English Writers and Poets


Слайд 2

There is nothing more fascinating than reading. TV and the Internet

There is nothing more fascinating than reading. TV and the Internet will
will not replace books.
What to read each individual determines for himself. Some people like a fantasy, but other people like the story novels. Everyone has their own interests.
Books is an unusual wonderful world. Books have a particular impact on the person.
Children begin to explore the world around us through books. Books help to form outlook.
Books is a priceless legacy that could leave the ancestors to their descendants.

Слайд 3

Thomas More

Saint Thomas More was born on the 7th of February in

Thomas More Saint Thomas More was born on the 7th of February
1478 in London. His father sir John More was a judge. His famous novel “Utopia” was published in 1516 by Dirk Martens. Thomas More died in the 6th of July in 1535 in London.

Слайд 5

William Shakespeare
Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April in 1564 in

William Shakespeare Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April in 1564
His father John Shakespeare was a glove maker, his mother Mary Arden was from a wealthy and responsible family.
His most famous plays are “Romeo and Juliet” , “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” , “Othello” . He wrote 154 sonnets.
Shakespear died on the 23rd of April in 1616 in Stratford-on-Avon.

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Romeo and Juliet Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Othello, The Moor of Venice

Romeo and Juliet Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Othello, The Moor of Venice

Слайд 7

Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 in Cripplgate in London in

Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 in Cripplgate in London
the family of presbyterian James Foe. He graduated Newington Academy, where he studied Greek and Latin and classical literature. He wrote more than 500 novels. His most famous novel “Robinson Crusoe” was written in 1719. Daniel Defoe died 26th of April in 1732 in London.

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Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe

Слайд 9

Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift was born on the 30th of November in1667 in

Jonathan Swift Jonathan Swift was born on the 30th of November in1667
Dublin in the English family. Swift's father died before his son's birth, education of young Jonathan doing his uncle Godwin Swift. The most famous book by Jonathan Swift is “Gulliver's Travels”. Swift died on the 19th of October in 1745.

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Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Travels

Слайд 11

Robert Burns

Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January in 1759

Robert Burns Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January in
in the village of Alloway, near Ayr in Scotland, in a poor peasant family. All his life struggled with poverty. Began writing poetry at age 15. Burns took part in creating a book of old Scottish folk-songs, writing words for many melodies.
Burns' birthday, January, 25 - a national holiday in Scotland, called Burns Supper.
Burns died 21st of July in 1796 in Dumfries. He was only 37 years old.

Слайд 12

A Red Red Rose

O my Luve’s like a red, red rose That’s

A Red Red Rose O my Luve’s like a red, red rose
newly sprung in June; O my Luve’s like the melodie That’s sweetly play’d in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I: And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a’ the seas gang dry:
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi’ the sun: I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee well, my only Luve And fare thee well, a while! And I will come again, my Luve, Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.

Слайд 13

Красная, красная роза (перевод С.Я.Маршака)

Любовь, как роза, роза красная, Цветет в моем

Красная, красная роза (перевод С.Я.Маршака) Любовь, как роза, роза красная, Цветет в
саду. Любовь моя – как песенка, С которой в путь иду.
Сильнее красоты твоей Моя любовь одна. Она с тобой, пока моря Не высохнут до дна.
Не высохнут моря, мой друг, Не рушится гранит, Не остановится песок, А он, как жизнь, бежит…
Будь счастлива, моя любовь, Прощай и не грусти. Вернусь к тебе, хоть целый свет Пришлось бы мне пройти!

Слайд 14

Walter Scott

Sir Walter Scott was born on the 15th of August in

Walter Scott Sir Walter Scott was born on the 15th of August
1771 in Edinburgh.
Scott’s father was a lawyer, his mother was a daughter of a physician.
Scott’s first book “The Chase, and William, and Helen” was written in 1796.
Scott is considered to be the inventor and the greatest practitioner of a historical novel.
He died on the 21st of September in1832 in Abbotsford, Scotland.

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Ivanhoe Quentin Durward

Ivanhoe Quentin Durward

Слайд 16

Robert Southey

Robert Southey was born on the 12th of August in1774 in

Robert Southey Robert Southey was born on the 12th of August in1774
Bristol. English Romantic poet, representative of "Lake School." In our time, known mostly fairy tale "The Three Bears.“
Robert Southey died on the 21st of March in 1843 in Keswick.

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The Three Bears

The Three Bears

Слайд 18

Jane Austen

Jane Austen was born on the 16th of December in 1775.

Jane Austen Jane Austen was born on the 16th of December in
Her books are acknowledged masterpieces and conquer artless sincerity and simplicity of the plot is a profound psychological penetration into the souls of heroes and ironic, gentle, truly "English" humor. Jane Austen is still considered to be "first lady" of English literature. Her works are required to study in all colleges and universities in the UK. The most famous work of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice."
Writer died on the 18th of July in1817 in Winchester.

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Pride and Prejudice Emma

Pride and Prejudice Emma

Слайд 20

George Gordon Byron

George Gordon Noel Byron - English Romantic poet. He was

George Gordon Byron George Gordon Noel Byron - English Romantic poet. He
born on the 22nd of January in 1788 in London in an impoverished aristocrat.
Mother Katherine Gordon Scottish-born and father - Captain D.Bayron.
George Byron very early began to write poetry. In 10 years, received the title of Lord and inheritance. Enrolling in the University of Cambridge, Byron left it without completing the course.
Poet died on the 19th of April in1824.

Слайд 21

She Walks In Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night      Of cloudless

She Walks In Beauty She walks in beauty, like the night Of
climes and starry skies; And all that 's best of dark and bright      Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light      Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less,      Had half impair'd the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress,      Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express      How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,      So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow,      But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below,      A heart whose love is innocent!

Слайд 22

Она идет во всей красе (перевод С.Я.Маршака)

Она идет во всей красе — Светла,

Она идет во всей красе (перевод С.Я.Маршака) Она идет во всей красе
как ночь её страны. Вся глубь небес и звёзды все В её очах заключены. Как солнце в утренней росе, Но только мраком смягчены. Прибавить луч иль тень отнять — И будет уж совсем не та Волос агатовая прядь, Не те глаза, не те уста И лоб, где помыслов печать так безупречна, так чиста. А этот взгляд, и цвет ланит, И лёгкий смех, как всплеск морской, — Всё в ней о мире говорит. Она в душе хранит покой. И если счастье подарит, То самой щедрою рукой.

Слайд 23

Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley was born in 1797. Mary was the daughter of

Mary Shelley Mary Shelley was born in 1797. Mary was the daughter
famous English writers of the late XVIII century, William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. Known as the wife of Romantic poet Percy Shelley and as the author of the book «Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus».
Mary Shelley died in 1851.

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Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

Слайд 25

William Thackeray

William Makepeace Thackeray was born on the 18th of July in1811.

William Thackeray William Makepeace Thackeray was born on the 18th of July
Leading representative of "a brilliant galaxy of" English novelists of the 19th century. Born into a family of rich colonial official. In 1829-1830 he studied at Cambridge University traveled. William Thackeray author of the famous novel "Vanity Fair.“
He died in 1868.

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Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

Слайд 27

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born on the 7th of February in 1812

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was born on the 7th of February in
in Lendport, Portsmouth. His father was a wealthy official. The first creation, that Dickens wrote in 1836-1837, was “The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club”. Writer became famous worlwide for the novel “Oliver Twist”, that he wrote in 1837-1839.
In 2009 famous film director Robert Zemeckis presented adaptation of the novel “A Christmas Carol”, that Charles Dickens wrote in 1843.
Dickens died on the 9th of June in 1870.

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Oliver Twist Christmas Books

Oliver Twist Christmas Books

Слайд 29

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu was born on the 28th

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu was born on the
of August in 1814 in Dublin in family of Huguenots. Le Fanu married to Susanna Bennet, the daughter of lawyer on the 18th of December in 1844.
Writer died on the 7th of February in 1873 in Dublin.

Слайд 30

Madam Crowl’s Carmilla Uncle Silas Ghost

Madam Crowl’s Carmilla Uncle Silas Ghost

Слайд 31

Sisters Brontë

Sisters Bronte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire.
Elder sister Charlotte

Sisters Brontë Sisters Bronte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire. Elder sister Charlotte
was born on the 21st of April in 1816. Her famous novel “Jane Eyre” was written in 1846. She died on the 31st of March in 1855.
Emily Bronte was born on the 30th of July in 1818. Her famous novel “Wuthering Heights” was written in 1847. She died on the 19th of December in 1848.
Younger sister Anne was born on the 17th of January in 1820. Her famous novel are “Agnes Grey” (was written in 1847) and “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” (was written in 1848). She died on the 28th of May in 1849.

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Jane Eyre Agnes Grey Wuthering Heights

Jane Eyre Agnes Grey Wuthering Heights

Слайд 33

Thomas Mayne Reid

Thomas Mayne Reid was born in a poor Irish family

Thomas Mayne Reid Thomas Mayne Reid was born in a poor Irish
on the 4th of April in 1818. He was educated in Belfast and in 1840 went to the U.S. in search of adventure. As a journalist, participated in the Mexican War of 1846-1848 years. Most famous book by Thomas Mayne Reid “The Headless Horseman”. He died in London in 1883 at the age of 65 and was buried in Kensal Green.

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The Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman

Слайд 35

Wilkie Collins

William Wilkie Collins - English writer, author of 27 novels, 15

Wilkie Collins William Wilkie Collins - English writer, author of 27 novels,
plays and more than fifty short stories. He was born on the 8th of January in1824 in London. He graduated from a private school. Traveled to Europe, lived in Italy. Served for some time in the company dealing with the import of tea. Collins died in London on the 23rd of September in1889.

Слайд 36

The Woman in White The Moonstone

The Woman in White The Moonstone

Слайд 37

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll was the pen-name of Charles L. Dodgson, the man

Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll was the pen-name of Charles L. Dodgson, the
who wrote a famous book for children "Alice in Wonderland". Charles L. Dodgson was born in England in 1832. He got his early education at a public school. Then he became a student at Oxford. Charles studied mathematics and later taught this subject in the same college. Charles Dodgson had no family, but he loved children very much. He often visited his friend, who had a large family. Writer died in 1898 in Guildford.

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Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

Слайд 39

Bram Stoker

Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born on the 8th of November in

Bram Stoker Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born on the 8th of November
1847 in Dublin. As a child, o due t illness, it is up to seven years could not get up and walk. However, overcoming illness, Stoker while studying at the University of Dublin was a good football player and athlete. His famous novel “Dracula” was written in1897. Bram Stoker died in London on the 20th of April in 1912 due to progressive paralysis, the cause of which was, according to biographer Daniel Ferson, syphilis.

Слайд 41

Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson was born on the 13th of November

Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson was born on the 13th of
in 1850 in a family of engineers. English writer of Scottish descent. He was born in Edinburgh. After high school, he entered the University of Edinburgh. Opted for the law, was promoted to counsel, but not practiced. Stevenson's grandfather was a famous builder of lighthouses in Scotland, was a friend of Walter Scott. World fame brought writer published in 1883 "Treasure Island.“ Stevenson's poems - a classic English poetry. Robert Louis Stevenson died at his home on the 3rd of December in1894. Worshipers Samoans buried him on the top of a nearby mountain.

Слайд 42

The Strange Story of Treasure Island Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hide

The Strange Story of Treasure Island Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hide

Слайд 43

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was born on the 16th of October in 1854

Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde was born on the 16th of October in
in Dublin. He was a younger child in family. His mother Jane Wilde was a poet. His father William Wilde was a GR-ophthalmologist. Wild wrote many famous creations, including the only novel “The picture of Dorian Gray”, written in 1890. In 2009 this novel was made into a film. Oscar Wild died on the 30th of November in 1900.

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The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Слайд 45

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw was born on the 26th of July

George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw was born on the 26th of
in 1856 in Dublin. English writer winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw refused to cash awards, but received a medal winner. He is Oscar winner for the screenplay for the film “Pygmalion”. Show the second most popular playwright in the English theater after Shakespeare. Shaw died on the 2nd of November in 1950.

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Слайд 47

Jerome Klapka Jerome

Jerome Klapka Jerome was born on the 2nd of May

Jerome Klapka Jerome Jerome Klapka Jerome was born on the 2nd of
in 1859 in Walsall, Staffordshire. His father was a tradesman. In addition to Jerome family had three children, daughters Paulina and Blandina and son Milton, who died in infancy. His famous novel “Three Men in a Boat (To Say nothing of the Dog)” was written in 1889. Writer died on the 14th of June in 1927 in Northampton.

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Three Men in a Boat (To Say nothing of the Dog)

Three Men in a Boat (To Say nothing of the Dog)

Слайд 49

Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born on the 22nd of

Arthur Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born on the 22nd
May in 1859 in Edinburgh. His father Charles Altamont Doyle was a painter and architect. His mother was passionately fond of books and had a great talent narrator. His first creation “J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement” was written in 1884. His most famous series of “Sherlock Holmes” contains 4 novelettes and 5 collections of short stories. Writer died on the 7th of July in 1930 in Crowborough, Sussex surrounded by his family. His last words before his death were addressed to his wife. He whispered, "You are wonderful." He is buried in Minstead Hampshire.

Слайд 50

Series of “Sherlock Holmes”

Series of “Sherlock Holmes”

Слайд 51

James Matthew Barrie

English playwright and novelist. James Matthew Barrie was born

James Matthew Barrie English playwright and novelist. James Matthew Barrie was born
on the 9th of May in 1860 in Kerrymuir. He was the ninth child in family. Primary education Barrie received in Kerry Muir. By completing the preparatory course at Dumfries Academy he was enrolled at Edinburgh University, graduating in 1882. Around the world Barrie famous as the author of “Peter Pan”. He died in 1937.

Слайд 52

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Слайд 53

Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling was born on the 30th of December in

Joseph Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling was born on the 30th of December
1865. A British poet, novelist and short story writer, was born in Bombay to John Lockwood Kipling, rector and professor of the Bombay School of Art, and Alice (McDonald) Kipling. The poet's father was a sculptor and designer, mother printed in local magazines. In London Kipling wrote his famous work for children "The Jungle Book“. Writer died on the 18th of January in 1936.

Слайд 54

The Jungle Book Rikki-Tikki-Tavi

The Jungle Book Rikki-Tikki-Tavi

Слайд 55

Beatrix Potter

Helen Beatrix Potter was born on the 28th of July in

Beatrix Potter Helen Beatrix Potter was born on the 28th of July
1866. British children's writer and artist. Beatrix Potter was one of the first who got involved in nature conservation in England.
The first tale, that she wrote, was “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” .
She died in 1943.

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The Tale of Peter Rabbit

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Слайд 57

Herbert Wells

Herbert Wells was born on the 21st of September in 1866

Herbert Wells Herbert Wells was born on the 21st of September in
in Bromley. British writer and journalist. Fabianism supporter. Three times he went to Russia, where he met with Lenin and Stalin. His first novel "The Time Machine“ he wrote in 1895. Also among his books have such famous works as "The Invisible Man", "War of the Worlds", etc. Writer died on the 13th of August in 1946.

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The Invisible Man The War of The Time Machine the Worlds

The Invisible Man The War of The Time Machine the Worlds

Слайд 59

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Gilbert Keith Chesterton was born on the 29th of May

Gilbert Keith Chesterton Gilbert Keith Chesterton was born on the 29th of
in 1874 in Kensington. Chesterton wrote more than 80 books. He has written hundreds of poems, 200 short stories, 4,000 essays, a number of plays, novels, "The Man Who Was Thursday," "Ball and the Cross," "Flying Inn" and others. Widely known for its cycles of detective novels with main characters priest Brown and Horne Fisher, as well as religious and philosophical treatises on Christian apologetics. Writer died on the 16th of June in 1936.

Слайд 60

Orthodoxy The Man Who Ball and the Cross Was Thursday

Orthodoxy The Man Who Ball and the Cross Was Thursday

Слайд 61

Alan Milne

Alan Alexander Milne was born on the 18th of January in

Alan Milne Alan Alexander Milne was born on the 18th of January
1882 in Kilburn. Milne took part in the First World War. For many years he was a member of the English humor magazine "Punch". Writing stories about Winnie-the-Pooh Milne started for his son Christopher Robin Milne. Prior to the publication of books about Winnie the Pooh Milne was already quite famous playwright, but the success of Winnie the Pooh is so extensive that the other works Milne is now virtually unknown. Writer died on the 31st of January in 1956.

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Слайд 63

Agatha Christie

Agatha Mary Clarissa, Lady Mallowan, maiden name Miller, was born

Agatha Christie Agatha Mary Clarissa, Lady Mallowan, maiden name Miller, was born
on the 15th of September in 1890. Writer is one of world's most famous detective prose writers and is one of the most published authors in the history of mankind. Christy has published more than 60 detective novels, six psychological novels (under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott or Vestmakott) and 19 collections of short stories. 16 of its plays were staged in London. She died on the 12th of January in 1976 in Wallingfort.

Слайд 64

Death on the Nile Miss Marple The Big Four

Death on the Nile Miss Marple The Big Four

Слайд 65

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on the 3rd

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on the
of January in 1892 in Bloemfonteim. Tolkien was an Oxford professor of Anglo-Saxon language, English language and literature. Catholic by faith, together with a close friend of CS Lewis was a literary society "Inklings." March 28, 1972, Tolkien was named Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. After the death of his son, Christopher Tolkien published several works based on the notes and unpublished manuscripts of his father, including "The Silmarillion.“ Many people called Tolkien the "father" of modern fantasy literature, meaning primarily "high fantasy“.
Writer died on the 2nd of September in 1973.

Слайд 66

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings

Слайд 67

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley was born on the 26th of July in 1894

Aldous Huxley Aldous Huxley was born on the 26th of July in
in Godalming. In Russia he is best known as author of the dystopian novel "Brave New World." He was born in a family that belonged to the intellectual elite of the UK. Huxley's grandfather is the famous English biologist Thomas Huxley, Darwin's close associate and his mother is the sister of novelist Humphry Ward, niece of the poet Matthew Arnold, and granddaughter of the famous educator Thomas Arnold. Huxley died on the 22nd of November in 1963.

Слайд 68

Brave New World

Brave New World

Слайд 69

Clive Staples Lewis

Clive Staples Lewis was born on the 29th of November

Clive Staples Lewis Clive Staples Lewis was born on the 29th of
in 1898 in Belfast. After leaving school in 1917, Lewis enrolled at University College, Oxford, but he soon gave up studies and was drafted into the British Army junior officer. After being wounded in World War I in 1918, Lewis was discharged and returned to the university, where terminates training. In 1919 under the pen name Clive Hamilton he produces a collection of poems "Spirits in Bondage .“ Writer died on the 22nd of November in 1963.

Слайд 70

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Chronicles of Narnia

Слайд 71

Daphne du Maurier

Daphne du Maurier was born on the 13th of May

Daphne du Maurier Daphne du Maurier was born on the 13th of
in 1907 in a family of actors Gerald du Maurier and Muriel Beaumont. Du Maurier is one of the most famous British writers of the XX century. Most of the works of writer became the basis of of movies and the novel "Rebecca" was filmed 11 times. Way of life of writer, it is not easy, and sometimes scandalous relationship with family and friends, have been reflected in the press. She died on the 19th of April in 1989.

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Rebecca The Birds

Rebecca The Birds

Слайд 73

Ian Fleming

Ian Lancaster Fleming was born on the 28th of May in

Ian Fleming Ian Lancaster Fleming was born on the 28th of May
1908 in London in a family of member of Parliament Valentine Fleming and Evelyn St. Croix Fleming (nee Rose).
Fleming is author of famous novel about super-spy James Bond.
Writer died on the 12th of August in 1964 in Canterbury.

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Books about James Bond

Books about James Bond

Слайд 75

Ian McEwan

Ian McEwan was born on the 21st of June in 1948

Ian McEwan Ian McEwan was born on the 21st of June in
in Aldershot, Hampshire. In 1975 he published his first collection of short stories called “First Love, Last Rites”. Collection later earned him Somerset Maugham Award in 1976. McEwan began writing scenarios for radio plays and TV showsMcEwan is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, the Royal Society of Arts and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Now he living in Oxford.

Слайд 76

Atonement Saturday Amsterdam

Atonement Saturday Amsterdam

Слайд 77

Joanne Rowling

Joanne Rowling was born on the 31st of July in 1965

Joanne Rowling Joanne Rowling was born on the 31st of July in
in Gloucestershire. Writer best known under his pen name J.K. Rowling (Joanne Katheline Rowling). She is the author of novel series about Harry Potter. In 2001 J.K. Rowling for the book "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" received the award Hugo. She also is a Knight of the Legion of Honor (2009).
Debut novel, as well as the first novel from the cycle, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone" was published in 1997.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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List of the Words

List of the Words
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