
Слайд 2

POLICY - Administration

Prescribed by Doctor / Dentist & written into chart /

POLICY - Administration Prescribed by Doctor / Dentist & written into chart
Organised times for medication round,
6am, 10am, 12md, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm
(or anytime as required)
2 people on medication round-one must be a qualified nurse, other a witness (carer)

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Right Name – patient-check arm braclet-DOB
Right Drug(s) – as prescribed on

POLICY 5 RIGHTS Right Name – patient-check arm braclet-DOB Right Drug(s) –
Right Dose – mgs, mls,
Right Method – po, im, iv, sc, drops, inhaler, tropical, patch
Right Time

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Two people to double check prescription, when started, when last given, any

POLICY Two people to double check prescription, when started, when last given,
One to give the medication to patient, explain what it is for & stay with patient until medication is given

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Nurse will sign off chart, what medication and dose given to patient

POLICY Nurse will sign off chart, what medication and dose given to
at specific time.
Report to next shift if new medications were ordered, what medications were given at particular time.
Report if any medications were cancelled or course completed.

Слайд 6

Antibotics –prevent or treat bacterial infection
Antifungal – prevent or treat fungus infection

CATEGORIES Antibotics –prevent or treat bacterial infection Antifungal – prevent or treat
– prevent or treat viral infections

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Anti-Inflammatory – reduce swelling
Anti-Coagulant – reduce clotting of blood
Anti-Histamine – reduce allergies

Categories Anti-Inflammatory – reduce swelling Anti-Coagulant – reduce clotting of blood Anti-Histamine
– prevent or treat seizures

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ANALGESICS – pain relief.
Controlled by Legislation
Over the counter – general shops

CATEGORIES ANALGESICS – pain relief. Controlled by Legislation Over the counter –
eg –paracetomol
Pharmacy – prescription not required
eg - throat lozengers.
Prescription only - from doctor or dentist
eg – antibotics, strong analgesics

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Bronchial Dialators – improve breathing
eg Inhalers
Cardiac-Vasodialators – increase circulation
Hypo/Hypertensive- control blood pressure

CATEGORIES Bronchial Dialators – improve breathing eg Inhalers Cardiac-Vasodialators – increase circulation
improve heart beat
Diuretics – remove excess fluid from tissue
eg lungs or skin

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HORMONAL – treat imbalance = control balance
Diabetes eg Insulin
Contraceptives eg birth control

CATEGORIES HORMONAL – treat imbalance = control balance Diabetes eg Insulin Contraceptives
or regulate menstrual cycle
Thyroid eg Hypo/Hyper activity

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SEDATIVES – relax or control emotions
Induce Sleep
Preoperative / Minor surgical procedures

CATEGORIES SEDATIVES – relax or control emotions Induce Sleep Preoperative / Minor surgical procedures

Слайд 12

Anti-depressives ? Emotional issues / STRESS
Psychotic = chemical imbalance in

Anti-depressives ? Emotional issues / STRESS Environmental Psychotic = chemical imbalance in the brain
the brain

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STEROIDS – reduce inflammation
? Used in combination with other medication
Short term treatment-

STEROIDS – reduce inflammation ? Used in combination with other medication Short
wean off gradually
Low dose in chronic conditions

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ORALLY – by mouth eg liquid / tablet / capsule

METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION ORALLY – by mouth eg liquid / tablet /
- intermuscular / intervenous / subscutanous
INHALATION – via mouth / nose

Слайд 15

TROPICAL – via skin- cream / lotion / patch
DROPS – via

TROPICAL – via skin- cream / lotion / patch DROPS – via
ear / nose
SUPPOSITORIES – via rectum
PESSORIES – via vagina

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a.c. = before food
c = with ?food
p.c. = after food
Daily = once

INSTRUCTIONS a.c. = before food c = with ?food p.c. = after
a day
eg mane = morning, nocte = night

Слайд 17


B.D. = twice daily or 12 hourly
T.I.D. = three times daily or

Instructions B.D. = twice daily or 12 hourly T.I.D. = three times
8 hourly
Q.I.D. = four times daily or 6 hourly
P.R.N. = as required
STAT = immediately
Количество просмотров: 205
Количество скачиваний: 0