Decision Making


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Table of Contents

Principles of Decision Making
Challenge #1 and its Solution
Challenge #2

Table of Contents Principles of Decision Making Introduction Challenge #1 and its
and its Solution

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Decision Making

What are the key factors that make a right decision?
Decision making

Decision Making What are the key factors that make a right decision?
in the real world is about the interface of technologies, analytics and human factors

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Decision Making

Rational choice theories assume that decision processes are:
Consequential – they have

Decision Making Rational choice theories assume that decision processes are: Consequential –
Preference-based – we want them to lead to what we want – to the consequences we want

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Decision Making

All decision makers share a common set of basic preferences
Alternatives and

Decision Making All decision makers share a common set of basic preferences
their consequences are defined by the environment
Decision makers have perfect knowledge of all alternatives and their consequences

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DMC is a consultant team, based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, representing a company

Introduction DMC is a consultant team, based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, representing a
called Decision Making Consulting.
The office is based in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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DMC is currently working with a human resources management team in an

Introduction DMC is currently working with a human resources management team in
international consulting company, ABC Partners

ABC is American-owned, with its headquarters based in San Francisco, USA

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Decision Making Consulting Group has been appointed by the Human Resources Vice

Introduction Decision Making Consulting Group has been appointed by the Human Resources
President (HR VP) of ABC because the company faces a series of challenges.

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Challenge #1 Senior Management Recruitment and Retention

ABC Partners Company had faced with

Challenge #1 Senior Management Recruitment and Retention ABC Partners Company had faced
problems of hiring people on Senior Manager Position.
During the 5 years, this position was replaced by 17 different people
All hired managers are White American aged 50-60

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Challenge #1

Lack of diversification
Poor hiring decision
High senior management

Challenge #1 The PROBLEMS are: Lack of diversification Poor hiring decision High senior management turnover

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Solution Senior Management Recruitment and Retention

Hiring people from different group categories
The main

Solution Senior Management Recruitment and Retention Hiring people from different group categories
factor here is that diversity increases the latitude of perspective, cognitive resources, and general problem-solving (Hambrick, Cho and Chen, 1996, p. 662; Barsade et al., 2001).
Conducting an interview from face-to-face
Spread advertising as in the USA, as in Kazakhstan

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Challenge #2

Making Groups Work
The new HR VP has also asked to review

Challenge #2 Making Groups Work The new HR VP has also asked
decision making processes among the various teams in the organization.

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Challenge #2

Making Groups Work
A rotating, flexible team management system based on specific

Challenge #2 Making Groups Work A rotating, flexible team management system based
projects was set up three years ago on instruction from the San Francisco headquarters
Each of the four senior executives put in charge of oversight, strategic direction and final authorization of actions for each project

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Challenge #2

Implementation and day to day management is delegated to the project

Challenge #2 Implementation and day to day management is delegated to the
All of whom are citizens of Kazakhstan, aged 25-35.
Of the forty (40) current employees, 60% (24 people) of them are female and 40% (16 people) are male.

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Challenge #2

By nationality, they are 60% Kazakh (24 people, 16 female and

Challenge #2 By nationality, they are 60% Kazakh (24 people, 16 female
8 male), 30% Russian (12 people, 8 male and 4 female) and 10% (4 people, all female) are from other nationalities.
They all have graduate level business education.
Turnover in this group has also been high, with 70 different people occupying the 40 available positions in the last five years.

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Challenge #2

There appears to be widespread dissatisfaction among the employees

Challenge #2 The PROBLEMS are: There appears to be widespread dissatisfaction among
making is slow
There appears to be limited support for the decisions made among the employees actually involved as to how to implement projects.

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Conduct teambuilding
Decrease turnover by conducting qualified interviews
Share people on different departments

Solution Conduct teambuilding Decrease turnover by conducting qualified interviews Share people on
with different people, according to their preferences

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Our consulting team believes that if ABC Partners Company follows these aspects,

Conclusion Our consulting team believes that if ABC Partners Company follows these
finally, they will reach desirable consequences exactly as they previously have wanted and it will be considered as preference-based decision making process.
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