Extermination offaunaby human hands

Слайд 2

Poaching in Kazakhstan

20 years ago in Kazakhstan, there were about 362 species of animals, now it’s reduced

Poaching in Kazakhstan 20 years ago in Kazakhstan, there were about 362
to 257

Слайд 3

Now people started to hunt for fun and for sale

Now people started to hunt for fun and for sale

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For example, 20 years ago in Kazakhstan, there were 78 thousand heads of saiga
now it has decreased

For example, 20 years ago in Kazakhstan, there were 78 thousand heads
by 35 thousand

Слайд 5

people don’t have to worry about what we leave to our child’s, don’t think about that’s is too

people don’t have to worry about what we leave to our child’s,
one of the treasure of Kazakhstan

Слайд 6

because of our cruelty, we do not see how our
 wildlife is dying

because of our cruelty, we do not see how our wildlife is dying

Слайд 7

we need to think about it, 
because without them our world is not full

we need to think about it, because without them our world is not full
Имя файла: Extermination-offaunaby-human-hands.pptx
Количество просмотров: 155
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