
Слайд 2

Moliyaning mohiyati va funksiyalari

Guruh: I-84

Olimbekov Husniddin

Moliyaning mohiyati va funksiyalari Guruh: I-84 Olimbekov Husniddin

Слайд 4

What is a currency?

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Currency of the Republic

What is a currency? Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Currency of the
of Uzbekistan (national currency) means the monetary unit of the Republic of Uzbekistan (soum).
Foreign currency means banknotes which are authorized medium of circulation and a legal tender of cash payment in the territory of a foreign state (group of foreign states), and also banknotes which are withdrawn or those to be withdrawn from circulation with subsequent exchange, as well as funds in bank accounts and deposits in monetary units of foreign states (group of foreign states) or in international monetary or settlement units.

Слайд 5

What is exchange rate?

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

An exchange rate for

What is exchange rate? Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 An exchange rate
operations on the purchase and sale of foreign currency in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be determined on contractual base, proceeding from supply of and demand for foreign currency.
Upon determination of the exchange rate of the currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan against foreign currency, exclusively market mechanisms shall be used.
The Central Bank shall provide for the creation of conditions for the determination of the exchange rate upon establishment of the procedure for purchase and sale of foreign currency, proceeding from the demand for foreign currency and its supply.
The Central Bank shall regularly set the exchange rate for the purposes of accounting, statistical and other reporting on currency operations, as well as for the calculation of customs and other mandatory payments in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Слайд 6

1. Essence of currencies and currency operations

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

1. Essence of currencies and currency operations Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Слайд 7

What are currency valuables?

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Currency valuables mean foreign currency,

What are currency valuables? Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Currency valuables mean
securities and payment documents with face value expressed in foreign currency, securities without face value which are issued by nonresidents, and refined gold in bullion.

Слайд 8

What are currency operations?

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Currency operations mean operations (transactions) which

What are currency operations? Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Currency operations mean
are connected with assignment or transfer of ownership and other rights to currency valuables, use of currency valuables as legal tender, and also carriage, mailing and transfer in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as carriage, mailing and transfer out of the Republic of Uzbekistan, of currency valuables, operations in the currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan between residents and non-residents.

Слайд 9

Classification of currency operations

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Currency operations shall be

Classification of currency operations Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Currency operations shall
divided into domestic and international (cross-border) operations.
Domestic currency operations shall be deemed transactions which are conducted in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
International (cross-border) currency operations shall be divided into current international operations and capital movement (capital transfers) operations.

Слайд 10

Current international operations

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Current international operations shall include:
all payments

Current international operations Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Current international operations shall
payable in connection with the conduct of foreign trade, other current activities, which include services (works);
payments payable in the form of interest and other income, including on bank deposits, loans, leasing, as well as in the form of net income from other investments;
loan repayment, given that the amount of each loan repayment installment does not exceed the sum that equals to two times the amount of part of debt received, which is calculated as the ratio of the debt to the number of periods of its repayment as per the loan agreement;
non-trade transfers.

Слайд 11

Examples of non-trade transfers

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

The following operations shall

Examples of non-trade transfers Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 The following operations
be deemed non-trade transfers:
transfers between physical persons in the amount of up to the equivalent of one hundred million soums;
payment for goods (services, works) for personal needs;
payment of salaries, scholarships, pensions, alimony;
payment of expenses related to the sending of employees to business trips outside the Republic of Uzbekistan;
payment for education, medical treatment and tourism;
and others.

Слайд 12

Capital movement operations

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

All international (cross-border) currency operations, which

Capital movement operations Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 All international (cross-border) currency
are not classified as current international operations, shall be deemed capital movement operations, including:
implementation of investment activities, which include working capital replenishments by residents of their branches situated outside the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
receiving and granting of credits (loans), the implementation of leasing operations;
purchase and sale of real estate;
attraction from foreign countries and placement of fund resources to accounts and deposits in foreign countries;
acquisition or full sale of the exclusive right to intellectual property.

Слайд 13

Restrictions on currency operations

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

The Central Bank may impose

Restrictions on currency operations Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 The Central Bank
restrictions on currency operations:
with the purpose to counter the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
in cases of threats to the sustainability of the balance of payments with observance of the obligations under the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in coordination with the Central Bank, may impose restrictions on currency operations in the event of a threat to economic security.
The time limit of the restrictions may not exceed one year from the date of introduction. Upon expiry of the specified time limit, the restrictions shall be deemed to be canceled. The restrictions may be cancelled in whole or in part ahead of time.

Слайд 14

2. Foreign currency as financial instrument

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

2. Foreign currency as financial instrument Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Слайд 15

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Foreign currency as a special financial instrument. Approach

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Foreign currency as a special financial instrument.
1. Purchase of currency for current needs (no investment)

Слайд 16

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Foreign currency as a special financial instrument. Approach

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Foreign currency as a special financial instrument.
2. Purchase of currency for investment


Слайд 17

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Investments in other foreign currencies

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Investments in other foreign currencies

Слайд 18

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Rates of return on investment in foreign currencies

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Rates of return on investment in foreign currencies

Слайд 19

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022


Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 https://www.norma.uz/rate_dinamic#

Слайд 20


Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

https://cbu.uz/oz/ Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Слайд 21


Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

https://cbu.uz/oz/ Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Слайд 22


Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

https://cbu.uz/oz/arkhiv-kursov-valyut/ Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Слайд 23

Excel file with exchange rate dynamic

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Excel file with exchange rate dynamic Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Слайд 24

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Rates of return on investment in foreign currencies.

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Rates of return on investment in foreign currencies. Make calculations!
Make calculations!

Слайд 25

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022

Rates of return on investment in foreign currencies.

Copyright © Ye. Akhunova, 2022 Rates of return on investment in foreign currencies. Make calculations!
Make calculations!
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