Слайд 2Components of healthy relationships:

Слайд 3Trust is an extremely important aspect to a healthy relationship!

Слайд 4What’s the difference between
real love & infatuation?

Слайд 5What is Dating Violence?
Dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psychological

or emotional violence within a dating relationship.
Слайд 6What You Need to Remember
Any kind of abuse it NOT your fault.

don’t deserve being treated this way.
You should always be safe.
NO means NO
Слайд 7Personal Rights in a Relationship
THE RIGHT to refuse requests without having to

feel guilty or selfish.
THE RIGHT to express your feelings, including anger, as long as I don't violate the rights of others.
THE RIGHT to be competitive and to achieve.
THE RIGHT to have my needs be as important as the needs of other people.
THE RIGHT to decide which activities will fulfill my needs.
THE RIGHT to make mistakes and be responsible for them.
THE RIGHT to have my opinions given the same respect and consideration as others'.
THE RIGHT to change my mind.
THE RIGHT to be independent.
THE RIGHT to be treated respectfully.
THE RIGHT to be cooperative and giving and not be taken advantage of.
THE RIGHT to be safe.