- 3. Fields (functions) allow the creation and modification of a multitude of data sets. Data fields are
- 4. There are three basic types of fields with several different input options. They are summarized as
- 5. Spatial fields have several parts to their definitions. The first part is the region the field
- 6. If the field is being used for the region of a single geometric entity, e.g. surface,
- 7. The second part is the type of field being created, scalar or vector. BASICS OF SPATIAL
- 8. The third part is the specification of the field data. BASICS OF SPATIAL FIELDS
- 9. The third part is the specification of the field data. BASICS OF SPATIAL FIELDS Thermal Results
- 10. BASICS OF SPATIAL FIELDS Some field types have options that allow specification of the averaging method
- 11. Create a real scalar field to represent a cos2 bolt loading. CASE STUDY 1, BOLT LOADING
- 12. The goal is to conduct a preliminary design study of a wing-to-body 3D fitting. Due to
- 13. Approach to creating the analysis model: Create a 3D geometry model for the 3D fitting. The
- 14. CASE STUDY 1, APPROACH TO APPLYING LOAD Approach to creating the analysis model The applied loads
- 15. From the full aircraft model, a beam element representation of the main spares is made and
- 16. The force (both symmetric halves of the fitting are included) at the top (*) and bottom
- 17. Integrating the component of the pressure function, , in the direction of the applied load, the
- 18. Create coordinate systems at the center of the bolt holes to do the following: Specify the
- 19. Calculate the angle to rotate the coordinate frames. This will be based on the components of
- 20. Break the solid using the rotated coordinate frames. This gives the needed solid faces for applying
- 21. TetMesh the model Use mesh seeds for a finer mesh around the pin holes. Mesh the
- 22. A separate field and pressure load set needs to be created for each pin hole loading.
- 23. Scalar Function in the form has 4 key components: (cosr(‘T+3.14159/2))**2 CASE STUDY 1, CREATE THE FIELD
- 24. Verify the created field. In Fields: Show, Specify Range gives a range over which the field
- 25. If the plot or table data does not look correct, increase the number of points. Sometimes,
- 26. Create the load for the top pin. Target Element Type is 3D because solid finite elements
- 27. The application region form is set to Geometry and the solid face representing the pin contact
- 28. Display / Load/BC/Elem. Props… is used to view the pressures on the finite elements. For clarity,
- 29. The image of the finite element model (to the left) displays the pressure markers at the
- 31. Model a submarine stiffening ring that has varying cross-sectional dimensions, using beam elements. The top of
- 32. First, create geometric curves that represent the ring. When meshed with beam elements, they have either
- 33. It is necessary to create two spatially varying fields, one for the height of the cross-section,
- 34. In Properties, the dimensions of the “I” beam are specified using Beam Library. The appropriate fields
- 35. Use Display: Load/BC/Elem. Props, Beam Display to view the finished beam cross-sections in the viewport. CASE
- 36. Spatial/PCL Function, Vector is similar to Scalar except that individual direction components can be specified: Using
- 37. Use Spatial/PCL Function to make a vector field, representing a varying traction load and radial-pressure load
- 38. The traction load from tip to base varies linearly from 12 to 9 over the 6
- 39. Spatial/PCL Function, Vector references the cylindrical coordinate system at the tip of the spike, Coord 1.
- 40. Use Fields/Show to check the equation. In the Select Independent Variable, only the Z variable is
- 41. Only one component of the vector function can be plotted and tabulated at a time. The
- 42. The third direction, axial, component is now plotted. Note the positive values and negative linear trend.
- 43. To load the spike, use CID Distributed Load. The load is applied to shell elements so
- 44. For the Select Application Region, select all the shell elements used to model the spike CASE
- 45. Display of the varying load on the elements: CASE STUDY 3, CHECK THE FIELD
- 47. Spatial/Tabular Input, Real Real for Coordinate System Type uses the specified coordinate system. The Independent Variables
- 48. Spatial/Tabular Input, Parametric, Endpoints Only: no The Parametric selection will make the tabular data relative to
- 49. Spatial/Tabular Input, Parametric, Endpoints Only: yes Enabling Endpoints Only (yes) limits the input data to only
- 50. Spatial/Tabular Input, Parametric, Endpoints Only: yes The selected Active Independent Variables will determine what data can
- 51. Spatial/Tabular Input, [Options] The top portion of the Tabular Input, [Options] controls how many data points
- 53. A high temperature heat exchanger is radiating to thin tubes that are close to it. From
- 54. The effect of the heat exchanger’s radiation is approximated by the temperature distribution graph and table
- 55. CASE STUDY 4, FIELD: SPATIAL/TABULAR INPUT Use Real for the Spatial/Tabular Input Coordinate System Type, and
- 56. Input Data provides a 2 dimensional table with independent variables, R and Z. The radii are
- 57. Verify the field by using Show. Under Select Independent Variable, only one direction can be chosen.
- 58. The plot shows the temperature gradient in the radial direction. There is a curve for each
- 59. Using the field to create a temperature LBC for the thin tubes produces the following temperature
- 60. The maximum temperature is 541 degrees, which is > maximum temperature specified in the field, 500
- 61. Distance From Center of Exchanger 120 °F 300 °F 360 °F 10.0 120 °F 120 °F
- 62. Modify the field, Temp_Field. Add the additional columns of data from the previous slide. CASE STUDY
- 63. The temperature distribution from the modified field, is shown below. The ends of the thin tubes
- 65. Spatial/FEM, Discrete is used to create a field for a part of a finite element model.
- 66. This is a useful tool for transferring displayed results (e.g. temperature distribution) to a Load/BC or
- 67. Extrapolation Option provides the extrapolation methods that the other field types have. Using 2D to 3D
- 69. A cargo container ship must be analyzed with many different loads and loading/weight distributions. Use Patran
- 70. The different potential loads for a cargo ship are represented by Nastran CONM2s connected to the
- 71. In this case study, the point masses are first created in Patran Properties: Create / 0D
- 72. Export a solver file (e.g. .DAT), then import the file. A new mass property set named
- 73. Fields: Modify, and select Spatial. Select the field conm2.Mass. Select Input Data. The table consists of
- 74. Click on a particular Values cell (mass). The value will be displayed in the Input Data
- 75. The original mass properties and modified mass properties are shown below: CASE STUDY 5, MODIFICATION OF
- 76. For this case study, individual properties (e.g. mass135, mass=135, Point 266, 291, 293) were first created,
- 79. This case study demonstrates the use of FEM Field, Continuous as a way of creating an
- 80. Given Table of position (x,y,z) and corresponding pressure data. Model is of an Eppler 205 airfoil
- 81. The most practical way to import this form of data is to put it in the
- 82. In this example, Microsoft Excel is used. Below, is a screen snap-shot of the raw data
- 83. Second sheet Location (x,y,z) data Third sheet Pressure data CASE STUDY 6, CREATE NASTRAN INPUT FILE
- 84. Once the data is arranged, write it to a text file(s). Once the text file(s) is
- 85. Imported Nastran grid points, called Patran nodes. CASE STUDY 6, VERIFY IMPORTED NASTRAN INPUT FILE DATA
- 86. Under Loads/BCs, the temperature should be plotted to make sure the data is correct. If Tempe_temp.1
- 87. Use the temperature information in Patran to create pressure for a structural model. This is done
- 88. There are several issues that may have to be dealt with in creating continuous FEM Fields
- 89. (Continued) This issue can be partially resolved for 2D models by enabling an Option to extend
- 90. Another issue with creating FEM Fields is that this type of field must be created from
- 91. Attempts have been made to make an FEM Field with 1D elements that connected all the
- 92. Because there are no 2D elements to create the FEM Field from, it is necessary to
- 93. Once the 2D elements are created, the model should look like the following. There are no
- 94. With the 2D elements created, using the imported nodes, the temperature data can be displayed. CASE
- 95. Create the FEM Field using the posted temperature fringe. Fill out the Fields menu as shown,
- 96. Looking ahead, the consequences of ignoring the surface overlap can be seen. Notice that the pressure
- 97. To make the FEM Field correctly, simply put the top and bottom surfaces (of elements) in
- 98. Create the pressure LBCs using the two FEM Fields. Loads/BCs: Create/Pressure/Element Uniform Input Data Select one
- 99. Perform Workshop 19 “Global/Local Modeling Using FEM Fields” in your exercise workbook. EXERCISES
- 101. This type of field is used to create varying material properties using tabular input. The independent
- 102. The number of variables selected determines whether a one‑, two‑, or three‑dimensional table for input will
- 103. The top portion of the Tabular Input, [Options] form controls how many data points can be
- 104. Material Properties/General allows the cross reference of any material property to any other property or a
- 105. Material Property/Model Variable is intended for creating fields from user defined variables. To create, modify, show,
- 106. Model variables are single value parameters (constants). The value can be specified either by specifying a
- 107. Create/Variable/Value has an additional option to subsequently create a Field. If Create Referencing Field is checked,
- 109. Stress vs. Temperature and Strain Create a single field that describes an Aluminum alloy over a
- 110. CASE STUDY 7, MATERIAL PROPERTY FIELD To create the field, select Temperature and Strain for Active
- 111. In [Options] the Extrapolation Option chosen does not affect the field evaluation for the Nastran preference.
- 112. In Materials, Input Properties there are two steps for making the nonlinear material. With Constitutive Model
- 113. Set the Constitutive Model to Nonlinear Elastic, and select the previously created field from the Strain
- 115. Non Spatial, Real fields are used to create time or frequency dependent fields for transient or
- 116. Create non-spatial field Real Time Map Function to Table PCL Expression f(time) FIELDS, NON SPATIAL/TABULAR INPUT
- 117. Edit the columns to include two additional points (Time, Value) FIELDS, NON SPATIAL/TABULAR INPUT
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