Kinematics, uniform motion

Слайд 2


At the end of the lesson you will be able to

Define distance

Objectives At the end of the lesson you will be able to
and displacement, speed and velocity,

describe uniform motion and graphical data

define operationally, compare and contrast scalar and vector quantities

Слайд 3

Kinematics Words to learn: Origin, Position, Scalar Quantity, Vector Quantity, Distance, Displacement, vector,

Kinematics Words to learn: Origin, Position, Scalar Quantity, Vector Quantity, Distance, Displacement,
magnitude, instantaneous speed.

Scalar and Vectors
Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
Vectors are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.

The science of motion and its causes is called Mechanics, which
is divided into two main sections: Kinematics which describes motion
and Dynamics which describes the causes of motion.

Слайд 4


origin: a reference point
position: the straight-line
distance between the origin

POSITION, DISPLACEMENT AND DISTANCE origin: a reference point position: the straight-line distance
an object’s location; includes
magnitude and direction

"The treasure is hidden 25 paces (steps) northeast of the old hut"

This change in the position of an object is called the displacement

Слайд 5

If a person walks 40 meters East, 10 meters South, 40 meters

If a person walks 40 meters East, 10 meters South, 40 meters
West, and finally 10 meters North.

The distance he covered is 100 m.
His displacement is 0 m

Слайд 6

Distance vs Displacement

Distance vs Displacement

Слайд 7

The Language of Motion

If you move from a position 5.0 m [W]

The Language of Motion If you move from a position 5.0 m
to a position 10.0 m [E], what is your final distance and displacement?

East, north, up, and right are usually designated as positive.

Слайд 8

Example 2

What is the distance covered and what was his displacement?

Example 2 What is the distance covered and what was his displacement?

Слайд 9

Position-time Graphs and Uniform Motion

The magnitude of the velocity vector is called

Position-time Graphs and Uniform Motion The magnitude of the velocity vector is
speed which is a scalar quantity.

This golf ball is said to move with a constant velocity which is defined
as the displacement per unit time

Слайд 11

Determine the velocity of each object whose motion is represented by the

Example Determine the velocity of each object whose motion is represented by the graphs below.
graphs below.

Слайд 12

Example 1

If a person walks 40 meters East, 10 meters South, 40

Example 1 If a person walks 40 meters East, 10 meters South,
meters West, and finally 10 meters North. He completed his walk in 4 minutes. What was his speed? What was his velocity?

Слайд 13

Example 2

What is the skiers average speed and average velocity?

Example 2 What is the skiers average speed and average velocity?

Слайд 14

Ex. 1
A thief snatches a handbag and runs north at 5.0 m/s.

Ex. 1 A thief snatches a handbag and runs north at 5.0
A police officer, 20 m to the south, sees the event and gives chase. If the officer is a good sprinter, going 7.5 m/s, how far will she have to run to catch the thief?

Two friends start walking on a football field in the same direction. Person A walks twice as fast as person B. However, person B has a head start of 20.0 m. If person A walks at 3.0 m/s, find the distance between the two friends after walking for 20.0 s and determine who is ahead at this time. Sketch a position-time graph for both people.

A mosquito flies toward you with a velocity of 2.4 km/h [E]. If a distance of 35.0 m separates you and the mosquito initially, at what point (distance and time) will the mosquito hit your sunglasses if you are travelling toward the mosquito with a speed of 2.0 m/s and the mosquito is travelling in a straight path?

Слайд 15

Uniform Motion

Uniform = “Constant”
Neither the speed nor direction can change.
Direction: must be

Uniform Motion Uniform = “Constant” Neither the speed nor direction can change.
moving in a straight line, forward or back OR up or down.
Speed: can not be speeding up or slowing down.

Слайд 16

1.4 Analyzing Velocity-time Graphs

1.4 Analyzing Velocity-time Graphs

Слайд 19

Position as a Function of Time

Position as a Function of Time
Имя файла: Kinematics,-uniform-motion.pptx
Количество просмотров: 30
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