Gene Expression Systems


Слайд 2

Gene Expression Systems in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Expression studies:
1. Analyzing Transcription

Gene Expression Systems in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Expression studies: 1. Analyzing Transcription
- Northern blot
- Micro array
- real-time PCR
- Primer extension
2. In vivo Expresion studies
Use of report genes to study regulatory elements
3. Analyzing Translation
- Western blot - immuno assays
- 2D electrophoresis
- proteomics

Слайд 3

Studying Transcription
Microarray technique – DNA chips

Studying Transcription Microarray technique – DNA chips

Слайд 5

Studying Transcription
Primer Extension

Studying Transcription Primer Extension

Слайд 6

Promoter Studies

Used reporter genes:
Lac Z


Promoter Studies Used reporter genes: Lac Z GFP Luciferase Promoter

Слайд 7

Promoter studies by using reporter genes

Promoter studies by using reporter genes

Слайд 8

Luciferase (luc) systems

firefly species Photinus pyralis

oxidation of compounds called luciferans
( ATP-dependent

Luciferase (luc) systems firefly species Photinus pyralis oxidation of compounds called luciferans

luciferans emit fluorescense

Expressed luciferase catalyses

mouse with a strain of salmonella

Mice are injected
with LUC+ salmonellas.
Sensitive digital cameras
allow non-invasive detection.
For GT vectors
pics look the same

luminometer measurement

Слайд 9

Green fluorescent protein (GFP)

autofluorescent protein from Pacific Northwest jellyfish
Aequorea victoria

ultraviolet light

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) autofluorescent protein from Pacific Northwest jellyfish Aequorea victoria
causes GFP
to autofluoresce
In a bright green color

Jellyfish do nothing with UV,
The activate GFP by aequorin
(Ca++ activated,
biolumuniscent helper)

Слайд 10

GFP expression is harmless for cells and animals

GFP transgenic mice from

GFP expression is harmless for cells and animals GFP transgenic mice from
(Masaru Okabe)

GFP construct could be used for construct tracking in living organism

GFP labelled image of a human tumor.
Vessel on the tumor surface
are visible in black

Слайд 11

Engineered proteins
are covering
all the spectrum

San Diego beach scene
drawn with

Engineered proteins are covering all the spectrum San Diego beach scene drawn
living bacteria
expressing 8 different colors
of fluorescent proteins.

Many more fluorescent proteins are engineered

Слайд 12

Use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter gene.

Page 119

Use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter gene. Page 119

Слайд 13

Analyzing Translation – Western Blot

Analyzing Translation – Western Blot

Слайд 14

2 D Electrophoresis

2 D Electrophoresis

Слайд 15

Gene Expression

Transcriptional start

Translational start

Gene Expression Transcriptional start Translational start

Слайд 16

Gene Expression

Gene copy number:
1. Plasmid copy number:
The copy-number of

Gene Expression Gene copy number: 1. Plasmid copy number: The copy-number of
a plasmid in the cell is determined by regulating the initiation of plasmid replication.
The initiation of plasmid replication may be controlled by:
the amount of available primer (RNA)
the amount of essential replication proteins
the function of essential replication proteins.
2. Gene dosage -> number of genes integrated into chromosome
- prokaryotic systems -> i.e. Transposons, phages, recombinantion
- mainly eukaryotic systems

Слайд 17

Incompatibility of plasmids:
Not all plasmids are able to coexist in the same

Incompatibility of plasmids: Not all plasmids are able to coexist in the
Plasmids which have the same replication control functions are incompatible, and are assigned to the same incompatibility group (inc group).
Plasmids of one incompatibility group are related to each other, but cannot survive together in the same bacterial cell, as only different kinds of plasmids are compatible.
Ensures that we can make libraries -> just one plasmid taken up by one cell

Слайд 18

Homologous integration into chromosome

Insertion on Bacillus subtilis chromosome

Homologous integration into chromosome Insertion on Bacillus subtilis chromosome

Слайд 19

Protein expression in prokaryotic systems

So, this new story
would be about vectors

Protein expression in prokaryotic systems So, this new story would be

Bacterial expression vectors
have some distinct features:

Inducible promoter systems;
Protein fusions including fused tags;

Слайд 20

General advices for one who wants to produce gene expression in prokaryotes


General advices for one who wants to produce gene expression in prokaryotes
Do not forget to cut out the intron

2. Check orientation of insert

3. Do fusions with something In-frame

Most obvious and common mistakes:

4. No Post-translation modification
= no product activity

Слайд 21 mrna.html


Not an issue
when you clone a cDNA mrna.html Introns Not an issue when you clone a cDNA

Слайд 22

Orientation of insert (could go backward, if cloned with same-type sticky ends)

Orientation of insert (could go backward, if cloned with same-type sticky ends)
– use incompatible sticky ends pfdg/

Слайд 23

Fusion proteins.

When expressing
a fusion proteins,
ensure that
both of them are

Fusion proteins. When expressing a fusion proteins, ensure that both of them
the same reading frame pfdg/

Слайд 24

PostTranslational modification

Eukaryotic cells have Golgi system

Prokaryotic cells do not have

PostTranslational modification Eukaryotic cells have Golgi system Prokaryotic cells do not have it nucleus Golgi



Слайд 25

Efficiency of expression in E.coli

Dependent of:

1. Type of transcription promoter and

Efficiency of expression in E.coli Dependent of: 1. Type of transcription promoter

2. Affinity of mRNA and prokaryotic ribosome

3. Amount of copies of transgene and its localization
(chromosome or plasmid)

4. Cellular localisation of the protein end-product

5. Efficiency of translation in the host organism

6. Stability of protein product in the host organism

Systems could be optimized on gene to gene basis.
No universal strategy possible

Слайд 26

Factors affecting transcription

Promoters (including regulated ones)

2. Terminators

Factors affecting transcription Promoters (including regulated ones) PROKARYOTIC!!!! 2. Terminators PROKARYOTIC!!!!

Слайд 27

Variations between prokaryotic promoters are minimal

Variations between prokaryotic promoters are minimal 411

Слайд 28

Factors affecting translation

1. Ribosome binding site (RBS)

2. Codon bias

3. Stability of the

Factors affecting translation 1. Ribosome binding site (RBS) 2. Codon bias 3. Stability of the transcript

Слайд 29

Ribosome binding site (RBS) = translation initiation site complimentary to 16S rRNA

Ribosome binding site (RBS) = translation initiation site complimentary to 16S rRNA

<10 nt

Avoid hairpins
on 5’ end of gene
(minimize GC content)

Examining the second codon;
better AAA – lysin (13.9% of all E.coli genes).
Expression can vary 15 times.

Слайд 30

Codon Usage in E. coli & humans

Codon Usage in E. coli & humans

Слайд 31

Codon Optimization Strategies

Chemically synthesize new gene
Alter sequence of the gene of interest

Codon Optimization Strategies Chemically synthesize new gene Alter sequence of the gene
to match donor codons to the codons
most frequently used in host organism
Express in different host
choose host with better matching codon usage
Use an engineered host cell
that overexpresses low abundance tRNAs

Слайд 32

Commercial E. coli strains encode for a number of the rare codon

Commercial E. coli strains encode for a number of the rare codon genes

Слайд 33

Mitochondria and chloroplast genes

Alterations in the Standard Genetic Code in Mitochondria

Mitochondria and chloroplast genes Alterations in the Standard Genetic Code in Mitochondria

Слайд 34

Factors affecting protein stability

Overall level of protease activity
in bacterial cells

Factors affecting protein stability Overall level of protease activity in bacterial cells

2. N-terminal amino acid affects protein half-life

3. Internal regions containing clusters of certain amino acids
can increase proteolysis

P proline E glutamic acid S serine T threonine

…. Mutate PEST aminoacids….

Слайд 35

Protease-deficient host strains

BL21, the work horse of E. coli expression,

Protease-deficient host strains BL21, the work horse of E. coli expression, is
deficient in two proteases
encoded by the lon (cytoplasmic)
and ompT (periplasmic) genes.

It is dangerous
to kill proteases,
it makes E.coli
grow much slowly
as proteases needed
for proper metabolism

Слайд 36

Inducible bacterial promoters

Why not to use constitutive,
always strong promoter?



Inducible bacterial promoters Why not to use constitutive, always strong promoter? Induction
recombinant (alien) protein
is often toxic for bacterial cell.
Bacteria tend to expel
harmful plasmids

Bacterial grow takes time….

Слайд 37

BL(DE3) inducible system and pET vectors (invented in 1984 by Bill Studier,

BL(DE3) inducible system and pET vectors (invented in 1984 by Bill Studier,
on sale by Novagen)

1) T7 RNA polymerase gene is integrated in chromosome

under the control of a lac promoter and operator

2) lactose analogue, IPTG, causes the host to produce T7 RNA polymerase

3) The E. coli host genome also carries the lacI (repressor) gene


Gene of interest
is expressed from
strong T7 promoter

Слайд 38

Why repressor gene and gene of interest are expressed from different DNA

Why repressor gene and gene of interest are expressed from different DNA

Repressor gene expressed from chromosome;
Gene of Interest expressed from plasmid

If too high repressor ? no transcription
(you need to increase expensive IPTG)

If too low repressor ? promoter is leaky
(active without IPTG)

Repressor is in chromosome,
because there it is best kept controlled there
(no plasmid loss, not too high expression)

Слайд 39

Where your expressed protein will be located?

Inclusion bodies


Periplasmatic space

Where your expressed protein will be located? Inclusion bodies (insoluble) Cytoplasm (soluble)
or insoluble)

Secreted (!!)

can not do that

Слайд 40

1. Inclusion bodies (most common case)

-- Inclusion bodies are formed through

1. Inclusion bodies (most common case) -- Inclusion bodies are formed through
the accumulation
of folding intermediates
rather than from the native or unfolded proteins.

-- It is not possible to predict which proteins
will be produced as inclusion bodies.

-- Production of inclusion bodies
not dependent on the origin of protein,
the used promoters,
the hydrophobicity of target proteins...

Слайд 41

Electron micrograph of an inclusion body of the protein prochymosin in an

Electron micrograph of an inclusion body of the protein prochymosin in an
E. coli cell

Page 116

Protein Folding

Слайд 42

Good side of inclusion bodies

inclusion bodies can be accumulated in the cytoplasm

Good side of inclusion bodies inclusion bodies can be accumulated in the

to much higher level (greater than 25%)
than production as soluble form;

2) inclusion bodies is initially isolated
in a highly purified, solid, and concentrated state
by simple physical operation (centrifugation).

3) inclusion bodies have no biological activity.
For toxic proteins it may be the only one available;

4) inclusion bodies are resistant to proteolysis
That results in the high yield of protein production.

Слайд 43

SDS-PAGE analysis of recombinant protein produced as inclusion body

hG-CSF protein_en1.html

SDS-PAGE analysis of recombinant protein produced as inclusion body hG-CSF protein_en1.html

Слайд 44

Recovery of proteins from inclusion bodies

Is not a straightforward process, but road

Recovery of proteins from inclusion bodies Is not a straightforward process, but
of trials and errors



Choice of solubilizing agents,
e.g., urea,
guanidine HCl,
or detergents,
plays a key role
in solubilization

-- Refolding is initiated
by reducing concentration
of denaturant used to solubilize IBs.


-- Refolding competes with other reactions,
such as misfolding and aggregation
(both are leading to bad results)

-- Chaperones are helpful in refolding
(including chemical chaperones)

Слайд 45

Question of questions – how to purify your protein?

Question of questions – how to purify your protein?

Слайд 46

Diversity of proteins could be exploited

Column chromatography
Matrix particles
usually packed in

Diversity of proteins could be exploited Column chromatography Matrix particles usually packed
the column
in the form of small beads.
A protein purification strategy
might employ in turn each of the three kinds of matrix
described below,
with a final protein purification
Of up to 10,000-fold.

Essential Cell Biology:
An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell

Слайд 47

Column chromatography

Different proteins
are retarded to different extents
by their interaction with

Column chromatography Different proteins are retarded to different extents by their interaction
the matrix,
they can be collected separately
as they flow out from the bottom.
According to the choice of matrix,
proteins can be separated
according to
-- their charge,
-- their hydrophobicity,
-- their size,
-- their ability to bind to
particular chemical groups (!!)

Essential Cell Biology:
An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell

Слайд 48


Ion-exchange columns
are packed with small beads
that carry

(A) ION-EXCHANGE CHROMATOGRAPHY Ion-exchange columns are packed with small beads that carry
or negative charges
retarding proteins
of the opposite charge.
The association between
a protein and the matrix
depends on the pH
and ionic strength of the solution
passing down the column.
These can be varied in a
controlled way to achieve an effective separation.

Essential Cell Biology:
An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell

Слайд 49


Gel-filtration columns
separate proteins
according to their size
on tiny

(B) GEL-FILTRATION CHROMATOGRAPHY Gel-filtration columns separate proteins according to their size on
porous beads.
Protein molecules
that are small enough to enter
the holes in the beads
are delayed and travel more slowly
through the column.
Proteins that cannot enter the beads are washed out of the column first.
Such columns also
allow an estimate of protein size.

Essential Cell Biology:
An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell

Слайд 50


Affinity columns
contain a matrix
covalently coupled to a molecule that

(C) AFFINITY CHROMATOGRAPHY Affinity columns contain a matrix covalently coupled to a
interacts specifically
with the protein of interest
(e.g., an antibody, or an
enzyme substrate).
Proteins that bind specifically
to such a column
can finally be released
by a pH change or
by concentrated salt solutions,
and they emerge highly purified.

Essential Cell Biology:
An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell

Слайд 51

Protein electrophoresis

Essential Cell Biology:
An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of

Protein electrophoresis Essential Cell Biology: An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell
the Cell

Слайд 52 Lambda/sld015.htm Lambda/sld015.htm Lambda/sld015.htm Lambda/sld015.htm

Слайд 53

Fusion proteins

increase production level
facilitate purification (taq)
detection of expression (GFP fusion)
Redirection of proteins

Fusion proteins increase production level facilitate purification (taq) detection of expression (GFP
(secretion -> signal peptidases)
Surface display (for screening of libraries)
Tandem arrays (for small peptides, toxic proteins,..)

Слайд 54

Most widely used purification strategy – to produce your protein as a

Most widely used purification strategy – to produce your protein as a
fusion with something easily purifyable

(Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Novagen, QIAGEN):

6xHIS Tag

1. This small addition
rarely affects protein structure
to a significant degree

2. Interaction so strong,
it tolerates denaturing conditions
(could be used for
inclusion bodies purification)

Слайд 55

Histidine: a charged aminoacid

The affinity of this interaction is very high

Histidine: a charged aminoacid The affinity of this interaction is very high

which allows protein purification to 95% in a single step.

Stretch of six histidine residues
interacts with nickel ion
that is tightly bound to a NTA matrix

Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) matrix


Слайд 56

GST – fusion. Principle is the same. Binds to glutation

GST – fusion. Principle is the same. Binds to glutation

Слайд 57

Require strong
binding to glutathione

Require strong
binding to glutathione

GSTs function

Require strong binding to glutathione Require strong binding to glutathione GSTs function
catalytically to conjugate glutathione (GSH)
with a wide variety of electrophilic substrates

Слайд 58


GST from Schistosoma japonicum

1) Keeps fusion proteins soluble

2) Used for fusion

Glutathione GST from Schistosoma japonicum 1) Keeps fusion proteins soluble 2) Used

3) Used for protein detection
with GST antibody

26 kDa tag

Слайд 59






Purification is simple :


Слайд 61

Some problems of production in E. coli

Some problems of production in E. coli

Слайд 62

Some E.coli expression host considerations

Some E.coli expression host considerations

Слайд 63

Principal factors in bacterial expression

Principal factors in bacterial expression

Слайд 64

Type of expression vectors

Type of expression vectors

Слайд 65

Initiation of Transcription Promoters for Expression in Prokaryotes

In Escherichia coli
- Lac

Initiation of Transcription Promoters for Expression in Prokaryotes In Escherichia coli -
system - plac
- Trp system
- synthetic systems – ptac, ptrc
In Bacillus

Слайд 66

The Lac promoter System

The Lac promoter System

Слайд 67

The trp promoter system

The trp promoter system

Слайд 68

E. coli Promoter Sites

E. coli Promoter Sites

Слайд 69

Synthetic E. coli promoters



ptac -> -35 box from ptrp + -10 box

Synthetic E. coli promoters -35 -10 ptac -> -35 box from ptrp
from plac -> pt+ac

Слайд 71

Inverted Promoter System (from Salmonella)
-> for very toxic proteins

Inverted Promoter System (from Salmonella) -> for very toxic proteins

Слайд 72


In 1872, Ferdinand Cohn, a student of Robert Koch, recognized and named

Bacillus In 1872, Ferdinand Cohn, a student of Robert Koch, recognized and
the bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
The organism was made to represent a large and diverse genus of Bacteria, Bacillus,  and was placed in the family Bacillaceae.
The family's distinguishing feature is the production of endospores, which are highly refractile resting structures formed within the bacterial cells. Since this time, members of the genus Bacillus are characterized as Gram-positive, rod-shaped, aerobic or facultative, endospore-forming bacteria.

Flagellar stains of various species of Bacillus from CDC

Слайд 73


Antibiotic Producers: B. brevis (e.g. gramicidin, tyrothricin), B. cereus (e.g. cerexin, zwittermicin),

Bacillus Antibiotic Producers: B. brevis (e.g. gramicidin, tyrothricin), B. cereus (e.g. cerexin,
B. circulans (e.g. circulin), B. laterosporus (e.g. laterosporin), B. licheniformis (e.g. bacitracin), B. polymyxa (e.g. polymyxin, colistin), B. pumilus (e.g. pumulin) B. subtilis (e.g. polymyxin, difficidin, subtilin, mycobacillin).
Pathogens of Insects: B. larvae, B. lentimorbis, and B. popilliae are invasive pathogens. B. thuringiensis forms a parasporal crystal that is toxic to beetles.
Pathogens of Animals: B. anthracis, and B. cereus.  B. alvei, B. megaterium, B. coagulans, B. laterosporus, B. subtilis, B. sphaericus, B. circulans, B. brevis, B. licheniformis, B. macerans, B. pumilus, and B. thuringiensis have been isolated from human infections.
The Genus Bacillus includes two bacteria of significant medical importance, B. anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, and B. cereus, which causes food poisoning. Nonanthrax Bacillus species can also cause a wide variety of other infections, and they are being recognized with increasing frequency as pathogens in humans.

Слайд 74


Bacillus strains used as production organisms:
- B. subtilis
- B. brevis

Bacillus Bacillus strains used as production organisms: - B. subtilis - B.
- B. licheniformis
Transformation systems:
- via competent cells (during transition from vegetative cells -> sporulation, cell can take up DNA (ss) when population reaches a metabolic state called competence)
- protoplast
- bacteriophage-mediated transduction
- replicating plasmids (pUB110, pE194, pC194, pHP13, shuttle vectors)
-> replicating plasmids with temperature-sensitive origin of replication
(replication stops above certain temp. -> pE194 stops above 45ºC)
- integrative vectors (normally shuttle vectors)
- aprE promoter -> induction with onset of sporulation
- amylase promoter -> growth-phase and nutrition regulated promoter (induction at end of exponential growth + repression by glucose)
- sacB promoter (levansurase) -> not regulated
- spac promoter -> hybrid promoter (subtilis phage + lac operator) -> induction with IPTG

Слайд 75

Bacillus as expression host

Bacillus as expression host

Слайд 76

Bacillus as expression host

Bacillus as expression host

Слайд 77

Products produced in Prokaryotic Systems

Restriction Endonucleases -> produced in E. coli

Products produced in Prokaryotic Systems Restriction Endonucleases -> produced in E. coli
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) -> recombinant Erwinia herbicola (gram-negative bacterium)
Synthesis of Indigo (blue pigment -> dye cotton /jeans) -> produced in E. coli
Amino Acids -> produced in Corynebacterium glutamicum (gram-positive bacterium)
Lipases (laundry industry) -> from Pseudomonas alcaligenes produced in Pseudomonas alcaligenes
Antibiotica (most of them from Streptomyces, other gram-positive bacteria, fungi) -> produced in recombinant Streptomyces and fungi (Penicillium)
Biopolymers (PHB -> biodegradable plastics) -> produced in E. coli (stabilized with parB)

Слайд 78

Expression in Eukaryotic Systems

- Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast)
- Pichia pastoris

Expression in Eukaryotic Systems Yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) - Pichia
Cells – Baculovirus
Mammalian Cells

Слайд 79

Expression in Yeast

Autonomous replicating vectors -> shuttle vectors

Expression in Yeast Autonomous replicating vectors -> shuttle vectors

Слайд 80

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Autonomous replicating systems

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Autonomous replicating systems

Слайд 81

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Integrative systems

Probability for integration higher with linear fragments !

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Integrative systems Probability for integration higher with linear fragments !

Слайд 82

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Слайд 83

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Слайд 84

Yeast are efficient secretors !
Secretory expression preferred if:
-> if product toxic
-> if

Yeast are efficient secretors ! Secretory expression preferred if: -> if product
many S-S bonds need to be closed

Слайд 85

Expression in S. cerevisiae – Pichia pastoris

Problems with production in S. cerevisiae:

Expression in S. cerevisiae – Pichia pastoris Problems with production in S.
some proteins production level low
Hyperglycosylation (more than 100 mannose residues in N-glycosylation)
Sometimes secretion not good -> protein stack in cells (periplasma)
S. cerevisiae produces high amount of EtOH -> toxic for the cells -> effects level of production
Advantages of production in Pichia pastoris:
Highly efficient promoter, tightly regulated (alcohol oxidase -> AOX, induced by MeOH)
Produces no EtOH -> very high cell density -> secretion very efficient
Secretes very few proteins -> simplification of purification of secreted proteins

Слайд 86

Expression in Pichia pastoris Integrative systems

Expression in Pichia pastoris Integrative systems

Слайд 87

Expression in Pichia pastoris

Expression in Pichia pastoris

Слайд 88

Expression in Pichia pastoris

Expression in Pichia pastoris

Слайд 89

Expression in Insect cells

-> infects invertebrates (insects)
-> in infection cycle 2 forms

Expression in Insect cells Baculovirus: -> infects invertebrates (insects) -> in infection
of baculovirus are formed:
-> single virus particle
-> in protein matrix (polyhedron) trapped clusters of viruses
-> during late stage of infection massive amount of polyhedron produced -> strong promoter
-> polyhedron not required for virus production
-> polyhedron promoter optimal for heterologous protein production in insect cells

Слайд 90

Expression in Insect cells

-> Autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) many

Expression in Insect cells Baculovirus: -> Autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus
used as expression vector
-> Production of recombinant baculovirus:
1. create a transfer vector (E. coli based plasmid with AcMNPV DNA – polyhedrin promoter/terminator + flanking sequences) -> gene of interest cloned downstream of promoter
2. Insect cells are cotransfected with virus (AcMNPV) + transfer vector
-> in some double infected cells -> double crossover event (recombination)
-> produce recombinant virus (bacmid -> E. coli - insect cell baculovirus shuttle vector)
-> cells infected with recombinant virus -> produce plaques (lack of polyhedrin)
3. DNA hydridisation + PCR used to identify recombinant virus
4. Infection of insect cells with concentrated stock of verified recombinant virus
-> 4-5 days later protein harvested

Слайд 91

Baculovirus expression system

Baculovirus expression system

Слайд 92

Why this system?
Insect cells have almost the same posttranslational modifications as mammalian

Why this system? Insect cells have almost the same posttranslational modifications as
Higher expression level than mammalian cells

Baculovirus expression system

Слайд 93

Mammalian cell expression system

1. Why do we use that system?
-> to

Mammalian cell expression system 1. Why do we use that system? ->
get full complement of posttranslational modifications on proteins
2. Developed cell lines:
-> short term (transient) expression -> autonomous replicating systems -> viral origins (SV40)
- African green monkey kidney (COS)
- baby hamster kidney (BHK)
- human embryonic kidney (HEK-239)
-> long term (stable) expression -> integration into chromosome -> viral origins
- chinese hamster ovary (CHO)

Слайд 94

Mammalian cell expression system

Mammalian cell expression system

Слайд 95

 Gene expression in mammalian cell lines
A convenient alternative for setting up mammalian

Gene expression in mammalian cell lines A convenient alternative for setting up
cell facilities – get a comprehensive service from us. We will achieve stable expression of the gene of your interest in mammalian cells.
Customer provides:
- Mammalian vector with the gene (cDNA) to be expressed. We accept plasmid and retroviral vectors
- Sequence of the gene and map of the construct for transfection
Cell line or information about the cell line to be transfected.
Our service includes:
- Transfection of the cells. In case of a retroviral vector, virus production and cell infection
- Antibiotic selection and generation of stable transfected (infected) cell clones. At least 10 independent clones will be selected and grown
- Quantitative assay of the gene (cDNA) expression level in each transfected clone by RNA isolation followed by Northern hybridisation and/or RT-PCR
- Selection of the best expressing clone
- Cell freezing and depositing
- Duration: 3-6 months (depending on the cell growth rate), allow 1month in addition if the cell line is not available in our collections
Customer receives:
- Detailed report on experiments and data obtained.
- Two vials of transfected cells (the best expressing clone)
- We will deposit the transfected cells in our collection as a precaution against accidental loss of the clone.
Price guide:
Price per transfection and selection of at least 10 clones: £3500.
Имя файла: Gene-Expression-Systems.pptx
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