Energy in Poland


Слайд 2

Poland (2011)

Population 38 501 000
Area 312 679 km²
Agricultural land 51%
1% of global CO2

Poland (2011) Population 38 501 000 Area 312 679 km² Agricultural land
= 9t CO2 / person

Слайд 3

Production of energy is based on fossil fuels (>90%)

Production of energy is based on fossil fuels (>90%)

Слайд 6

Black coal, brown coal and natural gas

Black coal, brown coal and natural gas

Слайд 7

Natural gas









Natural gas imported possibilities Germany Norway Russia Russia Russia Asia Denmark Norway

Слайд 8

Renevable Energy Sources

Renevable Energy Sources

Слайд 9

Biomass – short story...

2001 – 1st RES strategy in Poland:„the highest potential

Biomass – short story... 2001 – 1st RES strategy in Poland:„the highest
in biomass from SRP and agricultural waste”

Слайд 10

Biomass – short story...

2004 – biomass co-combustion is accepted (the reason is

Biomass – short story... 2004 – biomass co-combustion is accepted (the reason
EU requirement of 15% RES in 2020)
2006 – „green certificate” market (a great chance for big power generation companies to earn a lot of money...)



Слайд 11

2007 – 35% of „green energy” in Poland from biomass co-combustion;

2007 – 35% of „green energy” in Poland from biomass co-combustion; in
2010 – 50% ...


Biomass – short story...

Слайд 12

Biomass – short story...

2012 – 80% of co-combusted biomass come from forest Biomass – short story... 2012 – 80% of co-combusted biomass come from forest

Слайд 13

Biomass – short story...

Unsustainable timber market (energetic sector wins with paper and

Biomass – short story... Unsustainable timber market (energetic sector wins with paper
furniture industry), increasing of „low emission”

4,5 mln of households use coal for heating

Слайд 14

Biomass – short story...

2010 – 4,5 mln m3 from National Forests
2014 –

Biomass – short story... 2010 – 4,5 mln m3 from National Forests
we will need from 7 to 10 mln ton of biomass
2020 – we will need 17 mln ton of biomass for co-combusion

We don’t have enough timber resources...

Слайд 15

Biomass – short story...

We have to import biomass...

Import of timber:
2004 – 50

Biomass – short story... We have to import biomass... Import of timber:
000 ton
2011 – 600 000 ton
Import of agricultural biomass:
2005 – 200 000 ton
2011 – 700 000 ton

Import from 50 countries around the world eg. Russia, Balarus, Ukraine, RPA, Indonesia, Malesia, Argentina...
High CO2 and water footprint of imported biomass; deforestation ☹
Solution?:The EU’s “Illegal Timber Law” (ITL) from 2013?

Слайд 16

Biomass – short story...

Promotion of biomass co-combustion in big power plants:

Biomass – short story... Promotion of biomass co-combustion in big power plants:
lost of sustainablility
⇒ dependency on import of fuel
⇒ braking of RES developement

Слайд 17


Potential of hydroenergy is assessed for 13,7 TWh per year
Actual use is

Hydroenergy Potential of hydroenergy is assessed for 13,7 TWh per year Actual
only 12%,3,1224954148

Слайд 18

Wind energy

Wind energy

Слайд 19

Solar energy

Solar energy

Слайд 20

Geothermal energy,3,1281866696

Geothermal energy,3,1281866696

Слайд 21

Renevable Energy Sources

According to different assessments RES potential is not enough to

Renevable Energy Sources According to different assessments RES potential is not enough
cover energy needs.
RES can not be an alternative for nuclear energy
They will play an impotrant role in diversification of energy sources

Слайд 22

Problems with nuclear energy in Poland

Internal (public participation, localisation, bad memories)
External (Fukushima)

Problems with nuclear energy in Poland Internal (public participation, localisation, bad memories)
of our neighbours use nuclear energy
Advanced technologies
Radioactive waste utylisation
Uranium - import

Слайд 23

Nuclear power plants around Poland

- In the distance of 310 km from

Nuclear power plants around Poland - In the distance of 310
our borders there is 10 working nuclear plants (25 reactors) with total power of 17 GWe.


Слайд 24

Wymienione elektrownie jądrowe obejmują:
14 reaktorów WWER-440 (każdy o mocy 440 MWe):
2 bloki Wymienione elektrownie jądrowe obejmują: 14 reaktorów WWER-440 (każdy o mocy 440
elektrowni Równe (Ukraina),
4 bloki elektrowni Paks (Węgry),
2 bloki elektrowni Mochovce (Słowacja),
2 bloki elektrowni Bohunice (Słowacja),
4 bloki elektrowni Dukovany (Czechy),
6 reaktorów WWER-1000 (każdy o mocy 1000 MWe):
2 bloki elektrowni Równe (Ukraina),
2 bloki elektrowni Chmielnicki (Ukraina),
2 bloki elektrowni Temelin (Czechy),
4 reaktory BWR:
1 blok elektrowni Krümmel (RFN) o mocy 1316 MWe,
3 bloki elektrowni Oskarshamn (Szwecja) - o mocach 487, 623 i 1197 MWe,
1 reaktor RBMK:
1 blok elektrowni Ignalina (Litwa) 1300 MWe.

Nuclear power plants around Poland

Слайд 25

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec 1982–1990

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story Nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec 1982–1990

Слайд 26

26 April 1986

26 April 1986

Слайд 27

In 1990:
we didn’t need additional energy
nuclear energy was more expencive than conventional

In 1990: we didn’t need additional energy nuclear energy was more expencive
energy (coal)
public security
public acceptance

„EJŻ jest inwestycją zbędną dla polskiego systemu energetycznego w horyzoncie 10 do 20 lat, a potem wcale nie ma pewności, że energetyka jądrowa będzie potrzebna”

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Слайд 28

From 2010 – new Program of nuclear energy in Poland
Till the

From 2010 – new Program of nuclear energy in Poland Till the
end of 2013 – localisation and contract agreement

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story


Слайд 29

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2015
technical design and documentation
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2020
construction of the

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2015 technical design and documentation 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2020 construction of
first block, following by others
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2030
localisation and construction of other plants/blocks

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Program of nuclear energy in Poland

Слайд 30,76842,5491967,Atom_dla_Polski.html

We don’t have uranium resources,76842,5491967,Atom_dla_Polski.html We don’t have uranium resources

Слайд 31

Comparison of use of the resource and CO2 emmission for power plant

Comparison of use of the resource and CO2 emmission for power plant
1000 MWe
Nuclear power plants in EU countries save 700 000 000 t CO2 annualy. This is similar to the total CO2 emission from cars used in EU.

Слайд 32

Per 1 person per life

J. Włodarski,Czy_powinnismy_obawiac_sie_odpadow_radioaktywnych

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Per 1 person per life J. Włodarski,Czy_powinnismy_obawiac_sie_odpadow_radioaktywnych Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Слайд 33

Cost of energy (Euro/MWh) and CO2 emmission (t CO2 /MWh),energia-atomowa--ratunek-dla-srodowiska.html



Cost of energy (Euro/MWh) and CO2 emmission (t CO2 /MWh),energia-atomowa--ratunek-dla-srodowiska.html Energy
from: sun water wind natural black nuclear
gas coal

Слайд 34

11 March 2011 11 March 2011

Слайд 35

Nuclear power plant in Fukushima in 2000 (left) and year after tsunami

Nuclear power plant in Fukushima in 2000 (left) and year after tsunami


Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Eg. Germany (26%*) decided to close all their power plants till 2022; Switzerland (40%*) till 2034; Belgium (50%*) 2025;
* % of energy from nuclear plants in total energy use

We are on the right way but ...

Слайд 36

Nuclear energy in Poland – public acceptance

„Fukushima effect” is decreasing- 51% /

Nuclear energy in Poland – public acceptance 2012 „Fukushima effect” is decreasing-
45 %
„NIMBY” syndrom
36 %/63%

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Слайд 37

Gąski – case: one of 3 selected localities:
over 90% of citizens said

Gąski – case: one of 3 selected localities: REFERENDUM over 90% of
„NO” to nuclear plant in their village.

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Слайд 38

some of NGO (waste utylisation and damage risk)
over 30 000 protests

OPPOSITION some of NGO (waste utylisation and damage risk) but... over 30
from Germany!

Nuclear energy in Poland – developing story

Слайд 39

Nuclear energy – why?

Social advantages:
Ensure of permament electricity suply
Competitive prices of energy

Nuclear energy – why? Social advantages: Ensure of permament electricity suply Competitive
of energy sources
Cleaner environment
New working places
New study directions
Developement of local enterprises
Developement of regions

Слайд 40

Challanges for Polish energy sector

Security and independency (diversification of energy sources). Increase

Challanges for Polish energy sector Security and independency (diversification of energy sources).
of energy use...
Climate change and global worming (CO2 em. decreasing)
15% from RES till 2020
Nuclear power implementation
Increase efficiency of energy (production and transport)
Reasonable use of energy!!! – education action
Need of stable regulations
Investements 1,5% PKB/year = 250 Euro/person/year

Слайд 41


Źródło: Rocznik ARE "Statystyka elektroenergetyki polskiej";

FUTURE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY PRODUCTION IN POLAND Źródło: Rocznik ARE "Statystyka elektroenergetyki
Energetyka Cieplna i Zawodowa 12/2009, 1/2010

Źródło: Program Polskiej Energetyki Jądrowej (Ministerstwo Gospodarki - projekt 2010)

Слайд 42

Climate change: Commission sets out Roadmap for building a competitive low-carbon Europe

Climate change: Commission sets out Roadmap for building a competitive low-carbon Europe
by 2050

Towards a low carbon society:
„If the EU makes the transition to a low-carbon society by 2050 we will live and work in low-energy and low-emission buildings, with intelligent heating and cooling systems. We will drive electric and hybrid cars and live in cleaner cities with less air pollution and better public transport.
The transition would give Europe's economy a boost thanks to increased investment in clean technologies and clean energy”.


Слайд 43

„Europe could cut most of its emissions and reduce the use of

„Europe could cut most of its emissions and reduce the use of
key resources like oil and gas, raw materials, land and water.”
Имя файла: Energy-in-Poland.pptx
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