- 2. Question no 1. The public-political life of Kazakhstan. In october of 1964 year on Soviet party
- 3. With cruel centralization of ruling the economy don’t change this factor - developing of raw material
- 4. With this opening other problems questions - Aral lake, Ili and Syr-Darya rivers. In aim to
- 5. Question no 2: Kazakhstan in Gorbachev reconstruction Crisis of soviet system bring to understanding of government
- 6. Change of stile the ruling , mostly opening of ruling higher sphere, al of times declaration
- 7. Question no 3: The December situation in Almaty at 1986 years. In ending of 1985 -
- 8. In morning of 17 December on a square in front of building of CK begin unit
- 9. On some sources, in tragic situations of 17-18 December murdered more at 150 demonstrates. Information about
- 10. After december situations in Kazakhstan begin reinforcement the cruel politics. With dogmatic politicy about international relations
- 12. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Question no 1. The public-political life of Kazakhstan.
In october of 1964 year
Question no 1. The public-political life of Kazakhstan.
In october of 1964 year

on Soviet party change the reign - to rule came L.I.Brejnev. Begin new epoch of life, who take a name “zastoi”
But in first time all of was very good. Develop the democratic relations. To territory of Kazakhstan back migrate 200 000 persons, they was different nationalities - kazakhs, kyrgyz, dungan, uigur and others. All of theirs was victims of “totalirizm” regime of Soviet Part.
With this base aims of developing the country in higher step - declare about improvement of well-being the population. Change the common life of person.
In 1970—1985 yy. Begin the reinforcement of industry sector of republic. For example near 1000 new industry factors was open. All of financial potential take from raw material and fuel-energetic sectors.
But the base - control of part all of thins don’t change.
But in first time all of was very good. Develop the democratic relations. To territory of Kazakhstan back migrate 200 000 persons, they was different nationalities - kazakhs, kyrgyz, dungan, uigur and others. All of theirs was victims of “totalirizm” regime of Soviet Part.
With this base aims of developing the country in higher step - declare about improvement of well-being the population. Change the common life of person.
In 1970—1985 yy. Begin the reinforcement of industry sector of republic. For example near 1000 new industry factors was open. All of financial potential take from raw material and fuel-energetic sectors.
But the base - control of part all of thins don’t change.
Слайд 3With cruel centralization of ruling the economy don’t change this factor -
With cruel centralization of ruling the economy don’t change this factor -

developing of raw material sector. Government give priority only obtain sphere. To there gives most capitals, it damage to developing science capacious industry. Near of 50% industry sector was in control of centre. They don’t develop social industry, in training of national workers, guarding of ecology.
With this Soviet party with aim to create and develop the atom weapon open on the territory of Kazakhstan many polygons. Famous of theirs was - Semipalatinskii nucleus polygon. Where after 1980 years in third generation 20-30% of population had changes in physical developing on genes level. This polygon was opened after 2 world war, in 1949 year, but information about this take reinforcement information in those time. Total quantity of infection persons in Kazakhstan is 1,5 million persons, where 500 thousand take at 10-to 400 czb. In result of this was reinforcement to 5 raze of child died, life of persons shorted to mines 3-5 years (some times to 10 years), with this on Semey region territory most persons ill different ills, who on a base connect with changes in genes.
With this Soviet party with aim to create and develop the atom weapon open on the territory of Kazakhstan many polygons. Famous of theirs was - Semipalatinskii nucleus polygon. Where after 1980 years in third generation 20-30% of population had changes in physical developing on genes level. This polygon was opened after 2 world war, in 1949 year, but information about this take reinforcement information in those time. Total quantity of infection persons in Kazakhstan is 1,5 million persons, where 500 thousand take at 10-to 400 czb. In result of this was reinforcement to 5 raze of child died, life of persons shorted to mines 3-5 years (some times to 10 years), with this on Semey region territory most persons ill different ills, who on a base connect with changes in genes.
Слайд 4With this opening other problems questions - Aral lake, Ili and Syr-Darya
With this opening other problems questions - Aral lake, Ili and Syr-Darya

In aim to change the Kazakhstan to agricultural sector with water like grown - dry rivers on South Kazakhstan. For example “Virgin policy” bring to corrosion of land, wind storms. With this government want on the territory of South Kazakhstan grow cotton, who demand many water, with solve this question they begin crushed all old irrigation system and used the underground waters. It bring to dry up some rivers - Ili, Syr-Darya and Amudar'a.
In result of this politics in Kazakhstan don’t have good develop neither of agriculture nor cattle-breeding.
So all of economy of Kazakhstan Republic look only centre ruling.
In aim to change the Kazakhstan to agricultural sector with water like grown - dry rivers on South Kazakhstan. For example “Virgin policy” bring to corrosion of land, wind storms. With this government want on the territory of South Kazakhstan grow cotton, who demand many water, with solve this question they begin crushed all old irrigation system and used the underground waters. It bring to dry up some rivers - Ili, Syr-Darya and Amudar'a.
In result of this politics in Kazakhstan don’t have good develop neither of agriculture nor cattle-breeding.
So all of economy of Kazakhstan Republic look only centre ruling.
Слайд 5Question no 2: Kazakhstan in Gorbachev reconstruction
Crisis of soviet system bring to
Question no 2: Kazakhstan in Gorbachev reconstruction
Crisis of soviet system bring to

understanding of government to middle of 80-th years about necessity of fundamental reforms and on a base, in economy sphere. Coming to rule in 1985 year the M.Gorbachev was famous with declaration new course in home-politics with 3 base logan: “officially” - break of control, censorship and access to formerly prohibition information; “accelerate” - accelerate the develop of economy and “reconstruction” - reconstruction all of political and economical systems.
Слайд 6Change of stile the ruling , mostly opening of ruling higher sphere,
Change of stile the ruling , mostly opening of ruling higher sphere,

al of times declaration of M.Gorbachev about democratization of system, selection beginning have big enthusiasm at population, who very tired at long time of waiting of ruling the part power.
But situation of 1986 year Decembers open only one to population - all of declarations don’t change the stile and method of ruling, who consist on the terror and repressions.
But situation of 1986 year Decembers open only one to population - all of declarations don’t change the stile and method of ruling, who consist on the terror and repressions.
Слайд 7Question no 3: The December situation in Almaty at 1986 years.
In ending
Question no 3: The December situation in Almaty at 1986 years.
In ending

of 1985 - beginning of 1986 years in Kazakhstan and Moscow begin listen the criticism to leader of republic - first secretary CK D.Kunaev. All of persons think about change of higher step of rulers, especially as Moscow begin sad about this.
In 15 of December to Almaty came member of CK KPSS -G.Razumovskii and I secretary of Ulian (Ukraine) regions lot of party - G.Kolbin.
In 16 of December on Plenum of CK of communist Party of Kazakhstan declared about recommendation of G.Kolbin to place of I secretary of CK Party of Kazakhstan. All of higher step elect “Yes”, so to place of first leader came person, who don’t have connection with Kazakhstan in his early time and don’t know this place problems, don’t work on the territory of Kazakhstan and don’t lived before this time.
In 15 of December to Almaty came member of CK KPSS -G.Razumovskii and I secretary of Ulian (Ukraine) regions lot of party - G.Kolbin.
In 16 of December on Plenum of CK of communist Party of Kazakhstan declared about recommendation of G.Kolbin to place of I secretary of CK Party of Kazakhstan. All of higher step elect “Yes”, so to place of first leader came person, who don’t have connection with Kazakhstan in his early time and don’t know this place problems, don’t work on the territory of Kazakhstan and don’t lived before this time.
Слайд 8In morning of 17 December on a square in front of building
In morning of 17 December on a square in front of building

of CK begin unit of younger persons, who want listen reasons of electing the M.Kolbin and protested against ignore of Moscow the interests of Republic. In street of Almaty went peaceful procession, who change to mass character.
In 17-18 Decembers against peaceful demonstrates was throw powers of police and home army. Party special develop international struggle, militarized iron sticks and other weapons the groups, who was unit at russian languages workers of industry undertaking and stay against kazakh-demonstrates.
In 17-18 Decembers against peaceful demonstrates was throw powers of police and home army. Party special develop international struggle, militarized iron sticks and other weapons the groups, who was unit at russian languages workers of industry undertaking and stay against kazakh-demonstrates.
Слайд 9On some sources, in tragic situations of 17-18 December murdered more at
On some sources, in tragic situations of 17-18 December murdered more at

150 demonstrates. Information about crushing of demonstrates in Almaty fired for all Kazakhstan, where on mot towns after this begin like situations, who so stopped with government.
With this at theirs places went out 9 rector of higher institutes.
After this begin cruel repressions. Near of 900 person was punish in administration system, in head of theirs with order was arrested and sentenced 99 persons. One of their was - 18 year oldest K.Ryskulbekov, who died in prison.
In 1987 year official was take the declaration of CK KPSS, where this situation looked “Kazakhs nationalism”
With this at theirs places went out 9 rector of higher institutes.
After this begin cruel repressions. Near of 900 person was punish in administration system, in head of theirs with order was arrested and sentenced 99 persons. One of their was - 18 year oldest K.Ryskulbekov, who died in prison.
In 1987 year official was take the declaration of CK KPSS, where this situation looked “Kazakhs nationalism”
Слайд 10After december situations in Kazakhstan begin reinforcement the cruel politics. With dogmatic
After december situations in Kazakhstan begin reinforcement the cruel politics. With dogmatic

politicy about international relations and necessity of studying the kazakh language begin new line of repressions of intelligence, who was accuser in december situations. Difficult situations had sciences U.Djoldasbekov, N.Nadirov and O.Ismagulov. Admission to higher institutes and to work begin realization with % system to nationals, what bring the close of chance to take education and good work of ethnic group, who in a towns was very small group.
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