Слайд 2Problems of youth
The young Ukrainians are facing many important problems. Young people

today different from those of the same age just six or seven years ago. Our young people are getting more economically active, but they are becoming more pragmatic and spiritually restrained.
Слайд 3Teenagers find idols among famous singers, politicians, actors and sportsmen.

Слайд 4They copy them blindly from hairstyle and clothes to bad habits.

Слайд 5Today we have a great variety of youth cultures. Through them, young

people try to express themselves, find friends and people who share their interests.
Слайд 6Punk Rockers
The Punk Rockers achieved notoriety through the attention of the media

in the late 1970s, with their unique hairstyles, vivid make-up, cast-off clothes and aggressive music.
Слайд 7Hippies
The Hippies of the late 1960s were more middleclass. They experimented with

drugs, lived in communities, grew they hair long, and were attracted to radical politics.
Слайд 8Goths
Goths - a movement, that organised in the late 70-ies of XX

century in the UK-based punk movement. They dress in black clothes, use metal or silver jewelry with Gothic symbols, put dark makeup.
Слайд 9Bad habits
Today, many teenagers have bad habits. Causes of bad habits in

all different: emulate older, the desire to stand out, the desire to have authority in the company, but one problem at all, because adolescents who have bad habits fully understand their influence on health.