Слайд 2

FedEx – short history.

FedEx was founded in 1994 by Frederick Wallace Smith.

FedEx – short history. FedEx was founded in 1994 by Frederick Wallace
The company's goal is to deliver goods or other things quickly. Company delivers everything from the simple packages to donor organs.
Firstly, company has wide history. The company has gone through a crashes and and ups. But let 's go back to the past. It was a time, when IT companies were developed with huge speed, so Frederick noticed, that computer parts can easily break down. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind, he decided to create company, which can fast and safely deliver parts from one point to other. And so the history of the company began. FedEx bought a lot of cargo planes, this decision allowed company to deliver a lot of tons of packages.
Secondly, company can’t be successful without special feature and FedEx no exception. Company created innovation technology, that provide customers find out where their packages at the moment. This technology was named as COSMOS (Customer Operations Service Master On-line System).

Слайд 3

FedEx logo has one special thing. If you look closely, you will

FedEx logo has one special thing. If you look closely, you will
see the arrow near letters E and x. This symbol signify, that company deliver packages very fast.

Слайд 4

FedEx workers.

FedEx also famous for its workers. There are a lot of

FedEx workers. FedEx also famous for its workers. There are a lot
histories about how workers work overtime, pay for plane fuel and hotels from their pocket.
Also FedEx directors respectfully refer to their workers. They listen to every review and to every individual worker. They always try to increase working conditions, so after every strike(забастовка) directors apply changes for their company.
That’s all happen, because workers for FedEx are the most important parts of the company and workers relationships always stand on the first place.
Имя файла: FedEx.pptx
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