the plasma membrane are seen.
In the cytoplasm, protein denaturation and coagulation or hydration and colliquation take place.
Plasmorrhexis is characterized by decomposition of cytoplasm into clumps due to coagulation.
Then plasmolysis takes place. Plasmolysis is hydrolytic fusion of cytoplasm. Sometimes we can observe vacuolization and calcification in the cytoplasm.

Слайд 44



Слайд 45



Слайд 46

The presence of the grains of chromatin in a focus of caseous

The presence of the grains of chromatin in a focus of caseous
necrosis is a manifestation of:
Mitotic activity of nuclei

Слайд 47

Stages of necrosis (or morphogenesis):

1. Paranecrosis - reversible changes; as a rule,

Stages of necrosis (or morphogenesis): 1. Paranecrosis - reversible changes; as a
reversible degeneration.
2. Necrobiosis - irreversible degenerative changes.
3. Death of cells.
4. Autolysis is the enzymic digestion of the dead cell due to effect of catalytic enzymes derived from lysosomes.

Слайд 48

Types of necrosis

According to the mechanisms of development:
1. Direct (from influence of

Types of necrosis According to the mechanisms of development: 1. Direct (from
mechanical, physical, chemical, and toxic factors).
2. Indirect (vascular and neurogenous).

Слайд 49

Types of necrosis

According to the cause:
1. Traumatic.
2. Toxic.
3. Trophoneurotic.
4. Allergic.
5. Vascular or

Types of necrosis According to the cause: 1. Traumatic. 2. Toxic. 3.

Слайд 50

Coagulative necrosis

Is associated with inhibition of lytic enzymes. Foci

Coagulative necrosis Is associated with inhibition of lytic enzymes. Foci of coagulative
of coagulative necrosis in the early stage are pale, firm, and slightly swollen. With progression they become more yellowish, softer, and shrunken. The cells do not lyse; thus, their outlines are relatively preserved. Nuclei disappear and the acidified cytoplasm becomes eosiniphilic. Waxy (Zenker’s) necrosis of muscle may occur at typhoid fever.

Слайд 51

Coagulative necrosis

Coagulative necrosis

Слайд 52

Liver: normal and necrosis There are signs of damage to the living

Liver: normal and necrosis There are signs of damage to the living
cells: lipid inclusions, vacuolation and cellular swelling. In the necrotic area, nuclear pyknosis and karyorhexis are evident, as well, these all more easily visible at the high magnification of the image below at left. This image shows off a necrotic center quite nicely, with hemorrhage, mixed inflammatory cells, eosinophilic necrotic hepatocytes, pyknosis, and nuclear debris.

Слайд 53

Zenker’s degeneration.Specimen is colored by Malori’s technique.  Muscle fibers are fragmented, sarcoplasm is homogenous, looks

Zenker’s degeneration.Specimen is colored by Malori’s technique. Muscle fibers are fragmented, sarcoplasm
like “wax candles”.

Слайд 54

Liquefactive (colliquative) necrosis

Is marked by dissolution of tissue due to

Liquefactive (colliquative) necrosis Is marked by dissolution of tissue due to enzymatic
enzymatic lysis of dead cells. Typically, it takes place in the brain when autocatalytic enzymes are released from dead cells. Liquefactive necrosis occurs also in purulent inflammation due to the heterolytic action of polymorphonuclear leucocytes in pus. Liquefied tissue is soft, diffluent and composed of disintegrated cells and fluid.

Слайд 55

Liquefactive (colliquative) necrosis

Liquefactive (colliquative) necrosis

Слайд 56

Fig. 1. Histologically, Colliquation Necroses Are Observed, Mainly In The White Brain Substance

Fig. 1. Histologically, Colliquation Necroses Are Observed, Mainly In The White Brain
Of Corpus Medularis, Appearing As Brighter Foci, Extensively Vacuolized And With A Reticular Structure. H/E, Bar = 30 Μm.

Слайд 57

Liquefactive (colliquative) necrosis

Liquefactive (colliquative) necrosis

Слайд 58


develops in organs and tissues having contact with environment. The most

Gangrene develops in organs and tissues having contact with environment. The most
often examples of gangrene are gangrene of low extremities, uterus, lungs etc.
There are 3 main forms of gangrene –
Gas gangrene.

Слайд 59

Dry gangrene

Dry gangrene

Слайд 60

Wet gangrene

Wet gangrene

Слайд 61

Gas gangrene

Gas gangrene

Слайд 62

Gangrene does not appear in…

Intestine (bowel)

Gangrene does not appear in… Skin Kidney Lungs Uterus Intestine (bowel)

Слайд 63

On autopsy it is revealed enlarged dense right lung, fibrin layers on

On autopsy it is revealed enlarged dense right lung, fibrin layers on
the pleura. Lung tissue is light green color on incision with muddy liqued exudates. What lung disease are these symptoms typical for?
A. Lung-fever
B. Bronchopneumonia,
С. Pulmonary gangrene
D. Fibrosing alveolitis
E. Interstitial pneumonia

Слайд 64

A patient with diabetes mellitus suddenly began having sharp pain in his

A patient with diabetes mellitus suddenly began having sharp pain in his
right foot. The examination revealed black hallux, swallen foot tissues, focuses of epidermis detachment, secreta with unpleasant smell. What clinico-morphological form of necrosis developed in a patient?
A. Wet gangrene
B. Bedsore
C. Dry gangrene
D. Sequester
E. Infarction

Слайд 65

In 77-year-old patient suffered with atherosclerosis the pain has appeared in the

In 77-year-old patient suffered with atherosclerosis the pain has appeared in the
right foot. The foot is enlarged in size, its skin has black color and is macerated; the demarcation line is not clear. What pathological process takes place in a patient?
Coagulative necrosis
Dry gangrene
Wet gangrene

Слайд 66

The examination of the child with measles showed the non-clear border edematous

The examination of the child with measles showed the non-clear border edematous
fluctuated areas of red-black color in the soft tissues of the cheeks and perineum. What complication did develop in the child?
A.Dry gangrene
B.Gas gangrene
D.Wet gangrene (noma)
E.Trophic ulcer

Слайд 67

Infarction – vascular or ischemic necrosis.

Infarction – vascular or ischemic necrosis.

Слайд 68

A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency. The histological examination of his

A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency. The histological examination of his
heart revealed in myocardium of the left ventricle the necrotized section, which was separated from undamaged tissue by the zone of hyperimic vessels, small hemorrhages and leukocytic infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Focal exudate myocarditis
B. Diffuse exudate myocarditis
C. Productive myocarditis
D. Myocardial ischemic dystrophy
E. Myocardial infarction

Слайд 69

Infarction is…

Ichemical necrosis

Infarction is… Hyperemia Stasis Ichemical necrosis Secquestrum Degeneration

Слайд 70

A 65-year-old patient, who suffered from arteriosclerosis, has been hospitalized in surgical

A 65-year-old patient, who suffered from arteriosclerosis, has been hospitalized in surgical
department because he had purulent peritonitis. Thrombosis of mesenteric arteries was found during operation. What is the most probable cause of peritonitis?
Angiospastic ischemia
Hemorrhagic infarction
Angioneurotic edema
Chronic congestion

Слайд 71

Fat necrosis

is encountered in adipose tissue contiguous to the pancreas and

Fat necrosis is encountered in adipose tissue contiguous to the pancreas and
more rarely at distant sites, as a result of leakage of lipase after acute injury to pancreatic acinar tissue, most commonly from obstruction of pancreatic ducts. Grossly, fat necrosis appears as firm, yellow-white deposits in peripancreatic and mesenteric adipose tissue. Histologically, necrotic fat cells are distinguishable as pale outlines, and their cytoplasm is filled with an amorphous-appearing, faintly basophilic material (soap).

Слайд 72

Fat necrosis of the pancreas

Fat necrosis of the pancreas

Слайд 73

Caseous necrosis

Has features of both coagulative and liquefactive necrosis. Typically, it

Caseous necrosis Has features of both coagulative and liquefactive necrosis. Typically, it
occurs in the center of tuberculous granulomas, which contain a white or yellow “cheesy” material (Latin caseum = cheese) that accounts for the name of this lesion. Histologically, the outlines of necrotic cells are not preserved, but the tissue has not been liquefied either. The remnants of the cells appear as finely granular, amorphous material.

Слайд 74

Caseous necrosis

Caseous necrosis

Слайд 75

Fibrinoid necrosis

Is characterised by deposition of fibrin-like material, which has

Fibrinoid necrosis Is characterised by deposition of fibrin-like material, which has the
the staining properties of fibrin. It is encountered in various examples of immunologic tissue injury, arterioles in hypertension, peptic ulcer etc. Histologically, fibrinoid necrosis is identified by brightly eosinophilic, hyaline like deposition in the vessel’s wall or on the luminal surface of a peptic ulcer.

Слайд 76

Fibrinoid necrosis

Fibrinoid necrosis

Слайд 78

Outcomes of necrosis

Regeneration of tissues – replacement of the dead tissue with

Outcomes of necrosis Regeneration of tissues – replacement of the dead tissue
a new one.
Incapsulation – formation of the connective tissue capsula around necrotic area.
Organization – replacement of the dead tissue with connective tissue.
Petrification – replacement of the dead tissue with calcium salts.
Incrustation – replacement of the dead tissue with any other salts except calcium.
Ossification – the formation of the bone tissue in the necrotic area;
Hyaline change – the appearance of the hyaline-like substance in the necrotic area.
Suppuration or purulent fusion of necrotic tissues.
Sequestration – formation of sequester.
Mutilation – spontaneous tearing- away of the dead tissue.
Cystic formation.

Слайд 79

Sequester – fragment of dead tissue, which can’t be autolized, replaced by

Sequester – fragment of dead tissue, which can’t be autolized, replaced by
connective tissue and which is localized among alive tissue.

Слайд 80


Is a programmed (physiological) death of the cell in the living body.

Apoptosis Is a programmed (physiological) death of the cell in the living
features of apoptosis:
1. Cell shrinkage;
2. Chromatin condensation;
3. Formation of cytoplasmic blebs and apoptotic bodies;
4. Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells or bodies.

Слайд 81


In tissues stained with hematoxylin and eosin, apoptotic involves single cells or

Histologically In tissues stained with hematoxylin and eosin, apoptotic involves single cells
small clusters of cells.
The apoptotic cell appears as a round or oval mass of intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm with dense nuclear chromatin fragments.
Because the cell shrinkage and formation of the apoptotic bodies are rapid, however, and the fragments are quickly phagocytosed, degraded, or extruded into the lumen, considerable apoptosis may occur in tissue before it becomes apparent in histologic sections. In addition, apoptosis - in contrast to necrosis - does not elicit inflammation, marking it even more difficulty to detect histologically.

Слайд 83

Mechanisms of the development of intra- and extracellular (stromal) degenerations (dystrophies) are

Mechanisms of the development of intra- and extracellular (stromal) degenerations (dystrophies) are
the followings:

Infiltration – redundant accumulation (deposition) of metabolites into the cells and extracellular matrix.
Decomposition (phanerosis) – disintegration of membranous structures of the cells and extracellular matrix.
Perverted synthesis - synthesis of abnormal substances in the cells and tissues.
Transformation – formation of one type of metabolism’s products from common initial substances for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Слайд 84

Intracellular fatty degenerations

For identification of different kind of fats we usually use

Intracellular fatty degenerations For identification of different kind of fats we usually
special reactions (staining):
Sudan III — stains fat red,
Sudan IV — black, 
Nile blau sulfat stains fatty acids blue and neutral fats red.

Слайд 85

Disturbance of fat metabolism may manifest as:

appearance in the place where it

Disturbance of fat metabolism may manifest as: appearance in the place where
does not appear under normal conditions (e.g. in the myocardium);
appearance of fat of unusual composition; • increase of fat amount in the places where it is present under normal conditions (e.g. in the fat depots).
The main cause of fatty change is hypoxia which may be due to:
a) disturbances in transportation systems (e.g. in patient with chronic cardiovascular and chronic pulmonary insufficiency);
b) chronic intoxications (e.g. alcoholism);
c) cachexia, avitaminosis;
d) infections (e.g. Diphtheria, tuberculosis).

Слайд 86

Fatty degeneration of the liver

Macroscopically the fatty liver is enlarged with rounded

Fatty degeneration of the liver Macroscopically the fatty liver is enlarged with
The cut surface bulges slightly and is pale-yellow and is greasy to touch. It is called “goose liver”.
Microscopically: there are numerous lipid vacuoles in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. The vacuoles are initially small (microvesicular), but with progression of the process, the vacuoles become larger pushing the nucleus to the periphery of the cells (macrovesicular).
At times, the hepatocytes laden with large lipid vacuoles may rupture and lipid vacuoles coalesce to form fatty cysts. Infrequently, lipogranulomas may appear.

Слайд 87

“goose liver”

“goose liver”

Слайд 88

“goose liver”

“goose liver”

Слайд 89

Autopsy of the patient who had suffered from tuberculosis demonstrated that the

Autopsy of the patient who had suffered from tuberculosis demonstrated that the
liver weighed 1600 g, was flabby, light brown (goose). Microscopy showed sudanophilic formations in the hepatocyte cytoplasm on the periphery of the lobules.
Which parenchymatous dystrophy was present?
B. Hyalin drop
C. Fatty
D. Horny
E. Mucus

Слайд 90

Fatty degeneration of the heart

It is also called “Tiger’s” heart.
Macroscopically the heart

Fatty degeneration of the heart It is also called “Tiger’s” heart. Macroscopically
is enlarged, the chambers are stretched, flabby.
Microscopically we can see dust-like fatty vacuoles in the cardiomyocytes.
It is observed in the papillary muscles and trabecules of the ventricles in the form of bands (surrounding the veins).

Слайд 91

External examination of a newborn revealed dry dull pale skin Autopsy of

External examination of a newborn revealed dry dull pale skin Autopsy of
the patient who had been ill with leukemia and died of increasing chronic anemia revealed an enlarged heart, dull, flabby, pale gray myocardium. There were yellow plaques and bands under the endocardium. Which pathologic process is observed in the heart?
Parenchymal fatty degeneration
B. Vacuole degeneration
C. Hyalin-drop degeneration
D. Mesenchymal fatty degeneration
E. Functional hypertrophy

Слайд 92

Autopsy of the patient who had suffered from hypertension disease revealed considerable

Autopsy of the patient who had suffered from hypertension disease revealed considerable
enlarged flabby heart with widened cavities. The myocardium was dull, clay-like, with white strips from the side of the myocardium which were more pronounced in the papillary muscles and trabeculas of the heart ventricles (tiger’s heart). Which parenchymatous dystrophy was present?
A. Protein
B. Fat
C. Horny
D. Mucous
E. Carbohydrate

Слайд 93

The kidneys look like “large white kidney”. They are enlarged, flabby. The

The kidneys look like “large white kidney”. They are enlarged, flabby. The
cortical substance is gray with yellow drops.
Outcomes of fatty degenerations are seldom reversible. Necrosis or sclerosis may develop.

Слайд 94

Stromal fatty infiltration is the deposition of mature adipose cells in the

Stromal fatty infiltration is the deposition of mature adipose cells in the
stromal connective tissue. The condition occurs most often in patients with obesity.
As a rule it is a generalized process when the amount of fat in the depots increases.

Stromal vascular fatty degenerations

Слайд 95

Depending on the excess of the patient mass compared to the norm,

Depending on the excess of the patient mass compared to the norm,
4 degrees of obesity are defined:

If the patient’s mass increases by 20 -29% we distinguish 1st degree of obesity;
If the patient's mass increases by 30 -49% - 2nd degree;
If the patient's mass increases by 50 - 99% - 3rd degree;
If the patient's mass increases by 100% and more 4th degree of obesity.

Слайд 96

The two commonly affected organs are the heart and the pancreas.
Subepicardial fat

The two commonly affected organs are the heart and the pancreas. Subepicardial
covers the heart as a case, invades the myocardial stroma causing atrophy and sclerosis.
If the connective tissue does not grow, heart rupture in the area of fat growth may occur.
In pancreatic lipomatosis beta-cell atrophy and diabetes mellitus are possible.

Слайд 97

According to the etiology the following types of obesity are defined:
1. Primary

According to the etiology the following types of obesity are defined: 1.
2. Secondary.
There are several types of secondary obesity:
1. Alimentary.
2. Cerebral.
3. Endocrine.
4. Hereditary in Gierke’s disease.

Слайд 98

According to the patient's appearance, obesity may be
1. Symmetrical
2. Upper

According to the patient's appearance, obesity may be 1. Symmetrical 2. Upper
4. Lower.
According to morphological peculiarities of adipose tissue, it may be:
1. Hypertrophic.
2. Hyperplastic.

Слайд 99

In hypertrophic type adipose tissue enlarges due to increased volume of fatty

In hypertrophic type adipose tissue enlarges due to increased volume of fatty
cells, in hyperplastic due to increase in their number. Obesity is a severe complication of mainly endocrine and nervous diseases. Alimentary obesity is also unfavorable for the organism. As a rule such patients develop ischemic heart disease.
Local enlargement of adipose tissue (lipomatosis) occurs in Dercum's disease when painful fat nodes appear in the subcutaneous fat of the lower and upper extremities and trunk.
Sharp reduction in the amount of neutral fat in the whole organism is called cachexia.

Слайд 100

A 45-year old man died of sudden cardiac arrest. Symmetrical stage III

A 45-year old man died of sudden cardiac arrest. Symmetrical stage III
obesity, rupture of the wall of the right ventricle with hemopericardium, excessive fat under the epicardium were revealed. Microscopy showed that fatty tissue of the epicardium involved the myocardium causing muscular fiber atrophy. Which pathological process is most probable?
A. Fatty degeneration of the myocardium
B. Obesity of the heart
C. Coronary artery disease
D. Acute myocardial infarction
E. Hypertension disease

Слайд 102

Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease that affects the intima of elastic

Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease that affects the intima of elastic arteries.
arteries. The disease is characterized by intramural deposits of lipids, proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, and accumulation of macrophages.

Слайд 103

Accumulations of proteins

Accumulations of proteins

Слайд 104

A granular degeneration (dystrophy).

Macroscopical kind of organs at this dystrophy it is

A granular degeneration (dystrophy). Macroscopical kind of organs at this dystrophy it
determined as “muddy or dim swelling”. At a section the organs are dim, swollen. Microscopical descriptions of cells on electronics level: presence of electrondense granules in cytoplasm of the cells.

Слайд 105

Hyaline-drop degeneration

is characterized by the aggregation of small proteins granules

Hyaline-drop degeneration is characterized by the aggregation of small proteins granules into
into cytoplasm of cells. It is not determined macroscopically. This dystrophy occurs in kidneys, liver and myocardium. The cytoplasm of plasma cells shows pink hyaline inclusions called Russell's bodies representing synthesised immunoglobulins, the cytoplasm of hepatocytes shows eosinophilic globular deposits of a mutant protein. Mallory's body or alcoholic hyaline in the hepatocytes is intracellular accumulation of intermediate filaments of cytokeratin. The outcome is negative. The focal or total coagulative necrosis develops.

Слайд 106

Hydropic (cloudy, vacuolar, balloon)

Is characterized by accumulation of water within the cell

Hydropic (cloudy, vacuolar, balloon) Is characterized by accumulation of water within the
due to cytoplasmic vacuolation. The common causes include bacterial toxins, chemicals, poisons, burns, and high fever. The affected organ such as kidney, liver or heart muscle is enlarged. The cut surface bulges outwards and is slightly opaque. Microscopically: the cells are swollen and the microvasculature compressed.

Слайд 107

These vacuoles represent distended cisternas of the endoplasmic reticulum. Ultrastructural changes in

These vacuoles represent distended cisternas of the endoplasmic reticulum. Ultrastructural changes in
hydropic swelling include the following:
Dilation of endoplasmic reticulum.
Mitochondrial swelling.
Blebs on the plasma membrane.
Loss of fibrillanty of nucleolus.
The outcome is negative, because the focal or total colliquative cellular necrosis develops.

Слайд 108

Microscopy of the kidneys from the dead patient who had suffered from

Microscopy of the kidneys from the dead patient who had suffered from
chronic glomerulonephritis showed enlarged epithelial cells of the renal tubules, their cytoplasm was filled with vacuoles with transparent fluid, the nucleus was displaced to the periphery. Which parenchymatous dystrophy was present?
A. Protein
B. Horny
C. Hyalin drop
D. Hydropic
E. Fatty

Слайд 109

Keratoid (horney) degeneration

Is characterized by increase production of keratin substance. This

Keratoid (horney) degeneration Is characterized by increase production of keratin substance. This
process may be local and general. The intracellular keratin may be located in epidermis of skin, keratinic squamous epithelial cells, cervix, and esophagus. Leucoplakia means hyperkeratosis in mucosa. Leucoplakia may lead to malignization. For example: Squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization. The groups of keratinized cells can be found in the center of squamous cell carcinoma’s areas. These cell’s complexes here and there look like rose color homogenous found forms (“canceromatous perls”).

Слайд 110

External examination of a newborn revealed dry dull pale skin with uneven

External examination of a newborn revealed dry dull pale skin with uneven
surface and presence of gray scaling plates. Which type of degeneration is this pathology associated with?
Fibrinoid swelling
Mucoid swelling

Слайд 111

Mescnchymal (stromal vascular) degenerations develop in the connective tissue as a result

Mescnchymal (stromal vascular) degenerations develop in the connective tissue as a result
of metabolic disturbances in it.
Mucoid swelling
Fibrinoid swelling
Hyaline changes

Слайд 112

1. Mucoid swelling

Mucoid swelling is superficial reversible disorganization of the connective tissue.

1. Mucoid swelling Mucoid swelling is superficial reversible disorganization of the connective
processes are associated with swelling of collagen fibers, increased vascular permeability (due to glucosaminoglycans (GAG) action) and plasmorrhagia.
Microscopic examination shows metachromasia. Under normal conditions the main substance is basophilic. In this case staining with toluidine blue demonstrates reddish coloring.
Macroscopic appearance is absent.
The outcome may be reversible. In other cases, the development of fibrinoid swelling is possible.

Слайд 113

Histology of the deformed mitral valve revealed marked basophilic reaction at staining

Histology of the deformed mitral valve revealed marked basophilic reaction at staining
with hematoxylin-eosin of the connection tissue, staining with toluidin blue showed metachromasia reaction. Which changes in the connective tissue can be revealed by these reactions
Mucoid swelling
Fibrinoid swelling
Fibrinous necrosis

Слайд 114

2. Fibrinoid changes

Fibrinoid swelling is deep irreversible connective tissue disorganization.
Fibrinoid is formed

2. Fibrinoid changes Fibrinoid swelling is deep irreversible connective tissue disorganization. Fibrinoid
as a result of the main substance destruction and more increase in vascular permeability.
The appearance of the organs is changed a little.
The main signs are revealed microscopically: the bands of collagen fibers are homogenous, impregnated with plasma proteins.
Metachromasia is not marked due to GAG depolymerization of the main substance.
Fibrinoid swelling may be generalized (in systemic diseases of the connective tissue) and localized (in chronic inflammations).
The outcomes are fibrinoid necrosis, sclerosis or hyalinosis.

Слайд 115

Skin biopsy of the patient with allergic vasculitis demonstrated a thickened homogenic,

Skin biopsy of the patient with allergic vasculitis demonstrated a thickened homogenic,
pyroninophilic vascular walls at Brachet’s reaction, PAS-positive, stained yellow with picrofucsin. Name the type of mesenchymal degeneration.
Fibrinoid swelling
Mucoid swelling

Слайд 116

3. Hyaline changes (hyalinosis)

Hyaline changes (hyalinosis) - (greek “hyalos” - transparent, glass-like)

3. Hyaline changes (hyalinosis) Hyaline changes (hyalinosis) - (greek “hyalos” - transparent,
usually refers to an alteration within cells or in the extracellular matrix, which gives a homogenous, glassy, pink appearance in routine histologic sections stained with hematoxilin and eosin.
Hyalinosis develops as a result of plasma infiltration, fibrinoid swelling, inflammation, necrosis, and sclerosis.
The outcome of hyalinosis is irreversible.

Слайд 117

Autopsy of the man revealed the signs of rheumatic heart defect, i.e.

Autopsy of the man revealed the signs of rheumatic heart defect, i.e.
thickened deformed cartilage-like valves with luster surface. Which process is present in the valves:
Fibrinoid necrosis
Fibrinoid swelling
Degenerative calcification

Слайд 118

Amyloidosis is the term used for a group of diseases characterised by

Amyloidosis is the term used for a group of diseases characterised by
extracellular deposition of fibrillar proteinaceous substance called amyloid.
“Sago spleen” “Lardaceous spleen”

Слайд 119

A patient ages 42 had suffered from bronchiectasis and died of renal

A patient ages 42 had suffered from bronchiectasis and died of renal
failure. Autopsy revealed enlarged dense pale yellow kidneys. Microscopy revealed accumulations of amorphic eosinophilic and congophilic substance in the walls of the vessels, basal membrane of the tubules, capillary loops, mesangium of the glomeruli and connective tissue of the stroma. Which of the processes is most probable?
Secondary amyloidosis
Idiopathic amyloidosis
Hereditary amyloidosis
Senile amyloidosis

Слайд 120

Autopsy of a man aged 56 who had suffered from fibrous-cavernous pulmonary

Autopsy of a man aged 56 who had suffered from fibrous-cavernous pulmonary
tuberculosis revealed enlarged dense spleen. On cut section the tissue of the spleen is brown-pink, smooth with wax-like surface. Microscopy revealed diffuse congophilic staining.
Which process is observed in the spleen?
Glaze spleen
Porphyrin spleen
Sago spleen
Sebaceous spleen
Cyanotic induration of the spleen
Имя файла: Cell-Injury,-Cell-Death,-and-Adaptations-.pptx
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