Формирование навыков говорения и аудирования у младших школьников

Слайд 2

An information gap activity...

On the farm…

Sarah Phillips Young Learners, Unit 2.2

An information gap activity... On the farm… Sarah Phillips Young Learners, Unit
‘An information gap activity’

Слайд 3

An information gap activity...

On the farm…

Sarah Phillips Young Learners, Unit 2.2

An information gap activity... On the farm… Sarah Phillips Young Learners, Unit
‘An information gap activity’

Слайд 4

Think about very young children learning their mother tongue. What can we

Think about very young children learning their mother tongue. What can we
learn from this and use in the language classroom?
2. To what extent are children going to speak in English in the classroom?
3. Are the children going to produce new language as soon as it is introduced?

Speaking and listening in the classroom environment…

Слайд 5

Some conclusions…

Innate learning of the mother tongue; children will expect to ‘take

Some conclusions… Innate learning of the mother tongue; children will expect to
away’ language from their lesson that they can use immediately.

Imitation is key to language acquisition.

Children learn through immersion in familiar/accessible input.

Children learn in a supportive and interactive atmosphere.

Children respond to praise and encouragement.

Children speak when they are ready.

Слайд 6

What can we learn from the activity about children’s speaking and listening

What can we learn from the activity about children’s speaking and listening
in the language classroom?

Creating opportunities for speaking and listening…

What opportunities do we create in our classrooms that encourage children to speak in English?
Who are the children going to speak / listen to?
Is the majority of speaking in language activities controlled? How could freer practice be introduced?

Слайд 7

Activities should provide…

Good models (teacher / audio/visual material).

Interactive and supported pair work.


Activities should provide… Good models (teacher / audio/visual material). Interactive and supported
/ relevant topics.

A variety of interaction patterns (whole class together, whole class to teacher, pairs, small groups…).

A reason for speaking / listening.

Слайд 8

On the farm…

Organising ‘supportive’ speaking/listening activities… creating a ‘scaffold’.
Think about the information

On the farm… Organising ‘supportive’ speaking/listening activities… creating a ‘scaffold’. Think about
gap activity. Make brief notes about the various stages of the activity. How did each stage help to support the activity?

Слайд 9

Analysing activities that encourage interactive speaking and listening…

Control creativity
Interaction who are the

Analysing activities that encourage interactive speaking and listening… Control creativity Interaction who
children speaking to?
Imitation / immersion / interacting with others?
Natural communication strategies?

Слайд 12

…thinking about…

The opportunities we create for speaking and listening in our classrooms.


…thinking about… The opportunities we create for speaking and listening in our
language demands of our activities.

Supporting and encouraging children to listen and speak in English.

Слайд 13

What else?

Young learners
Assessing young learners
Drama with children
Games for children...

What else? RESOURSE BOOKS FOR TEACHERS Young learners Assessing young learners Drama

Слайд 14

Primary books from Oxford University Press

Для детей с различным типом восприятия: визуальным,

Primary books from Oxford University Press Для детей с различным типом восприятия:
аудиальным и кинестетическим;
Дополнительные разделы, посвященные культурному компоненту;
Обновленная система тестирования;
Дополнительные упражнения по практике разговорного английского (Fluency sections) с DVD
Уникальная игровая методика обучения чтению и письму;
Упражнения методом физического реагирования, песни, игры, инсценировки;
Задания на постановку правильного произношения;
Задания на раннюю подготовку к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ, Cambridge English (YLE),
Развитие социальных компетентностей: дружелюбие и отзывчивость, готовность помочь, чувство благодарности и ответственности;
Усовершенствованное цифровое предложение:
Дополнительные пособия по грамматике, чтению и письму – Grammar Friends, Readers, Alphabet Book and Oxford Primary Skills.
Имя файла: Формирование-навыков-говорения-и-аудирования-у-младших-школьников.pptx
Количество просмотров: 155
Количество скачиваний: 0