Channels of Distribution


Слайд 2

Issues Related to International Distribution

Using Established Channels: Channels that already exits
Could charge

Issues Related to International Distribution Using Established Channels: Channels that already exits
high prices
Could be blocked by competition
Channel partnership is a long-term decision: Company may be bound indefinitely to the channel choice.
Building Own Channels:
Necessary if there are no channels/ or existing channels do not conform to company needs.

Слайд 3

Using Home-Country Middlemen: The Company is likely not to be involved in

Using Home-Country Middlemen: The Company is likely not to be involved in
managing the marketing mix in the host market
Export Management Companies:
Highly specialized in certain industries and/or regions. Mostly represent smaller businesses. E.g. Amex
Works as a “company's export department”
Trading Companies:
Large Companies that specialize in intermediary services (risk reduction, financial assistance)
The Japanese Model: sogo shoshas or general trading company (more investment holdings)

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International Distribution Using Home-Country Middlemen

Home-Country Brokers and Agents:
Middlemen who bring international buyers and

International Distribution Using Home-Country Middlemen Home-Country Brokers and Agents: Middlemen who bring
sellers together in the company's home country.
Do not carry title to the product/ commission based
Manufacturer’s export agent: represent a manufacturer
Buying offices: buyers located in the firm’s home country, representing different international firms

Слайд 5

International Distribution Using Home-Country Middlemen

Cooperative Export Arrangements:
Also known as piggybacking and mother

International Distribution Using Home-Country Middlemen Cooperative Export Arrangements: Also known as piggybacking
henning e.g. car manufacture market tires
Involve exporters agreeing to handle export functions for unrelated companies on a contractual basis
Complementary export agents export complementary products on a commission basis.
Complementary export merchants take title to the complementary products that they export.

Слайд 6

International Distribution Using Home-Country Middlemen

Export merchants:
Intermediaries who take title to and possession

International Distribution Using Home-Country Middlemen Export merchants: Intermediaries who take title to
of the products they carry.
Responsible for shipping and marketing the products in the target market.
Carry competing brands
Export jobber, who carries commodity goods, but does not take physical possession of the goods.
Norazi agent, who deals in illegal and/or gray market products.

Слайд 7

International Distribution Using Foreign-Country Middlemen

Using Host-Country Middlemen: The Company is likely

International Distribution Using Foreign-Country Middlemen Using Host-Country Middlemen: The Company is likely
to have a presence in the host country
Merchant Middlemen:
Intermediaries who carry the manufacturer’s product line in a particular country.
Usually carries title to and has physical possession of the products.

Слайд 8

International Distribution Using Foreign-Country Middlemen

Agents and Brokers:
Bring Seller and buyers together

International Distribution Using Foreign-Country Middlemen Agents and Brokers: Bring Seller and buyers
but do not carry title and take possession of the products
There are many types of agents and brokers in international markets, such as manufacturers’ representatives and managing agents.
Act as the manufacturer’s sales representatives and are paid on commission.
Act as managing agents (also known as compradors), with an exclusive arrangement with the company, representing it in the foreign market; they are paid as a percentage of sales.

Слайд 10

Direct & Indirect Selling Channels

- selling through home-country intermediaries

Direct & Indirect Selling Channels INDIRECT SELLING CHANNELS - selling through home-country
simple and inexpensive
- lack of marketing control

Слайд 11

Direct & Indirect Selling Channels

- direct contact with overseas intermediaries

Direct & Indirect Selling Channels DIRECT SELLING CHANNELS - direct contact with
or consumers
- requiring more time and cost
- better control

Слайд 12

Agent vs. Merchant

Taking possession vs. taking title (ownership)
Compensation: profit/loss vs. fee/commission

Agent vs. Merchant Taking possession vs. taking title (ownership) Compensation: profit/loss vs.
vs. independent contractor

Слайд 13


may or may not take possession
never taking title
compensation: commission
more difficult to

Agent may or may not take possession never taking title compensation: commission
terminate relationships

Слайд 14


may or may not take possession
always taking title
compensation: profit/loss
easier to terminate

Merchant may or may not take possession always taking title compensation: profit/loss easier to terminate relationships

Слайд 15

Types of Intermediaries: Direct Channel

Foreign Distributor
Foreign Retailer
State-Controlled Trading Company
End User

Types of Intermediaries: Direct Channel Foreign Distributor Foreign Retailer State-Controlled Trading Company End User

Слайд 16

Types of Intermediaries: Indirect Channel

Export Broker
Manufacturer's Export Agent or Sales Representative
Export Management

Types of Intermediaries: Indirect Channel Export Broker Manufacturer's Export Agent or Sales
Company (EMC)
Cooperative Exporter
Purchasing/Buying Agent
Country-Controlled Buying Agent

Слайд 17

Types of Intermediaries: Indirect Channel

Resident Buyer
Export Merchant
Export Drop Shipper
Export Distributor
Trading Company

Types of Intermediaries: Indirect Channel Resident Buyer Export Merchant Export Drop Shipper Export Distributor Trading Company

Слайд 18

Channel Decisions

Channel length
Number of times a product changes hands among intermediaries
Channel width

Channel Decisions Channel length Number of times a product changes hands among
of middlemen at a particular point in the channel
Number of channels
Single channel vs. dual/multiple channels

Слайд 19

Determinants of Channel Types

Legal Requirements
Product Image
Product Characteristics
Middlemen's Loyalty and Conflict
Local Customs
Power and

Determinants of Channel Types Legal Requirements Product Image Product Characteristics Middlemen's Loyalty

Слайд 20

Representation Agreement and Termination

paying attention to agency termination laws
having agreements

Representation Agreement and Termination paying attention to agency termination laws having agreements
in writing
avoiding evergreen contract

Слайд 21

Gray Market

Price differential
Legal Dimension
Protecting independent U.S. trademark owner
Ethical Dimension
Product Quality

Gray Market Causes Price differential Legal Dimension Protecting independent U.S. trademark owner Ethical Dimension Product Quality

Слайд 22

Gray Marketing: Manufacturers’ Strategies

Identifying and punishing offenders
Educating consumers
Standardized worldwide price
Multiple brands

Gray Marketing: Manufacturers’ Strategies Identifying and punishing offenders Educating consumers Standardized worldwide price Multiple brands

Слайд 23

Self Work

Direct and Indirect Selling Channels
Types of Intermediaries: Direct Channel
Types of Intermediaries:

Self Work Direct and Indirect Selling Channels Types of Intermediaries: Direct Channel
Indirect Channel
Channel Development
Channel Adaptation
Channel Decisions

Слайд 24

Determinants of Channel Types
- Legal Requirements
- Product Image
- Product Characteristics
- Middlemen's Loyalty and Conflict
- Local Customs
- Power and

Determinants of Channel Types - Legal Requirements - Product Image - Product
- Control

Self Work

Имя файла: Channels-of-Distribution.pptx
Количество просмотров: 171
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