Law in Kazakhstan Civil Law


Слайд 2



Слайд 3


Civil Code
Numerous laws (Law on JSC, Law on LLP and PAL, Law

Sources: Constitution Civil Code Numerous laws (Law on JSC, Law on LLP
on consumer rights protection etc.)

Слайд 4

Fundamental Principles of Civil Legislation
Protection of Civil Rights
Subjects of Civil Law
Property right

Fundamental Principles of Civil Legislation Protection of Civil Rights Subjects of Civil
of Civil Law
Representation and Power of Attorney
Law of Obligations.

General Part

Слайд 5

Equality of the participants
Inviolability of property
Freedom of agreement
Restitution for violated rights and

Principles: Equality of the participants Inviolability of property Freedom of agreement Restitution
their defense in the court
Unrestricted circulation of goods, services and monetary resources in the entire territory of the RK.
Note: Restrictions are allowed only in accordance with the legislative acts, where it is necessary for ensuring security, protection of life and health of the people, protection of the natural environment and cultural valuables.

Слайд 6

Protection of civil rights:

restitution of status quo
compensation of material damage (real damage

Protection of civil rights: restitution of status quo compensation of material damage
+ lost profit) and moral damage.

Слайд 7

Subjects of civil relations:

Natural persons
Legal entities
Administrative-territorial units

Subjects of civil relations: Natural persons Legal entities Administrative-territorial units State.

Слайд 8

Natural persons

Natural persons

Слайд 9

Natural persons:

Citizens of Kazakhstan
Foreign citizens
Stateless persons.

Natural persons: Citizens of Kazakhstan Foreign citizens Stateless persons.

Слайд 10

Legal capacity
is one’s capacity to have civil rights and obligations [art.13 CC]

Legal capacity is one’s capacity to have civil rights and obligations [art.13 CC]

Слайд 11

Legal capacity

All citizens have equal LC [art.13(1) CC]
LC begins from one’s birth

Legal capacity All citizens have equal LC [art.13(1) CC] LC begins from
and ends with one’s death. [art.13(2) CC]
Content of LC: to owe any property, inherit, choose place of residence, to have intellectual property etc. [art.14 CC]

Слайд 12

Active capacity (deed capacity, dispositive legal capacity)

citizen’s capacity by his own actions

Active capacity (deed capacity, dispositive legal capacity) citizen’s capacity by his own
to obtain and to exercise his civil rights, to create for himself civil obligations and to fulfill them [art.17 CC]

Слайд 13

Active capacity

Full AC begins with attaining one’s majority, 18 years. [art.17(1) CC]

Active capacity Full AC begins with attaining one’s majority, 18 years. [art.17(1)
at 16 years old or emancipation – full AC at 16. [art.17(2) CC]

Слайд 14

Full AC age reduction:

Marriage at the age of 16-18. Organ of state

Full AC age reduction: Marriage at the age of 16-18. Organ of
registration (ZAGS) gives permission. Minor receives full AC from the moment of registration of marriage.
Emancipation at the age of 16-18. Organ of Guardianship and Tutorship makes decision. Minor receives full AC from the moment when the decision was made.

Слайд 15

Active capacity of minors…

… of 14 – 18 years old [art.22 CC]

Active capacity of minors… … of 14 – 18 years old [art.22
bargains – with the consent of parents, adopters or tutors
Dispose own income and objects of their intellectual property, make day-to-day bargains

Слайд 16

Active capacity of minors…

…under 14 [art. 23 CC]
For them all the bargains

Active capacity of minors… …under 14 [art. 23 CC] For them all
are made by parents, adopters and guardians
Simple day-to-day bargains correspondent to their age

Слайд 17

Limitation of active capacity

alcoholic or drug addiction which puts one’s family

Limitation of active capacity Why: alcoholic or drug addiction which puts one’s
in difficult financial situation [art.27 CC]

Слайд 18

Ceasing of active capacity

mental decease due to which a person does

Ceasing of active capacity Why: mental decease due to which a person
not realize own actions [art. 26 CC]

Слайд 19

Legal entities

Legal entities

Слайд 20

Legal entity:

It is an organization which:
has its separate property on the

Legal entity: It is an organization which: has its separate property on
basis of property right, right of business authority or right of operational management;
is liable for its obligations with this property;
can in its own name acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights and obligations;
can be a plaintiff and a defendant in the court;
has independent balance-sheet or budget.
A legal entity has a seal with its name. (art. 33 CC)

Слайд 22

Commercial organization

Aimed on the receiving of profit
The income is distributed between the

Commercial organization Aimed on the receiving of profit The income is distributed
Types of commercial organizations:
state enterprise
business partnership
joint stock company
production cooperative society (art. 34 (1,2) CC)

Слайд 23

Non-commercial organization

Does not have the receiving of profit as the main aim

Non-commercial organization Does not have the receiving of profit as the main
income is not distributed between the participants
Types of non-commercial organizations:
Public foundation
Non-commercial joint-stock company
Religious association
Consumer cooperative society
Social fund
Other types (art. 34 (1,3) CC)

Слайд 24

Legal capacity of legal entity

Begins from the moment of its creation (registration)

Legal capacity of legal entity Begins from the moment of its creation
or from the moment of the obtaining of a license, if the license is required for that activity.
Finishes at the moment of the end of its liquidation or at the moment of expiry of the license, if the license was required for that activity (art. 35 (1,2) CC )

Слайд 25

Business partnership:

It is a commercial organization, the charter fund of which is

Business partnership: It is a commercial organization, the charter fund of which
divided into shares of the founders.
The property of the business partnership, created on the basis of investments of the founders as well as the property that was produced or acquired by the business partnership during the period of its activity belongs to that business partnership on the basis of property right (art. 58 (1) CC)

Слайд 26

Types of business partnerships

general partnership
its participants (general partners), in the case of

Types of business partnerships general partnership its participants (general partners), in the
insufficiency of the property of the partnership, bare the joint liability for the obligations of the partnership with all their property (art. 63 CC)
kommandit partnership
besides one or more general partners there are also one or more participants with limited liability; only general partners can manage the business activity of the partnership (art.72 CC)
limited liability partnership
its partners bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the partnership within the limits of the contributions made by themselves (art.77 CC)
partnership with additional liability
its participants are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their investments to the charter fund and in the case those are insufficient – additionally with the property that belongs to them in the amount proportionate to the contributions made by them (art.84 CC)

Слайд 27

Joint stock company

It is a legal entity, which makes the emission of

Joint stock company It is a legal entity, which makes the emission
shares with the scope to attract the money for executing of its activity (art.3 (1) of the Law of RK on JSC)
its participants (shareholders) bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of company within the limits of the shares that belong to them.

Слайд 28

Property right

Property right

Слайд 29

Property right

The right to possess
The right to use
The right to dispose (art.188

Property right The right to possess The right to use The right to dispose (art.188 CC)

Слайд 31

Right of business authority

It is a material right of a state enterprise,

Right of business authority It is a material right of a state
which has received the property from the state and which exercises the right to possess, to use and to dispose towards that property, as it is provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (art.196 CC)

Слайд 32

Right of business authority

Does not include the right to:
sell or transmit the

Right of business authority Does not include the right to: sell or
property to the other people
give in a long-term lease (over 3 years)
give on the non-paid basis the right to use the property to the other people
create branches of the state enterprise
establish joint productions and joint companies together with private entrepreneurs, invest therein their production and monetary capital
give credits to the private entrepreneurs with the interest lower than the one constituted by the National bank of the RK. (art.200 CC)

Слайд 33

The right of operational management:

It is a material right of an institution,

The right of operational management: It is a material right of an
state institution, financed by the owner, or of a budget enterprise, which has received the property from the owner and which exercises the right to use, to possess and to dispose of the property in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the aims of its activity, with the tasks of the owner and with the destination of this property. (art.202 CC)

Слайд 34

The right of operational management

Does not include the right to determine the

The right of operational management Does not include the right to determine
legal destiny of the property which the company had received on the basis of the balance-sheet. (art. 206 CC)

Слайд 35

Grounds for acquisition of property right

Primary Grounds
Derivative Grounds

Grounds for acquisition of property right Primary Grounds Derivative Grounds

Слайд 36

Primary Grounds

Manufacture or creation of things;
Fruits, products, and revenues received as a

Primary Grounds Manufacture or creation of things; Fruits, products, and revenues received
result of the use of property.
Find, treasure
Acquisitive prescription – a person or legal entity, who is not the owner of property but in good faith, openly, and uninterruptedly possesses immovable property as his own for fifteen years or other property for five years acquires the right of ownership in such property.

Слайд 37

Derivative Grounds

Contract of purchase/sale, barter, gift, or other transaction concerning the alienation

Derivative Grounds Contract of purchase/sale, barter, gift, or other transaction concerning the
of this property.
Reorganization of a juridical person the right of ownership in the property belonging to it passes to the juridical persons-legal successors of the reorganized juridical person.

Слайд 38

Grounds for termination of property right

Alienation by the owner of his

Grounds for termination of property right Alienation by the owner of his
property to other persons;
Renunciation of the property right by the owner;
Perishing or destruction of the property;
Loss of the property right to property in other instances provided for by legislation.

Слайд 39

Compulsory deprival of property right

Satisfaction of claims of creditor
Compulsory alienation of property

Compulsory deprival of property right Satisfaction of claims of creditor Compulsory alienation
which by virtue of legislative acts can not belong to the particular person
Requisition (in cases of emergency)
Confiscation (by court decision as punishment)
Withdrawal of a land plot;
Purchase of improvidently maintained cultural and historical values.
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