Moscow State University


Слайд 2

To start with…

We do appreciate the opportunity to meet you.
We do

To start with… We do appreciate the opportunity to meet you. We
appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you.
We do appreciate your interest and we promise to do our best for it not to fade.
We do..
..what we can where we can, and we do like it. Let’s have a look together!

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 3

Moscow State University

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Moscow State University The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 4

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

The foundation


The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. © The foundation
In 1755 on the 25-th of January (St. Tatiana’s Day)
By whom?
By the Empress Elizabeth.

Слайд 5

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

The foundation

Mikhail Vasilyevich

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. © The foundation
…was a Russian polymath, scientist and writer. Among his discoveries was the atmosphere of Venus. In 1755 Lomonosov joined Count Ivan Shuvalov in founding the Moscow State University.

Слайд 6

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 7

The Pharmaceutical House - the first building of Moscow University. XVIII century


The Pharmaceutical House - the first building of Moscow University. XVIII century
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 8

The Lecture-Halls building at the end of the XIX century

The Faculty of

The Lecture-Halls building at the end of the XIX century The Faculty
Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 9

Today’s 31-stored Main Building on the Sparrow Hills

Today’s 31-stored Main Building on the Sparrow Hills

Слайд 10

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

41 departments
a choice

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. © 41 departments
of 128 qualifications
11 Nobel prize winners among professors and academicians
the number of students, postgraduates and interns - more than 60 000
more than 8000 professors
about 4000 students and postgraduates from 80 countries

Some figures about MSU

Слайд 11

In Soviet Russia:
Languages are taught for comprehension
No opportunity to communicate with the

In Soviet Russia: Languages are taught for comprehension No opportunity to communicate
native speakers
Language learners put their life at risk

Languages are taught for production
Here we are, talking to each other!
Everybody has to learn at least one foreign language

Back in USSR

Слайд 12

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

comparatively new –

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. © comparatively new
founded in 1988 under the direction of our dean, Svetlana Grigorievna Ter-Minasova
Set up for:
training the experts in international communication, required by the changes in the country
learning a real foreign language:
2 or more + Latin
(as the father of European languages)

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies

Слайд 13

Our faculty is divided into five main departments:
Translation and interpretation
Cross-cultural communication
Area studies

Our faculty is divided into five main departments: Translation and interpretation Teaching

Слайд 14

Our thanks to…

…our beloved dean Svetlana Grigorievna, who filled the faculty with

Our thanks to… …our beloved dean Svetlana Grigorievna, who filled the faculty
that wonderful spirit of family, confidence and creativity.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 15

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Слайд 16

The first organized meeting
with the first-year students
of the year

The first organized meeting with the first-year students of the year is
is called
because it is
traditionally held
at the backyard of
the faculty next to
the flowerbed

for the
and exchange
students to get
to know the main
people of the faculty

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, 2011. ©

Leisure time

Слайд 17

The Day of the Faculty

It’ s an anniversary of the foundation of

The Day of the Faculty It’ s an anniversary of the foundation
our department – the Faculty of Foreign languages and area studies.

Students and professors make performances

Then first year students give an oath of allegiance

According to
a tradition our dean makes a speech

Слайд 18

We’re having a great time!

We’re having a great time!

Слайд 19

Lingva – the students’ magazine

Anyone can try their hand at journalism and

Lingva – the students’ magazine Anyone can try their hand at journalism
write an article for our faculty magazine.

Слайд 20

«Muz salon» – or music lounge

The atmosphere is very friendly there.

Students sing,

«Muz salon» – or music lounge The atmosphere is very friendly there.
dance, show their talents.

Слайд 21

Small family…

Small family…
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